Will Trump ever "come to Jesus"?

Will Trump ever "come to Jesus" and play politics the right way?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.
He is already there. Some Nazi's are very fine people? What he didn't do in Puerto Rico? Unprotected sex with a porn star and then going home to his wife and new baby?
This guy is scum.


I've never understood why Christians voted for him. My guess is that they felt they had no choice, because literally no one in the world is worse than Hillary. I'm not a Trump supporter, but as believer I know that salvation can happen for even the worst of all sinners. So maybe instead of condemning others to hell, you should be concerned about your own eternal fate?
Worse that Hillary?
Hillary Clinton was the most vetted woman who ever lived. 30 years of Republican investigations with unlimited taxpayer money. And her husband. The ONLY reason he was impeached is because he got a BJ. Without the BJ, Republicans had nothing.

But Trump? OMG!

Well, what do you expect from right wing Christians. They are not our parents Christians.

What does a "real politician" mean to the hate filled left? A democrat?
Democrats don't have a list of hate. That belongs to the GOP.

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.
He is already there. Some Nazi's are very fine people? What he didn't do in Puerto Rico? Unprotected sex with a porn star and then going home to his wife and new baby?
This guy is scum.


I've never understood why Christians voted for him. My guess is that they felt they had no choice, because literally no one in the world is worse than Hillary. I'm not a Trump supporter, but as believer I know that salvation can happen for even the worst of all sinners. So maybe instead of condemning others to hell, you should be concerned about your own eternal fate?
Worse that Hillary?
Hillary Clinton was the most vetted woman who ever lived. 30 years of Republican investigations with unlimited taxpayer money. And her husband. The ONLY reason he was impeached is because he got a BJ. Without the BJ, Republicans had nothing.

But Trump? OMG!

Well, what do you expect from right wing Christians. They are not our parents Christians.


I don't think you're paying attention to anything I've said. I think ALL of them are corrupt at the higher levels. But Hillary is as corrupt as it gets, she and her partner in crime are pure evil. I'm not saying this because I have the partisan red hat/blue hat mentality like you and so many others here do. Back in the 90's I had a website exposing the Clintons, that I had for years, and that website caused me to continually research them. Their crimes, coverups and deception is way worse than most people realize. Why, because the mainstream media only focused on the Lewinsky scandal, and they did that purposely, to distract everyone from all his far more serious scandals.

You are ignorant if you like Hillary. And no, I'm not a Trump supporter… so don't try your blue hat / red hat football mentality on me.
I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.

Don't forget to add Hillary to the list!
The orange and his minions call themselves conservatives and Patriots lol....and they beleive it too.
When someone who dodged the draft and says he doesnt like war veterans who got captured and the so called "Patriots" cheer him for it....it tells us everything.

Cindy Sheehan didn't like John McCain either.
I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.
He is already there. Some Nazi's are very fine people? What he didn't do in Puerto Rico? Unprotected sex with a porn star and then going home to his wife and new baby?
This guy is scum.


I've never understood why Christians voted for him. My guess is that they felt they had no choice, because literally no one in the world is worse than Hillary. I'm not a Trump supporter, but as believer I know that salvation can happen for even the worst of all sinners. So maybe instead of condemning others to hell, you should be concerned about your own eternal fate?
Worse that Hillary?
Hillary Clinton was the most vetted woman who ever lived. 30 years of Republican investigations with unlimited taxpayer money. And her husband. The ONLY reason he was impeached is because he got a BJ. Without the BJ, Republicans had nothing.

But Trump? OMG!

Well, what do you expect from right wing Christians. They are not our parents Christians.


He committed perjury, which is no small matter for sitting President. But, I don't think impeachment was necessary.
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

If he had "played politics the right way" he would have lost the election. He will naturally go with what works.

what you MEANT to say is, "the GOP doesn't want a politician to be a politician, we ant our guy to be an azzhole because being an azzhole is what resonates with the GOP, because we are all azzholes."

Yeah; we already got that man.

Did Mommy get onto you for saying "asshole"?

WTF is an "azzhole"? Why are you such a sophomoric twit?
The orange and his minions call themselves conservatives and Patriots lol....and they beleive it too.
When someone who dodged the draft and says he doesnt like war veterans who got captured and the so called "Patriots" cheer him for it....it tells us everything.

When the GOP & Trump supporters fully back a draft dodging azzhole over an American war hero & POW, then we ALL know America is DEAD & has gone to Hell.

