Will Trump ever "come to Jesus"?

Will Trump ever "come to Jesus" and play politics the right way?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies.

What...are...you...smoking? You want to take on the DC swamp you have to fight dirty just like they do. This is not a goddamn popularity contest we elected Trump to get shit done not kiss DC's ass in the hopes of getting re-elected.
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

Your sentiments are appreciated but no - If a man is a bully at the age of 72, if he's never apologized, never asked God for forgiveness, and continues to practice the politics of fear and resentment - then that's who he is and nothing will change that.

We will never know the precise affect of Russian meddling. We do know the extent of it and that votes were certainly INFLUENCED. It is not possible to get 250 million views of fake news from bots and trolls and NOT have INFLUENCED an election won in the Electoral College by 77,000 votes in three states. Add to that the hacking/ leaking of DNC and Podesta of course. Massive INFLUENCE and one would have to be wearing blinders not to acknowledge it.

It is nice to see Obama back in the game. He reminds us of what a president should look and sound like. An educated man who reads, has a sense of history and can speak in complete sentences. He reminds us again of what decorum, respect for the rule of law and civility look like. This excruciating and embarrassing reality shit-show had better end - QUICKLY.

Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.

The op was obviously not using the term "come to jesus" as a religious conversion term, but as a metaphor and was actually asking if he would ever come to act more like a normal politician.

You just saw the seething hate in his statement.

The Bible states that God hates sin. Do you believe that?

Sure do. Do you believe that God hates the sinner?
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

Your sentiments are appreciated but no - If a man is a bully at the age of 72, if he's never apologized, never asked God for forgiveness, and continues to practice the politics of fear and resentment - then that's who he is and nothing will change that.

We will never know the precise affect of Russian meddling. We do know the extent of it and that votes were certainly INFLUENCED. It is not possible to get 250 million views of fake news from bots and trolls and NOT have INFLUENCED an election won in the Electoral College by 77,000 votes in three states. Add to that the hacking/ leaking of DNC and Podesta of course. Massive INFLUENCE and one would have to be wearing blinders not to acknowledge it.

It is nice to see Obama back in the game. He reminds us of what a president should look and sound like. An educated man who reads, has a sense of history and can speak in complete sentences. He reminds us again of what decorum, respect for the rule of law and civility look like. This excruciating and embarrassing reality shit-show had better end - QUICKLY.

O reminds us all of the liar that he is.
There is a big difference between the "dog eat dog" style of NYC businessmen and the way we expect Presidents to behave. After Trump has been in the office a year or two and sees how honorable men behave, and gold star families sacrifice, and how military patriots and law enforcement put their live on the line daily, it has to affect his perspectives. He seems to know how to manage the economy, but too often his petty TV persona emerges to keep his approval ratings low, to the delight of the MSM and Hollywood.

Just saying that people can change for the better. It would behoove Trump to keep his policies and work ethic, but to be a bit kinder and gentler, that would guarantee re-election.

We saw how "kinder and gentler" worked for George Herbert Walker Bush.

We also saw how it worked for Trump's primary opponents.
He's a born liar.
After living his life as a serial liar.
He'll die a liar.

The op is asking if he will ever become a normal politician.

I don't even know how to respond to such an unaware statement.
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

Your sentiments are appreciated but no - If a man is a bully at the age of 72, if he's never apologized, never asked God for forgiveness, and continues to practice the politics of fear and resentment - then that's who he is and nothing will change that.

We will never know the precise affect of Russian meddling. We do know the extent of it and that votes were certainly INFLUENCED. It is not possible to get 250 million views of fake news from bots and trolls and NOT have INFLUENCED an election won in the Electoral College by 77,000 votes in three states. Add to that the hacking/ leaking of DNC and Podesta of course. Massive INFLUENCE and one would have to be wearing blinders not to acknowledge it.

It is nice to see Obama back in the game. He reminds us of what a president should look and sound like. An educated man who reads, has a sense of history and can speak in complete sentences. He reminds us again of what decorum, respect for the rule of law and civility look like. This excruciating and embarrassing reality shit-show had better end - QUICKLY.

