Will Trumps VP pick change your mind?

If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?
Trump’s VP pick will be just as wrong on the issues as Trump.
If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?
Trump’s VP pick will be just as wrong on the issues as Trump.
What a profound statement of stupidity.....
I don't know why anybody would pick (or not pick) a President based on his or her VP. After all, what power does a VP have anyway unless they are needed to fill the presidency if something bad happens?

One question that people asked the last couple of years is Where is Joe? What policies has he been involved with? What did he change for the people or the country?

Basing your vote on the VP is like basing your vote on who the first lady (or gentleman) will be. Is there anybody here who didn't want to vote for DumBama, but changed their mind after he chose Biden? And if so, WTF were you thinking anyway? :badgrin::badgrin:
I don't know why anybody would pick (or not pick) a President based on his or her VP. After all, what power does a VP have anyway unless they are needed to fill the presidency if something bad happens?

One question that people asked the last couple of years is Where is Joe? What policies has he been involved with? What did he change for the people or the country?

Basing your vote on the VP is like basing your vote on who the first lady (or gentleman) will be. Is there anybody here who didn't want to vote for DumBama, but changed their mind after he chose Biden? And if so, WTF were you thinking anyway? :badgrin::badgrin:
I voted Palin.....
Doesn't matter who Trump picks, I can't vote for Trump.

Looks like Pence is a finalist, he would provide a nice contrast in personalities with Trump.

He's pretty wooden.

Pence makes Al Gore look like RuPaul.
Of course you won't, you're voting hitlery.....
If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?

Oh, noes, Trump might lose the Racist Loser vote if he picks someone sensible as a running mate?

Trump is probably going to pick Pence because that will calm the fears of the establishment going into the convention.
If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?

Oh, noes, Trump might lose the Racist Loser vote if he picks someone sensible as a running mate?

Trump is probably going to pick Pence because that will calm the fears of the establishment going into the convention.
I doubt many of you liberals will vote Trump...so it's no loss and we don't want you...
I don't know why anybody would pick (or not pick) a President based on his or her VP. After all, what power does a VP have anyway unless they are needed to fill the presidency if something bad happens?

One question that people asked the last couple of years is Where is Joe? What policies has he been involved with? What did he change for the people or the country?

Basing your vote on the VP is like basing your vote on who the first lady (or gentleman) will be. Is there anybody here who didn't want to vote for DumBama, but changed their mind after he chose Biden? And if so, WTF were you thinking anyway?

You think people voting for Obama because he was black,a nd not what a mess Bush made of things.

So, anyway. A good VP pick generally makes up for areas where the presidential candidate is seen as weak. For instance, Cheney was seen as a steady hand on foreign policy. Biden was seen as a guy who knew the ins and outs of Washington. Those were good picks.

Bad picks are ones where the flaws of the candidate become manifest. the classic one was Eagleton, who was picked because he allayed the fears of establishment Democrats who were worried the hippies took over with McGovern. But then we found out the guy was locked up in a loony bin. We later found out he was the source of the Acid, Abortion and Amnesty quip about McGovern. so he kind of screwed McGovern twice.

But usually, even bad picks don't make that much of a difference. Bush-41 got elected despite running with Deer in the Headlights Quayle. Palin didn't sink McCain, Bush's Great Depression II, Electric Bugaloo did
Trump is probably going to pick Pence because that will calm the fears of the establishment going into the convention.

I agree that I think it will be Pence but where do you get that he will "calm the establishment?"

You do know Pence is a governor and not part of the inside the beltway establishment, right?
I agree that I think it will be Pence but where do you get that he will "calm the establishment?"

You do know Pence is a governor and not part of the inside the beltway establishment, right?

Pence was also in Congress for decades before he beclowned himself in Indiana.

again, Pence might be just enough to get the establishment not to revolt at the convention. He won't be enough to get them to go out and work very hard for the Nazi Orange Hairpiece.
Palin would make a good looking VP dressed in a tight leather mini-skirt, stiletto high heel shoes, fishnet stockings and sawed off shotgun wearing a Fedora.
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If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?

You HAVE to consider, the VP is essentially a powerless position in America. Think of how much Joe Biden has influenced anything in the past 8 years? Many times, a political party has intentionally selected their "thorn in the side" as the VP, just so that they get them out of the way. That's how we ended up with Teddy Roosevelt and Harry Truman as presidents.

I look at the VP as someone who will preside over the Senate and help steer the president's agenda. They're not going to be instrumental in policy decisions for the most part. It's basically a powerless position unless something happens to the president.

I love Joni Ernst but she is still wet behind the ears in Washington. She is not ready to be president or VP in my opinion... maybe in 4 years or 8 years... just not now. I personally think Trump's BEST choice would be either Newt Gingrich or Ted Cruz. I would love to see either one of them presiding over the Senate and pushing President Trump's agenda. I think they could hold their own in a debate with anyone Hillary picks. They are smart men who have been around the block and know how to handle things. If something should happen to the president, I would feel confident with them taking over the helm.

