Will Trump be America's Mandela?

What are we talking about then? Your cuck feelings? In what objective way has it blown up in our faces? Again, the bitch lost. 😁

Poor widdle snowflake, doesn't understand politics, doesn't understand what the adults are talking about.
Has to make attempts to seem relevant, while simultaneously getting everyone to laugh at them.

Poor widdle snowflake, doesn't understand politics, doesn't understand what the adults are talking about.
Has to make attempts to seem relevant, while simultaneously getting everyone to laugh at them.

Oh I understand politics, it's why I'm confused about you describing what we did to your boy, where we shit on him and his Presidency so hard that he lost re-election, as "blowing up in our faces". Care to try and explain, dipshit? 😄
Tell ya what, AFTER Trump is put in a prison for 10 years, in a prison similar to what Mandela suffered, THEN you can compare him to Mandela.

You Trumpsters kinda trip me out, with they way you keep saying that Trump is so much like some of the greatest individuals in history, yet his behavior and public demeanor are anything BUT like what you guys try to compare him to.
I didn't know Mandela had a private plane? Are we saying Trump is a socialist like Mandela was?
There is no other explanation...

OP was dropped on his head as a child.
what did i say that was untrue?

nope he closed shop when he won the white house
LOL. Try 2010. Now, my math may be fuzzy, but that was a full SIX years before he won the White House.

The OP thinks Trump is going to jail. How about that. Anyone else?
I'd be surprised.

But the SOB has put the country in a no-win situation. If they don't go after him, the rule of law is pretty much over.

Those who want to rip the whole thing down, like Bannon, are really getting their way right now.
Why didn't he close his other businesses? That may end also.
he got
LOL. Try 2010. Now, my math may be fuzzy, but that was a full SIX years before he won the White House.

he didn’t settle until 2016
African libs imprisoned opposition leader Nelson Mandela on trumped up charges just as American libs are threatening to do with the Trumpster.

Time for US Libs to realize that this strategery of persecuting a great man can easily backfire on them by studying their colleagues from the Dark Continent.

Mandela was a political prisoner; Trump is a traitor and a criminal.

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