Will Trump be America's Mandela?

Trump University had to refund twenty-five million for fraud...
that wasn’t a crime. That was repaying some unhappy customers. not uncommon in business to have some unhappy customers
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African libs imprisoned opposition leader Nelson Mandela on trumped up charges just as American libs are threatening to do with the Trumpster.

Time for US Libs to realize that this strategery of persecuting a great man can easily backfire on them by studying their colleagues from the Dark Continent.

OK, I’m cool with sending him to prison. :party:
Tell ya what, AFTER Trump is put in a prison for 10 years, in a prison similar to what Mandela suffered, THEN you can compare him to Mandela.

You Trumpsters kinda trip me out, with they way you keep saying that Trump is so much like some of the greatest individuals in history, yet his behavior and public demeanor are anything BUT like what you guys try to compare him to.
Mandela fought to free his country from oppressive Apartheid by European colonists against the Indigenous people like himself.

This is Trump:

[Psychiatrists have been warning about Trump for years. Some Republicans choose to look the other way, others do not see it at all.]

For the past five years, some of the world’s leading mental health specialists have attempted to warn the public that Donald Trump was and continues to be a serious threat to public safety.
According to these experts, Trump appears to be a malignant narcissist, a pathological liar obsessed with violence, easily manipulated by the praise and other ego-stroking behavior, indifferent to the suffering of other human beings, anti-social and anti-human in his values and behavior, irresponsible and impulsive, and in laymen terms a “total psychopath.”

When asked if Trump’s followers were addicted to him, he stated that “I don’t like to use the word “addiction” because it has a particular meaning. I would describe Trump’s most extreme devotees as members of a charismatic cult. Such cults unconditionally worship a charismatic leader who is often delusional with a grandiose, psychotic belief in his perfection, like Trump. The followers close themselves off from accurate or rational information in order to protect their connection to the godlike cult leader and to avoid questioning his delusional views, which would cause them to be shunned or expelled from the group.”

Dodes adds that Trump is certainly a public mental health emergency, and “one that has occurred many times in human history. Followers adopt the belief system of a populist tyrant which becomes the new permitted reality, spreading to others who are swept up by their need to be included. That belief system, however fantastical or delusional, remains accepted truth until it is finally shown to be false. Those who have been conned into believing the tyrant’s lies find comfort in their conviction that they know the truth, enabling them to feel superior to doubters.”

“He has been delusional for years, from the start of his presidency, when he claimed he had large crowds at his inauguration. But it’s important to add that besides being delusional, Trump’s behavior also reflects his deeply severe character disorder, his sociopathy. A person, after all, can be delusional and in no danger whatsoever to anyone else. But the fact that Trump is a sociopath, a person without a conscience who is incapable of recognizing the inherent worth of other human beings, makes him the enormous danger he is. Trump has the worst of all worlds, one might say, psychotically grandiose and utterly uncaring about the harm he causes others. He is basically psychologically the same as the many infamous, cruel tyrants we know from recent and remote history.”

(full article online )


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