The positives of either of them would be to bring aboard a whole lot of conservatives who are lukewarm on Trump. I think that he HAS to find some way to unify the party somewhat and I think that sort of pick, as bold as it would be, would do just that. You have to remember, MOST of Trump's supporters are dedicated to voting for Trump no matter what... doesn't matter what he says or does... they are 100% behind the man. They aren't going to abandon him over his VP pick.

I know that in 2008, people said... We can't have Obama as president or it's over! They said again in 2012... We can't re-elect Obama or it's over! But seriously.... IF we elect Hillary Clinton this time, we will never see our country again. Anything resembling our country will be gone for good. The Supreme Court is already teetering on progressive liberal disaster. Give the Democrats 4 more years in the White House and it's too late to save it. Seriously... this time it's really NOT a scare tactic, it's fucking reality... Listen to them! They are ready to do away with our Bill of Rights and turn us into a purely Socialist nation.
Dith time I weewy mean it! I'm tho seriel you guys.

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This also gives Hillary a good chance of winning the US Senate too however, which I think would be a tragedy.

Trump as POTUS would be a bigger tragedy. His ineptitude could get us into a big war with China or Russia.

Hillary is inheriting a big mess and in 4 years from now the fickle American people may very well want change by then.

Paul Ryan has the best odds of winning then. Maybe even now, but he does not want to run yet.

Almost everyone on God's Green Earth hates Adolf Trump.

Even the GOP hates him.

I am taking all bets against those who think Trump The Chump will win in November.

I implore you... PLEASE.... Just LISTEN to what the presumptive Democrat nominee is promising. LISTEN to what the Democrats in Congress are advocating and pushing actively! These people are out of control and insane. They are openly advocating, for the first time in history, a complete rewriting of our Bill of Rights. They will do this through Supreme Court activism and you'll never get a vote on it. The "transformation" has begun and Hillary will finish it.

Some people are foolishly thinking that if they sit this election out, they will get their chance in 4 years to have the candidate they like.... it's not going to happen people. This may be your last chance to vote in a free election where your 1st Amendment rights to free speech is protected. They literally want to dissolve our borders! They want to nationalize law enforcement and turn it over to their cronies in government. They are crooked, evil and diabolical people who have an agenda to destroy our country. Wake the fuck up!

If you need a nose-pin in order to vote for Trump, I will gladly send you one! Nothing this man can do will compare to what the Democrats have planned for you. I don't particularly like his personality... I find his protectionist trade policy and tariffs to be precisely the wrong thing to do for the economy... I don't like his flip-flopping on left-wing issues to get votes.... LOTS of things I don't like about Donald Trump.... but he is not a radical progressive liberal on a mission to destroy our country and Hillary certainly is. She can not be allowed to win the White House or our nation is in peril. Not only is she dangerously incompetent and inept to hold the office, she is corrupt to the core, she has a radical political agenda that will destroy any semblance of the nation we've all known and loved forever. Give her 3-5 SCOTUS picks and you can hang up ANY ideals you hold near and dear. None of it will ever see the light of day in your lifetime. It's GAME OVER! DONE!
At least a month ago you seemed resigned to Hillary Clinton, almost supportive. What happened?

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Trump would do well picking this man Lt. General Michael Flynn, as his Vice president...he's another OUTSIDER that has the FOREIGN CHOPS to make the Hildebeast look like the fucking fool that she is. He's well spoken, speaks as Donald does, from the heart and mind for the AMERICAN PEOPLE....AND he was FIRED from a MOST IMPORTANT JOB by the Obomanaions regime, for simply using the term..."ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!"....That alone make him a TOP TWO candidate in my book!

You know he's a lifelong Democrat right?

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I can only think of one scenario where Trump's V.P. pick would change my mind. I would not vote for him if his running mate was Sarah Palin.
If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?
Holy crap, I agree with it all...

Except for how Jeff Sessions is a moron.

Joni Ernst sounds like a female version of "Mr Smith Goes to Washington"...but that'll wind up playing out like every other outsider that goes to Washington....which is...they become an insider within 1 year.

No!....they all suck, and not because we don't have good people.

It's because the American people are voting with their anger these days, not their heads

Ernst is out.........would way prefer Newt as he would very calmly be able to present the laughableness of a Hillary presidency......not sure there is anybody who can do it better. Plus, with Newt, youd get more conservatives to the polls in November. Lastly.......Gingrich would pwn any Hillary VP pick in a debate. Id pay to watch that!:2up:
Yes yes poor poor israhell...

You know what... I've had it with you! You're a fucking Jew-hating RETARD who needs to be denounced by every republican and conservative on this forum.

Go to hell and go fuck yourself on the way, buddy!
Took you this long?


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