Will Trump's enemies go silent

If that is what it takes to keep our present form of government, an unqualified, YES.
I see it all. I also see the slow but consistent expansion of the economy, the help wanted advertisements on local TV for factory jobs in this area with starting salaries that would put the hired workers significantly above average state income and providing a comfortable lifestyle for average families. In traveling, to mountainous rural Arkansas last week, I saw campgrounds packed with motor homes, late model RVs, camper trailers and SUVs, from all over the United States, Maine to Montana, this after the start of school, and during workweek, not a holiday week. The price of gas holding nobody back from leisure trips hundreds to well over a thousand miles, to park their camper or travel bus by rushing clear streams in slots, several thought a bargain at well over a thousand a month.
It is true, I see people like yourself lamenting the higher prices of goods and services and finding news articles to support, yet I know that when it comes to good news, good news does not sell and worrisome or bad news does and understand advertising profits are up, also. So, I look around and can't help thinking, "How bout that? It's the good money expanding economy 90s again. Though hardly what anybody would consider rich, I see me coming back from one leisure trip, only to book another beach house for our next vacation in the sand and sun (leaving Friday), away from cooler temps, simply to relax from our surprisingly busy retired life, knowing there is nothing special about me. It had only taken conservative planning and execution over our exceedingly average work lives, while raising our family, pretty much reflecting the conservative values and money management taught by parents and grandparents. I hear your laments, but cannot help but think, thou dost protest too much.
My "laments" are not about me because I, like you, have a well earned comfortable retirement. My "laments" are about the next generations not having the same good life and opportunities that you and I were able to have. The Democrats are actively working to transform America into an unrecognizable Woke Marxist State. That is far more important than our individual situations.
My "laments" are not about me because I, like you, have a well earned comfortable retirement. My "laments" are about the next generations not having the same good life and opportunities that you and I were able to have. The Democrats are actively working to transform America into an unrecognizable Woke Marxist State. That is far more important than our individual situations.
I have two sons and a daughter, grown (of course). They are the next generation. Their opportunities have been and will be fine. That generation, I am not worried about in the slightest. My daughter (46) just got back from a Florida beach vacation with the granddaughters, during fall break. The twin boys (34 next week) both did multiple vacations this year, skiing in Colorado and on the Florida beaches. They all work, doing what they went to school for, 2 medical, 1 financial, are secure financially and pretty much do as they want, when they want. I have no fears for the next generation. I cannot tell yet, about the generation of my granddaughters, but the potential appears to be there.
Each generation makes its own way.
However, they should at least have the same opportunities all Americans did for 200+ years,

and in the current situation they do NOT.

It went from 2 weeks of disposable income per month to 1/2 a week. Everything else goes to bills now.

That is going to seriously contract the economy, there's no way it won't.
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I have two sons and a daughter, grown (of course). They are the next generation. Their opportunities have been and will be fine. That generation, I am not worried about in the slightest. My daughter (46) just got back from a Florida beach vacation with the granddaughters, during fall break. The twin boys (34 next week) both did multiple vacations this year, skiing in Colorado and on the Florida beaches. They all work, doing what they went to school for, 2 medical, 1 financial, are secure financially and pretty much do as they want, when they want. I have no fears for the next generation. I cannot tell yet, about the generation of my granddaughters, but the potential appears to be there.
For the first time in American history, the potential for transformation into something unrecognizable is a distinct possibility.
My "laments" are not about me because I, like you, have a well earned comfortable retirement. My "laments" are about the next generations not having the same good life and opportunities that you and I were able to have. The Democrats are actively working to transform America into an unrecognizable Woke Marxist State. That is far more important than our individual situations.
Rest assured - we don't want your world
Rest assured - we don't want your world
What do you want? UBI slavery? :uhh:

You don't want to be free and self-sustaining and sustain others?

You don't want the same opportunities all Americans had for 200 years? Yeah, you have to work,

but there's reward for working.
---Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President---

Trump isn't the problem, he is a symptom of a problem.

What do you think that problem might be? Could it be that many, if not most, Americans feel as though their government no longer represents them and their interests? That their government looks out only for themselves, to enrich only themselves.

Is that possible?

Rightly or wrongly, is that the problem?
Actually the problem is that the GOP is a shell of its former self, and as a world class grifter, Trump recognized a golden opportunity to bilk the daylights out of the ignorant, bigoted, hypocritical country bumpkins.

