Will Trump’s poll numbers go up or down?


Gold Member
Sep 19, 2018
San Diego
My prediction is an initial drop from the media propaganda blitz, but a return to higher numbers after the news cycle.
What do you think?
My prediction is an initial drop from the media propaganda blitz, but a return to higher numbers after the news cycle.
What do you think?
Americans love a fighter. An underdog. Despise injustice.

No other nation loves boxing, UFC of American football the way Americans do. No other nation cheers for the little guy the way Americans do, which has served America well for decades as it kept it grounded and supportive of their middle class.

This seems to be eroding, but not enough for Trump not to get a big bounce and financial support for this travesty. Bragg and his team may soon rue the day they exposed themselves to the American voter/
I'll wait until after the debates to say which way the poll numbers will go.

The MSM is ecstatic about the guilty verdict, but even now some MSM talking heads say that Trump has very good grounds for appeals.
We shall see, of course.

But if we look at the Tremendous Nation of Zambia, I think this might well boomerang on Sleepy Joe.

Several years ago, President Lungu charged and actually jailed his top political rival, Mr. Hichilema.

And during the next election cycle, Hichilema schlonged Lungu royally.

We'll see if Americans are as civilized as the Zambians were.
Trump supporters need to get this "the conviction will help Trump" attitude out of their fucking heads. It can only hurt him. This bullshit reminds me of when Republicans were shitting themselves over the Big Red wave that was coming in 22. It never came and neither will this imaginary benefit. Republicans need to stop all this wishful thinking and get back to the business of winning this election. America can't handle 4 more years of Democrat socialism-communism. MAGA
I think Biden just solved the gop's fundraising issues. And yesterday Adelson's tel aviv born wife opened a superpac.

Trump's website has a electronic ticker tape of donations and it was moving so fast you couldn't read the names of donors...
Most donations are $20 so its not super rich people but millions of working folks... I bet his campaign is pulling in millions of dollars over this travesty of justice....

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