Will Trump's Indictment Lead to More GOP Presidential Candidates?

Now that Trump has been indicted; do you think folks who were sitting it out will now get into the race?

I can see a few changing their minds (Sununu in NH for one) but not many.
Now that Trump has been indicted; do you think folks who were sitting it out will now get into the race?

I can see a few changing their minds (Sununu in NH for one) but not many.
Now that Trump has been indicted two many others will also be?

Could new indictments lead to the Bogus Repubs losing control of the house? And democrats becoming stronger in the Senate?
Now that Trump has been indicted two many others will also be?

Could new indictments lead to the Bogus Repubs losing control of the house? And democrats becoming stronger in the Senate?
Unlikely... The Senate is going to remain essentially gridlocked (neither major party getting 60 seats). The House? No telling. Its looking very good for Joe to keep the WH though.
You should love Comey. If it weren't for him reopening the investigation 2 weeks before the election, she would have probably won, and we would know how bad somebody, not only self serving and devoid of scruples but knowing the government and how it works, inside and out could screw up the country for their own benefit. She had potential to be worse than Donny.
From your viewpoint, how could she have been worse than Donny?
Hillary Clinton would be better than DJ tramp. DJ tramp was the worst potus so far, right up there as Nixon.
Hillary had potential to be worse, and the voters chose Trump in considering the potentials of both. I have said, many times, it is a shame both could not have lost, but picking the lesser of two evils, always leaves you with evil.
From your viewpoint, how could she have been worse than Donny?
From my viewpoint, she was and probably still is a political power climber of low ethics, this is the same as Trump. As we have seen, Trump was fought every step of the way, and made many mistakes, not knowing how "big government" works. Hillary would not have made those mistakes and had thorough knowledge and the support of the entrenched political structure of Washington. She could have gotten away with far more, so had more potential to change for the worse. It is just the feeling I had, from watching her, ever since Bill left the White House, and the reason I would not vote for her.
Now that Trump has been indicted two many others will also be?

Could new indictments lead to the Bogus Repubs losing control of the house? And democrats becoming stronger in the Senate?
You're right. He will be more popular and bring in more campaign donations. We've watched this movie for 6 years. Meanwhile Joe has been fingered by a Burisma exec for taking a 5 million dollar bribe and nothing is in the MSM news about it. People can see what is happening and a huge amount of respect for the law has been lost.

Such is the reprehensible right.
The January 2018 law also made unauthorized removal and retention of classified information of the United States government a felony crime punishable by five years imprisonment and/or a fine.[91]

You are just as much a cultist as a diehard Trumper.
Even if the banana republic kangaroo courts manage ot convict Trump on these blatantly fake 'charges', the write in vote will be enormous. One of the parties will be destroyed, and it matters not to me which one goes down; they're all dirty and corrupt. The one that survives will be unable to govern.

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