So he changed his party registration, rolled up his sleeves, and went to work.
Actually the problem is that the GOP is a shell of its former self, and as a world class grifter, Trump recognized a golden opportunity to bilk the daylights out of the ignorant, bigoted, hypocritical country bumpkins.

So he changed his party registration, rolled up his sleeves, and went to work.

Trump's net worth went down a billion dollars for volunteering to be president, dumbass.

It's definitely not about the money for him.

Trump's rubes would be stupid enough to buy a used car from him.

For the first time in American history, the potential for transformation into something unrecognizable is a distinct possibility.
Well, people like me are going to be your problem. We do not want somethng unrecognizable as the US, based on our Constitution, our laws. So, maybe you can succeed somewhere else, but not here.
Well, people like me are going to be your problem. We do not want somethng unrecognizable as the US, based on our Constitution, our laws. So, maybe you can succeed somewhere else, but not here.
You certainly do not get the situation here. BidenBama is turning the US into something unrecognizable as the former US.

At no point in American history Have Americans had so little money left over after paying for essentials.

They ignore the Constitution all the time. They don't give a fuck about the Constitution or wellbeing of Americans.

All they want is bastardized power. They are literally out to ruin what America has been so they can implement their "better way".
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You certainly do not get the situation here. BidenBama is turning the US into something unrecognizable as the former US.

At no point in American history Have Americans had so little money left over after paying for essentials.

They ignore the Constitution all the time. They don't give a fuck about the Constitution or wellbeing of Americans.

All they want is bastardized power. They are literally out to ruin what America has been so they can implement their "better way".
Gee, I'd like to help you, but not having your problems even on a relatively fixed income, and not being stuck with just essentials. Just got back last week from a Kayaking out of state Vacation and leaving for Florida for a week on a beach, next Saturday. Maybe I can suffer when I get back, but I doubt it.

The constitution is doing fine, as nobody trying to overthrow it, in well over two years, and when they did, they failed miserably.
Gee, I'd like to help you, but not having your problems even on a relatively fixed income, and not being stuck with just essentials. Just got back last week from a Kayaking out of state Vacation and leaving for Florida for a week on a beach, next Saturday. Maybe I can suffer when I get back, but I doubt it.

The constitution is doing fine, as nobody trying to overthrow it, in well over two years, and when they did, they failed miserably.
Oh, you're a "Fuck everybody else, I got mine" type.

Tre disappoint. No fucks given about recent high school graduates trying to make it in present America, huh?
Oh, you're a "Fuck everybody else, I got mine" type.

Tre disappoint. No fucks given about recent high school graduates trying to make it in present America, huh?
Around here, they are getting jobs and/or going to school. Why do you live in such a shitty area?
Around here, they are getting jobs and/or going to school. Why do you live in such a shitty area?

Fuck off, assface. My area has nothing to do with the future of all Americans.

Are they getting jobs and a place of their own? I highly fucking doubt it.

And definitely not around my "area". Maybe with 6-7 people in a 3 bedroom house.

I'm not having those problems. Young people starting out in today's America are, which you are either totally

oblivious to, or don't give a fuck about because you got yours. Well, I got mine, but I do care, dick.

They should have the same opportunities I did, but they currently do not, and that's wrong.

I wasn't referring to myself, it's young people coming up in America today. The old rules still hold true for me somehow.
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However, they should at least have the same opportunities all Americans did for 200+ years,

and in the current situation they do NOT.

It went from 2 weeks of disposable income per month to 1/2 a week. Everything else goes to bills now.

That is going to seriously contract the economy, there's no way it won't.
Fake News.

No one with a brain wants to live in your dump.

We are better off this year than last in opportunities. Much of the problems of the Trump/XI inflation have been corrected.

One thing we must do is to get spending under control, and both parties are at fault for that.
---- off, assface. My area has nothing to do with the future of all Americans.

Are they getting jobs and a place of their own? I highly fucking doubt it.

And definitely not around my "area". Maybe with 6-7 people in a 3 bedroom house.

I'm not having those problems. Young people starting out in today's America are, which you are either totally

oblivious to, or don't give a fuck about because you got yours. Well, I got mine, but I do care, dick.

They should have the same opportunities I did, but they currently do not, and that's wrong.

I wasn't referring to myself, it's young people coming up in America today. The old rules still hold true for me somehow.
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We have 3.8% with more than 500000 jobs created in the last month.

We have eight million good paying jobs unfilled.
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