Will Trump's enemies go silent

Yes I'm sure all of you mindless Dembots want the New World where the Media, Justice System, Intelligence Agencies, Education, our borders and our elections are controlled by Your Party in perpetuity. That doesn't sound America to me.
Folks like you don't have to be convinced. Just neutered.
Fake News.

No one with a brain wants to live in your dump.

We are better off this year than last in opportunities. Much of the problems of the Trump/XI inflation have been corrected.

One thing we must do is to get spending under control, and both parties are at fault for that.

We have 3.8% with more than 500000 jobs created in the last month.

We have eight million good paying jobs unfilled.


Fuck off, assface. My area has nothing to do with the future of all Americans.

Are they getting jobs and a place of their own? I highly fucking doubt it.

And definitely not around my "area". Maybe with 6-7 people in a 3 bedroom house.

I'm not having those problems. Young people starting out in today's America are, which you are either totally

oblivious to, or don't give a fuck about because you got yours. Well, I got mine, but I do care, dick.

They should have the same opportunities I did, but they currently do not, and that's wrong.

I wasn't referring to myself, it's young people coming up in America today. The old rules still hold true for me somehow.
None of my kids moved home, and all left the nest by fall after highschool graduation, as they were raised to look forward to what they could do when on their own, rather than living under house rules.

Why would your area have nothing to do with the future of all American's? Do you actually live in a different country? Granted, with your software or hardware selection and protocols, I am not sure.

None of my kids ever paid to live in a house with 6 or 7 other people. I guess we raised them to be willing to work for more and more independence. One son decided after 3 years of tough subjects (making the grade) to just get out of the school grind he'd been in since 1st grade and out of the blue, signed up for special forces, jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and going to war. Two years in, he bought a new car (parked here while overseas), leaving me with power of attorney, over his banking of the money he was making, so when he got back from the war, he had a 2 year old car with a few hundred miles, about paid for, and a better idea of what he wanted to do, stayed with us about a month and half before moving out to nice 2 bedroom apartment and started nursing school, to be an ER Nurse, to feed his craving for excitement, and other people blood and pain certainly not him. Of course, he always had good priorities, didn't party to excess, handled his responsibilities, didn't do drugs, so he could always pass a blood test. Many young people simply do not know what priorities are or should be. Being clean, willing to apply and above average IQ helps with opportunities.

For one who has his, and I suppose did it on his own, (though maybe not) you worry about too much about the young people getting theirs. If raise right to make good decisions and stand on their own two feet, they's be fine. If they prioritize partying, drugs, spending every penny they earn before the next paycheck, life can be rough. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and never has been. So you shouldn't be such a judgmental dick.

The old rules still hold true for me and you, because we followed them when it counted. For those that applied themselves as far back as highschool, opportunity is still there, if not in your town, but in others. Or perhaps, if they aren't dumbass, fatboy weaklings, with a taste for smoking dope and doing as they please, they can join the military and do some growing up, to better prepare for life in the real world afterward.

I've just seen too much to join your pity party.
None of my kids moved home, and all left the nest by fall after highschool graduation, as they were raised to look forward to what they could do when on their own, rather than living under house rules.

Why would your area have nothing to do with the future of all American's? Do you actually live in a different country? Granted, with your software or hardware selection and protocols, I am not sure.

None of my kids ever paid to live in a house with 6 or 7 other people. I guess we raised them to be willing to work for more and more independence. One son decided after 3 years of tough subjects (making the grade) to just get out of the school grind he'd been in since 1st grade and out of the blue, signed up for special forces, jumping out of perfectly good airplanes and going to war. Two years in, he bought a new car (parked here while overseas), leaving me with power of attorney, over his banking of the money he was making, so when he got back from the war, he had a 2 year old car with a few hundred miles, about paid for, and a better idea of what he wanted to do, stayed with us about a month and half before moving out to nice 2 bedroom apartment and started nursing school, to be an ER Nurse, to feed his craving for excitement, and other people blood and pain certainly not him. Of course, he always had good priorities, didn't party to excess, handled his responsibilities, didn't do drugs, so he could always pass a blood test. Many young people simply do not know what priorities are or should be. Being clean, willing to apply and above average IQ helps with opportunities.