LMAO you still have sour grapes over Trump whooping your ass in an historic beat down? Oh wait, :eusa_think: that's not really a question.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.
There's an old parody Sherlock Holmes movie I watch regularly, a spoof called "Without a Clue". In it Holmes (Michael Caine) has to retrieve his Bible...from under one of the legs of his bed because he uses the book to keep the bed even. I'm thinking this may be where Trump keeps his Bible.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.

The op was obviously not using the term "come to jesus" as a religious conversion term, but as a metaphor and was actually asking if he would ever come to act more like a normal politician.

then the OP author should have had the brain capacity to make the title of the thread fit the content of the thread.

Great 'bait & switch' title/thread combo = just like a politician.

Says one thing above (here) & something completely different below (there).

Thread author has politician written all over.
The thing is, millions of us Republicans have been saying for a LONG time that if he would only "grow up" and stop talking and acting like a 2-year-old, things would be much better for him. And yet he got himself elected to the Presidency by acting like a 2-year-old. And he is still doing it, and we are still supporting him.

All of the "better" and "smarter" candidates were left eating his dust.

We are left with one guiding thought: Look at what he has accomplished, and not what he tweets and says. And by that standard, he is actually doing a better job than our "Gold Standard," Ronaldus Maximus.

He won't change. Why would he change when he is doing so well?
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.

Was O christian since you're all seeing?
My Lord, Christian is what one DOES, not what one SAYS!
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.

Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. I can see you still have some work to do in both categories. I know I am still working on myself.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.

Was O christian since you're all seeing?
My Lord, Christian is what one DOES, not what one SAYS!

That is true. Im not arguing that. O says he was a christian but he states in his book that he would roll with islam when the time came. So, where's the fruit?
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

You all Voltairians and de Sade worshippers just don't get it; like an October herd of stubborn as all hell mules. Man is fallible with a heady proclivity for screwing up from time to time, big time. The Logos is not fallible, but rather is eternal and unchanging; a constant of constants we born to practice imperfection humans can always turn to, always build our lives and civilizations upon, without fear of that ancient bedrock shifting.

Thus our President, being just a human himself, is going to appear rather goofy and off-balance and yes, sinful under the light of the public's electron microscope's electron gun. What fascinates me and makes me chuckle at the chuckle-heads on the Left is, is how the American Left seeks to hold President Trump to some messianic standard, and then criticize him relentlessly for being less than God incarnate. How dumb-assed more obvious can you all rad-Leftists be? Just save yourselves some trouble and shoot off your big toes, why don't you. Because, you ain't fooling no one.

See, many of us here all snug up and warmly in the know on the Right side of history, have debated to academic standard the deconstructionist method of setting the subject opponent to the upholding of an impossible to obtain standard. The moral and intellectual and political standards you silly rabbits have set for Donald Trump are more divine than Zeus himself could throw lighting bolts at. You begin your critical theory debates from the position that our political leaders must strive to be Christlike and then dissemble and deconstruct and critique and finger point from that basis. Such immature epistemological origins you all must spring from in order to have embraced such an ontological self-demeaning and idiotic crusade.
The thing is, millions of us Republicans have been saying for a LONG time that if he would only "grow up" and stop talking and acting like a 2-year-old, things would be much better for him. And yet he got himself elected to the Presidency by acting like a 2-year-old. And he is still doing it, and we are still supporting him.

All of the "better" and "smarter" candidates were left eating his dust.

We are left with one guiding thought: Look at what he has accomplished, and not what he tweets and says. And by that standard, he is actually doing a better job than our "Gold Standard," Ronaldus Maximus.

He won't change. Why would he change when he is doing so well?

Nobody in the media or politics is treating Trump any different than Trump treats them. You can't attack the president like a pack of rabid wild dogs on a daily basis and expect the guy to just sit there and take the beating.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.

The op was obviously not using the term "come to jesus" as a religious conversion term, but as a metaphor and was actually asking if he would ever come to act more like a normal politician.

You just saw the seething hate in his statement.

The Bible states that God hates sin. Do you believe that?

You aren’t God

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