Will Trump ever "come to Jesus"?

Will Trump ever "come to Jesus" and play politics the right way?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

He was elected by doing the exact opposite of what you reccomend. Why change now, because token negro said to?
The orange and his minions call themselves conservatives and Patriots lol....and they beleive it too.
When someone who dodged the draft and says he doesnt like war veterans who got captured and the so called "Patriots" cheer him for it....it tells us everything.
I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

If he had "played politics the right way" he would have lost the election. He will naturally go with what works.

what you MEANT to say is, "the GOP doesn't want a politician to be a politician, we ant our guy to be an azzhole because being an azzhole is what resonates with the GOP, because we are all azzholes."

Yeah; we already got that man.

Ah, and who might you be, my wayward friend? Another "azzhole" perhaps?
The orange and his minions call themselves conservatives and Patriots lol....and they beleive it too.
When someone who dodged the draft and says he doesnt like war veterans who got captured and the so called "Patriots" cheer him for it....it tells us everything.

When the GOP & Trump supporters fully back a draft dodging azzhole over an American war hero & POW, then we ALL know America is DEAD & has gone to Hell.

It's a different kind of Jesus.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.

Hey, when the Pope is covering up child molestation in the Church, having sex with a hooker doesn't seem to bad to me.
Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.

Hey, when the Pope is covering up child molestation in the Church, having sex with a hooker doesn't seem to bad to me.

I hope that Trump dumps his bunker mentality and acts like a real politician. His future and approval rating depend upon his likeability and persona not necessarily his policies. He should have a heart-to-heart with Pence and see if these actions would improve his approval rating, as well as GOP prospects in 2018:

Clarify that the "there are good people on both sides" comment was intended for the Confederate statue debate, not the "white supremacist vs antifa" riot as reported by the fake news MSM.

Apologize to the McCain family for the "heroes don't get captured" remark

Apologize to Gold Star families for his previous unkind remarks

Clarify that Russia "attempted" to interfere in the 2016 election, but according to the intel community, no votes were affected. Specify what Russia actually did in 2016 and publish a summary report by the intel community clearly listing the actions and if any votes were affected.

Propose raising the top tax rate to protect SS & Medicare since the top rate receives 83% of the tax cut benefit. The stock-market windfall also benefits the top tax rate, so they do owe more in taxes. Explain that if the economy grows at 2.8% the Debt will be small, but the top rate tax increase is needed for when the economy has a downturn. The top tax bracket tax increase can also be justified to pay for the added Defense and proposed Infrastructure spending.

I just talked briefly with him. He was taking a quick power nap. Something about being very tired from winning.

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Trump is as fake a Christian as Trump could possibly be.
Trump claims to have his Bible that he says his mother gave him when he was young.
That Bible obviously did Trump no good.
A real Christian would not f*** contractors out of hundreds of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would not f*** students out of tens of million$ of dollar$.
A real Christian would take only one wedding vow, not three; and they certainly would not f*** around on every one of those three wives.
A real Christian would not associate with convicts, felons, mafia figures (both foreign & domestic), and common criminals, as a habit.
The list for Trump is nearly endless but a real Christian Trump is not & will never be.
The answer = NO.

It’s been good enough for the Catholics all these years. At least he’s not hiding Nazis or banging boys, or vice versa.

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I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol
I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.
I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.
He is already there. Some Nazi's are very fine people? What he didn't do in Puerto Rico? Unprotected sex with a porn star and then going home to his wife and new baby?
This guy is scum.

I'm not sure what the point is in speculating on that. But, as someone else mentioned, even the worst sinners ever can get saved, so although it would take a huge miracle, it is within the realm of possibility. lol

I'm pretty confident Trump will be right in there somewhere with Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, John Wayne Gacy, Danny Rolling, Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush, among other fine company.
He is already there. Some Nazi's are very fine people? What he didn't do in Puerto Rico? Unprotected sex with a porn star and then going home to his wife and new baby?
This guy is scum.


I've never understood why Christians voted for him. My guess is that they felt they had no choice, because literally no one in the world is worse than Hillary. I'm not a Trump supporter, but as believer I know that salvation can happen for even the worst of all sinners. So maybe instead of condemning others to hell, you should be concerned about your own eternal fate?

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