What does Bill Clinton have to do with it?
I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.

You know, I have had all of the stupid I can take from you. You are an insult to stupid people. I hope you are just a paid troll, because no body deserves to be as vilified as you are!

I am cleaning up my act because you have forced to lower myself to your level, and I should not do that.

Goodbye moron!

Life is too short for dealing with mental illness like yours.
The orange and his minions call themselves conservatives and Patriots lol....and they beleive it too.
When someone who dodged the draft and says he doesnt like war veterans who got captured and the so called "Patriots" cheer him for it....it tells us everything.

When the GOP & Trump supporters fully back a draft dodging azzhole over an American war hero & POW, then we ALL know America is DEAD & has gone to Hell.

What does Bill Clinton have to do with it?
I don't care f
The orange and his minions call themselves conservatives and Patriots lol....and they beleive it too.
When someone who dodged the draft and says he doesnt like war veterans who got captured and the so called "Patriots" cheer him for it....it tells us everything.

Cindy Sheehan didn't like John McCain either.
Don't know her....but when the orange the rich cute kid who dodged the draft, insults a water veteran and the so called patriots side with him....there is one explanation, those so called patriots are phony hypocrites.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.

The op was obviously not using the term "come to jesus" as a religious conversion term, but as a metaphor and was actually asking if he would ever come to act more like a normal politician.

then the OP author should have had the brain capacity to make the title of the thread fit the content of the thread.
Great 'bait & switch' title/thread combo = just like a politician.
Says one thing above (here) & something completely different below (there).
Thread author has politician written all over.

"Come to Jesus" is a phrase that generally means "clear the air" of all open issues. To openly and honestly address everything that needs cleaning up.
IMHO if Trump cleans up his own messes, instead of letting the dems and MSM continually beat him over the head with them, Trump would be much better off.
Voters approve of when politicians admit mis-speaks and ask forgiveness/understanding.

Perhaps you could link us to the moment when Trump admits that he asked for forgiveness.
NOPE - Because he admitted that he has not.
Why would he ask for such a thing when he is doing "such a great job"?
Trumptard Evangelicals are idiots


They support men saying they are women, but won't let a man self identify as a Christian.
Obama never "came to Jesus". We know that because he went to a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews. No place in Jesus's heart for scumbags like that.
This sums up everything


i thought you libs didn't like mixing religion and politics.

I'm not a lib, i'm conservative....but I see the bullshit of the GOP and so called anti refugees, anti immigrants, anti minorities, anti compassion, anti helping party.
I'm not a lib, i'm conservative....but I see the bullshit of the GOP and so called anti refugees, anti immigrants, anti minorities, anti compassion, anti helping party.
You know what's funny?

If the government implemented a law,
that forced people to be personally responsible for others,
according to your income, assets, size of your housing...

Your bleeding hearts would clog up,
and your anti responsibility, anti accountability,
compassion and helping hand mentality,
would be a distant memory!

Tell me, what do you do personally, to help others?

Helping people and rewarding irresponsible behavior
are two different things.

Not helping those who are responsible but struggling,
yet, helping those who are irresponsible, avoid accountability,
not only isn't fair but, doesn't even make sense to me
In addition to calling bullshit, with the unemployment and participation rates doing so well especially for minorities, as well as food stamps at record low levels, the GOP policies are working as expected. I'm sure that if the GOP and Trump get 19% or 20% of the black vote based on the real economy and their newfound income boost
Trump is gaining black support because his policies are improving the lives of all Americans
the polls will be wrong again.
This sums up everything


i thought you libs didn't like mixing religion and politics.

I'm not a lib, i'm conservative....but I see the bullshit of the GOP and so called anti refugees, anti immigrants, anti minorities, anti compassion, anti helping party.
I'm not a lib, i'm conservative....but I see the bullshit of the GOP and so called anti refugees, anti immigrants, anti minorities, anti compassion, anti helping party.
You know what's funny?

If the government implemented a law,
that forced people to be personally responsible for others,
according to your income, assets, size of your housing...

Your bleeding hearts would clog up,
and your anti responsibility, anti accountability,
compassion and helping hand mentality,
would be a distant memory!

Tell me, what do you do personally, to help others?

Helping people and rewarding irresponsible behavior
are two different things.

Not helping those who are responsible but struggling,
yet, helping those who are irresponsible, avoid accountability,
not only isn't fair but, doesn't even make sense to me
Then conservatives should stop preaching the gospel, god, jesus , morals etc....

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