Will trump be forced to use national emergency to build wall

The National Emergency remedy is a Joint Resolution of Congress. Since the remedy exists, the courts have no basis to stop the emergency declaration, i.e. it is LAWFUL.

Really? So if Trump declared a national Emergency that people didn't think he was awesome enough and he could use that fund to make big letters that spelled out his name so it could be seen from space, that would be okay by you?

Um. No. He'll get slapped down in the courts and he knows it.
We have a president who is for the American people first but your eyes are blinded and mind narrow and closed that you cannot see it. There is nothing more important than the national security of this country. Our very existence depends on a secure America. We cannot have that security with open borders and 20 million in the country illegally is proof and all Americans are affected. If you want to set back in your comfort zone ignoring the facts, just wait because all of that will soon disappear if Trump do not secure the border and stop illegal drugs and aliens. Because if people do not have they will take what you have.
We have a president who is for the American people first but your eyes are blinded and mind narrow and closed that you cannot see it. There is nothing more important than the national security of this country. Our very existence depends on a secure America. We cannot have that security with open borders and 20 million in the country illegally is proof and all Americans are affected. If you want to set back in your comfort zone ignoring the facts, just wait because all of that will soon disappear if Trump do not secure the border and stop illegal drugs and aliens. Because if people do not have they will take what you have.

Sorry, "your daughter might date a Mexican" is not a national crisis, no matter how much Trump tells his followers it is.

The number of undocumented immigrants levelled off at 11 million in 2010. This isn't a crisis or even really that much of a problem.
In 21 days President Donald Trump is moving forward building the wall with or without the Democrats

The only outstanding question is whether the Democrats want something or nothing
The botox bitch Nancy and her Democrat hoard won't change and the deadline will pass without giving the American people their Wall.

So our beloved Pres.Trump will have no choice but to declare a National Emergency and have the Wall built.

Which is absolutely fine with me. ... :thup:

The question at that point will be is DACA off the table in 3 weeks.
TRUMP outplays the Democrats yet again !!!

They are laughing all over their smug faces right now...

But Pride goeth before a Fall !!!

Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak - Sun Tzu

Trump is a big boxing fan. Muhammad Ali immortalized the rope-a-dope technique of letting the weaker opponent exhaust himself trying to beat you, followed by a vicious late round counter-attack.
He merely prevented them from using unpaid federal govt employees as a political football
The President can both Constitutionally and legally declare a National Emergency, and the courts can't stop him from building the Wall. ... :cool:

I do hope you are correct.

But I'm afraid Trump is part of the Swamp now. You are not allowed to sit as President unless you're in the Billionaires club and blessed by the Establishment. Elites run the show. Period.

Hillary lost in 2016 because the Establishment didn't want her in office at that time. The Right would have been pushed too far after the 8 years of Obama. So wisely, the Establishment threw out a bone to pacify the Right by the name of Trump. A NEW YORK DEMOCRAT.

But we're not gonna get a President who is For The People.
Ain't gonna happen in modern Amerika.

You're right. I don't think he every meant for a wall to be built he picked up steam in his campaign when he saw his base loved talk of the wall and repealing obamacare. If you look back years with Trump that is not who he was. Yep, could have changed over the years but I don't think so, it's his base and a handful of people one being Stephen Miller that is pushing him for the wall and he does care what Coulter and Rush say about him. I doubt he runs for re election and if he does will not be re elected.
Almost all of our politicians are sewer rats. The reality is that we should have gotten wall funding when we controlled the House. Paul Ryan is a traitor to our country. What a weasel.
The National Emergency remedy is a Joint Resolution of Congress. Since the remedy exists, the courts have no basis to stop the emergency declaration, i.e. it is LAWFUL.

Really? So if Trump declared a national Emergency that people didn't think he was awesome enough and he could use that fund to make big letters that spelled out his name so it could be seen from space, that would be okay by you?
Um. No. He'll get slapped down in the courts and he knows it.

