Will trump be forced to defend himself in the upcoming Impeachment trial?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?

Fruit of the Poisoned Tree.

The impeachment proceedings in the House did not follow appropriate legal procedures, and denied him due process as required by the Constitution. No evidence was presented of any alleged wrongdoing, and no opportunity afforded the President to defend himself against any of the absurd accusations. Therefore, that process was totally illegitimate and anything that follows from it is illegitimate. Compelling him to stand trial before the Senate is only a further escalation of the original illegality.

He's not under any obligation, at this point, to defend himself against anything.

The House impeachment, and any Senate trial that follows, is a textbook example of a Kangaroo Court.

If anything should come of it, it should be criminal charges against the members of Congress who participated in this abuse of power. Not that there is any realistic chance that that5 will happen, but that would be the legitimate and proper outcome of this entire farce.
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I hope they call in Trump as a material witness and then let him explain to us what really happened, at least the way he sees it.
He should be a witness. He is the one that started the whole mob attack on the Capitol. He and Giuliani and
He didn't have to in the last one no reason why he would now everyone but the most blind partisans know there will not be a conviction this trial is nothing but partisan political theatre.
The Liar in Chief needs to be held accountable for his part in inciting the riot. This is how it must be done.

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?
Trump isn’t going to do anything that involves testimony that falls under the penalty of perjury. He’s gonna wait it out and then start Trump TV on Newsmax
He didn't have to in the last one no reason why he would now everyone but the most blind partisans know there will not be a conviction this trial is nothing but partisan political theatre.
Normally I would agree it was political theater but not this time. This incompetent fuckup needs to pay for his crimes.
I don't think he has to show up. It's less than a criminal trial and more like a procedural hearing to determine fitness for office.

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?
No. No point in giving an iota of legitimacy to a Stalinist show trial.
I hope they call in Trump as a material witness and then let him explain to us what really happened, at least the way he sees it.
He should be a witness. He is the one that started the whole mob attack on the Capitol. He and Giuliani and anyone else that bought into the Big Lie and then used their voice to incite the riot on the Capitol needs to pay. They need to explain their intentions.
I hope they call in Trump as a material witness and then let him explain to us what really happened, at least the way he sees it.
He should be a witness. He is the one that started the whole mob attack on the Capitol. He and Giuliani and
He didn't have to in the last one no reason why he would now everyone but the most blind partisans know there will not be a conviction this trial is nothing but partisan political theatre.
The Liar in Chief needs to be held accountable for his part in inciting the riot. This is how it must be done.
As I said only the blind partisans believe any of this as the respnses here have proven so you guys all enjoy your circle jerk and that collective wet dream your having over this partisan trial. I along with every other sane rational person knows what this is about and how it's going to end.

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?

Impeachment is DOA in the senate Dems don't have the votes. :itsok:

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?

Impeachment is DOA in the senate Dems don't have the votes. :itsok:
Dems are trying to give the GOP a way to get rid of the King wannabe. But rather than rid themselves of the nasty POS....they turn 180 degrees and bow to man who lost the Presidncy and Senate. They may as well change the Elephant into a photo of the Liar in Chief. The Republican party is no more.

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?
All Trump would need to do to win is:
1. Call a top DOJ lawyer to explain that what Trump said in his 1/6 speech is not indictable. The DOJ would never consider indicting Trump for it, i.e. not a crime.

2. Get a formal decision from the USSC if the senate impeachment of a US citizen is constitutional. (its not)

3. Defense rests.
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The easiest way to win quickly is the constitutional angle his legal team was planning, but he doesn't want to get off on a technicality. It's a bullshit charge and if you know one thing about Trump, it's that he responds directly to bullshit. It's a big reason he got elected. He's not going to look for some process technicality.

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?
Trump does not have to be there.

I personally would love to see the man stand before the Senate and try to defend the indefensible. He would begin by rehashing the Big Lie that massive voter fraud caused him to lose. Right there...in front of the entire world...he would show what a lying piece of garbage that he is. I would love to see it but...

1. He is not smart enough to defend himself.
2 He is too cowardly to defend himself.
3. His cult within the Senate will talk him out of it...giving him an excuse to spin the two items above.

What do you think?
Can you not get Trump out of your head for one second? Be happy, Biden is president. Anyway Trump did not tell anybody to get violent. Democrats are going to look foolish if the try to impeach him.

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