For one who has his, and I suppose did it on his own, (though maybe not) you worry about too much about the young people getting theirs. If raise right to make good decisions and stand on their own two feet, they's be fine. If they prioritize partying, drugs, spending every penny they earn before the next paycheck, life can be rough. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and never has been. So you shouldn't be such a judgmental dick.

The old rules still hold true for me and you, because we followed them when it counted. For those that applied themselves as far back as highschool, opportunity is still there, if not in your town, but in others. Or perhaps, if they aren't dumbass, fatboy weaklings, with a taste for smoking dope and doing as they please, they can join the military and do some growing up, to better prepare for life in the real world afterward.

I've just seen too much to join your pity party.
So you're all for killing the American Dream, huh?

Instead of 2 weeks of disposable income a month now people only get half a week to save or spend as they see fit?

What do you think that's going to do to every non-essential business? POOF! Gone.

When I was a young appentice, my mentor told me these rules:

One weeks' pay should cover your housing. The first week of every month.

Next weeks' pay should cover utilities and groceries, then the next 2 you can save or spend, choose wisely.

And that worked for me, and still does, somehow.

But it's not like that for young adults in America today. I don't like to see that. They're getting hosed, and I know it.

PS: I see you checkin' my IP. ;) :1peleas:

I'm somewhere in America. A place where the mackeral are running right now and yellows will be at my honey hole in a couple weeks.

A honey hole FWC can't get a boat to or walk to, even. Moooohoohahahaha!

And teh vehicle gets put into a nearby friend's garage.
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Gee, I'd like to help you, but not having your problems even on a relatively fixed income, and not being stuck with just essentials. Just got back last week from a Kayaking out of state Vacation and leaving for Florida for a week on a beach, next Saturday. Maybe I can suffer when I get back, but I doubt it.

The constitution is doing fine, as nobody trying to overthrow it, in well over two years, and when they did, they failed miserably.
Everything is peachy for me, so there's no problem, is that it? Everything is peachy for me too, but I see lots of problems. We are more divided than at any time since the Civil War. The border crisis is as bad as ever and is sure to get worse when the Palestinians start showing up. Our finest cities are no longer safe for citizens to walk the streets. Poor Americans are falling into homelessness at the highest rate ever. All you have to do is take off the rose colored glasses and look around.
Everything is peachy for me, so there's no problem, is that it? Everything is peachy for me too, but I see lots of problems. We are more divided than at any time since the Civil War. The border crisis is as bad as ever and is sure to get worse when the Palestinians start showing up. Our finest cities are no longer safe for citizens to walk the streets. Poor Americans are falling into homelessness at the highest rate ever. All you have to do is take off the rose colored glasses and look around.
You know, if everybody would vote for individuals vs parties, vote their wallet vs what they think everybody elses wallet is, and people voted for the people that would address their own problems instead of being sold on everybody elses problems, our system would better react to the average problems people really face, rather than what the two parties tell their followers the problems are. If things are peachy for me and you, it is because we handle the problems that came up better than many. Others can too, if they don't spend their time whining about problems they aren't seeing on their block or commiserating with people that whine to support their political party concerns, though not being impacted, themselves. Just sayin........:hmpf:
You know, if everybody would vote for individuals vs parties, vote their wallet vs what they think everybody elses wallet is, and people voted for the people that would address their own problems instead of being sold on everybody elses problems, our system would better react to the average problems people really face, rather than what the two parties tell their followers the problems are. If things are peachy for me and you, it is because we handle the problems that came up better than many. Others can too, if they don't spend their time whining about problems they aren't seeing on their block or commiserating with people that whine to support their political party concerns, though not being impacted, themselves. Just sayin........:hmpf:
If people vote their wallets next election, you know it's going to be Trump, right? Right? :terror:

Biden and Democrats are bad for business, I mean really bad. The worst I've ever seen.
If people vote their wallets next election, you know it's going to be Trump, right? Right? :terror:
It wouldn't be for me. Sorry, you're having a tough time, financially.

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