Maybe you don't understand what the remedy for a bad emergency declaration is. A joint resolution of Congress can end the emergency. So any bullshit emergency you can postulate would be ended by a joint resolution. The courts have no basis to interfere.
Let power-hungry Nancy have her way and pick the date and then during the SOTU Address declare to the whole world that the USA is now officially closed to democRat illegal constituents.

Build The Wall>Dems Will Fall !!
We have a president who is for the American people first but your eyes are blinded and mind narrow and closed that you cannot see it. There is nothing more important than the national security of this country. Our very existence depends on a secure America. We cannot have that security with open borders and 20 million in the country illegally is proof and all Americans are affected. If you want to set back in your comfort zone ignoring the facts, just wait because all of that will soon disappear if Trump do not secure the border and stop illegal drugs and aliens. Because if people do not have they will take what you have.

No, we have a President that only cares about himself and at this time very confused.
The botox bitch Nancy and her Democrat hoard won't change and the deadline will pass without giving the American people their Wall.

So our beloved Pres.Trump will have no choice but to declare a National Emergency and have the Wall built.

Which is absolutely fine with me. ... :thup:
Sorry but your a moron and trupm can delcare a National emergency and will
The President can't declare a national emergency to flout the Constitution. There will be no wall.

As for Nancy Pelosi, she now owns Trump. She got the government re-opened and gave up nothing. Only a fool walks out of the negotiations at the first meeting.

Trump is the worst negotiator ever. You might want to rethink calling Mrs. Pelosi names. Dumb Donald is too afraid of her to do that.
The botox bitch Nancy and her Democrat hoard won't change and the deadline will pass without giving the American people their Wall.

So our beloved Pres.Trump will have no choice but to declare a National Emergency and have the Wall built.

Which is absolutely fine with me. ... :thup:

The President can't declare a national emergency to flout the Constitution. There will be no wall.

As for Nancy Pelosi, she now owns Trump. She got the government re-opened and gave up nothing. Only a fool walks out of the negotiations at the first meeting.

Trump is the worst negotiator ever. You might want to rethink calling Mrs. Pelosi names. Dumb Donald is too afraid of her to do that.
"It ain't over until the fat lady sing" Trump will get his wall.
just a comment but i hear that the Trump was a 'dem' before he was a 'repub' !! [just saying]
And the Courts will slap him down when he tries it, assuming someone in the Justice Department doesn't talk some sense into him before he tries it.
The President can both Constitutionally and legally declare a National Emergency, and the courts can't stop him from building the Wall. ... :cool:

Actually, they can, and so can the House Speaker. The President can't usurp Congressional power to appropriate funding. The Senate isn't going to allow the reappropriation of defense funds for it either.

And it has now been exposed that he was in talks with a Russian owned company to import the steel to relax debts from loans by Russians. This story will becoming mainstream shortly, and when Mueller indicts Trump Jr. here shortly. dotard is going to have much bigger problems than the spanking he just got from Pelosi.
It takes a joint resolution of congress to end an emergency declaration. The Senate would not approve that resolution, so Trump would have his emergency. The courts don't have a legal basis to stop Trump if a remedy exists. That would take an activist court, which would lose on appeal. Trump can also find the money, including using seized drug money.
Donald Trump can fund the border wall without congressional approval
We have a president who is for the American people first but your eyes are blinded and mind narrow and closed that you cannot see it. There is nothing more important than the national security of this country. Our very existence depends on a secure America. We cannot have that security with open borders and 20 million in the country illegally is proof and all Americans are affected. If you want to set back in your comfort zone ignoring the facts, just wait because all of that will soon disappear if Trump do not secure the border and stop illegal drugs and aliens. Because if people do not have they will take what you have.

No, we have a President that only cares about himself and at this time very confused.

Trump has nothing to lose. He is not confused he just have a hard time articulating what he wants to do. If he cared only about himself he would not care about securing the border. No one before him has even tried to fix the problem. Democrats are the ones who do not care about anything but being in power and bowing to corporations and illegals.

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