Will Trumps VP pick change your mind?

The Supreme Court should make all of this a no brainer. Hillary and her pro gun control stance should make this a no brainer. Clinton promising to federalize ROE for state and local law enforcement should make it a no brainer. Amnesty same thing.
You know I listened to everyone in 2008. They just couldn't bring themselves to vote for McCain. Only four years till 2012 they said. How much damage can Obama do in four years?

Okey dokey. We got Obama for four.

Then I listened to everyone in 2012. They just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney. Only four years til 2016 they said. He can't do much more damage can he?

NOW I'm hearing I just can't vote for Trump. 2020 will be different.

What the hell is wrong with this picture? You give Hillary four freaking years and you won't have to ever wonder about voting ever again. Clinton will grant amnesty. She will flood the country and legalize all newcomers to vote D, she's against the Second, and wants to federalize State and local law enforcement.

And that's for a warm up.

For crying out loud if you do not vote Republican you really will be giving up your country as you know it.
This country is fucked either way trump would just slow it down Clinton would speed it up personally idc either way what happens to the country just my race
The Supreme Court should make all of this a no brainer. Hillary and her pro gun control stance should make this a no brainer. Clinton promising to federalize ROE for state and local law enforcement should make it a no brainer. Amnesty same thing.
The no brainer is that Trump is a disaster now. Vote for Johnson/Weld.
The Supreme Court should make all of this a no brainer. Hillary and her pro gun control stance should make this a no brainer. Clinton promising to federalize ROE for state and local law enforcement should make it a no brainer. Amnesty same thing.
SC outlaws guns MAYBE ppl will finally get off their ass and fight back and take the country back win win
Yea y'all go right ahead and support this jackass if trump picks him I lose all respect for trump and his hard stance on immigration

If Hillary wins, then you'll have 12 million or more, registered Democrat voters in 2020 who were previously illegal immigrants. The illegal immigration problem will be solved by giving them ALL amnesty without condition and your entire issue is lost forever. All because you didn't like Trump's VP pick.

Pence has stated his support of Israel and its right to attack facilities in Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons, has defended the actions of Israel in its use of deadly force in enforcing the blockade of Gaza, and has referred to Israel as "America's most cherished ally".

Only the radical Jew-hating LEFT doesn't agree with his position.
Sooner the country collapses the better then obviously his possible vp ain't no better than Clinton on immigration
Newt would make me feel a little better as he is a big space fan like me! Would also tell me that he isn't going to go along with the loserterian crap nearly as much.
I have no worries that trump might be a libertarian lol Gingrich is a neo con...
...and a BLM stooge, right?

Newt Gingrich: 'Normal white Americans ... don't understand being black in America' - CNNPolitics.com
that as well

If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?

Right. You just pick up your vote and go home! That'll show 'em!
How childish.
yea how dare I have some principles and will not abandon them for anyone. It's trumps choice he needs to make a smart one and the 2 names being thrown out there are establishment clowns

Didn't say you don't have principles but they appear to be the principles of an 8 y/o.
"I won't eat my ice cream unless it has sprinkles! WAAAAAA!"
Why should Trump care who you want for VP? It ain't all about you , son.
According to trump it IS about we the people he is a populist so why all of a sudden a swing to towards the establishment? Idc if trump doesn't like my opinion he won the nomination bc millions like me were tired of business as usual and here he is kissing establishment ass

Okay, so NOW that you've gotten the son of a bitch nominated and eliminated all other possibilities... you're going to walk away from him because his VP pick isn't a Jew-hater who wants to abandon Israel and because he supported a guest worker program? That makes NO fucking sense whatsoever!

I hate to tell you this but we're not going to abandon Israel and stand by as radical Islamists obliterate them. We're also not going to deport 12 million people. But IF Hillary gets elected, you can count on America becoming a Socialist State where you have no Constitutional rights anymore. If THAT's what you want, then just be a fucking hard head!
The Supreme Court should make all of this a no brainer. Hillary and her pro gun control stance should make this a no brainer. Clinton promising to federalize ROE for state and local law enforcement should make it a no brainer. Amnesty same thing.
SC outlaws guns MAYBE ppl will finally get off their ass and fight back and take the country back win win
SC will not outlaw guns. The is a far right silly stupid comment that reasonable people stare at and then start laughing.
Yea y'all go right ahead and support this jackass if trump picks him I lose all respect for trump and his hard stance on immigration

If Hillary wins, then you'll have 12 million or more, registered Democrat voters in 2020 who were previously illegal immigrants. The illegal immigration problem will be solved by giving them ALL amnesty without condition and your entire issue is lost forever. All because you didn't like Trump's VP pick.

Pence has stated his support of Israel and its right to attack facilities in Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons, has defended the actions of Israel in its use of deadly force in enforcing the blockade of Gaza, and has referred to Israel as "America's most cherished ally".

Only the radical Jew-hating LEFT doesn't agree with his position.
Sooner the country collapses the better then obviously his possible vp ain't no better than Clinton on immigration
I have no worries that trump might be a libertarian lol Gingrich is a neo con...
...and a BLM stooge, right?

Newt Gingrich: 'Normal white Americans ... don't understand being black in America' - CNNPolitics.com
that as well

If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?

Right. You just pick up your vote and go home! That'll show 'em!
How childish.
yea how dare I have some principles and will not abandon them for anyone. It's trumps choice he needs to make a smart one and the 2 names being thrown out there are establishment clowns

Didn't say you don't have principles but they appear to be the principles of an 8 y/o.
"I won't eat my ice cream unless it has sprinkles! WAAAAAA!"
Why should Trump care who you want for VP? It ain't all about you , son.
According to trump it IS about we the people he is a populist so why all of a sudden a swing to towards the establishment? Idc if trump doesn't like my opinion he won the nomination bc millions like me were tired of business as usual and here he is kissing establishment ass

Okay, so NOW that you've gotten the son of a bitch nominated and eliminated all other possibilities... you're going to walk away from him because his VP pick isn't a Jew-hater who wants to abandon Israel and because he supported a guest worker program? That makes NO fucking sense whatsoever!

I hate to tell you this but we're not going to abandon Israel and stand by as radical Islamists obliterate them. We're also not going to deport 12 million people. But IF Hillary gets elected, you can count on America becoming a Socialist State where you have no Constitutional rights anymore. If THAT's what you want, then just be a fucking hard head!
His vp pick is the EXACT opposite of what Trump claims to be FOR. Makes no sense the vp candidate is a neo con trump isn't not sure on his economic polices but most neo cons are free traders as well again opposite of trump and no again to be AMERICA FIRST all nations including israhell come in a very very distant second and by him being ok with an Israeli attack on Iran that will pull the USA in as usual costing more American blood and money for Israels sake. Again something supposedly trump is against
You know I listened to everyone in 2008. They just couldn't bring themselves to vote for McCain. Only four years till 2012 they said. How much damage can Obama do in four years?

Okey dokey. We got Obama for four.

Then I listened to everyone in 2012. They just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney. Only four years til 2016 they said. He can't do much more damage can he?

NOW I'm hearing I just can't vote for Trump. 2020 will be different.

What the hell is wrong with this picture? You give Hillary four freaking years and you won't have to ever wonder about voting ever again. Clinton will grant amnesty. She will flood the country and legalize all newcomers to vote D, she's against the Second, and wants to federalize State and local law enforcement.

And that's for a warm up.

For crying out loud if you do not vote Republican you really will be giving up your country as you know it.

EXACTLY! To be sitting here hem-hawing around about NOT voting for Trump because his VP pick might not be to your liking is patently STUPID BEYOND BELIEF!

I mean... if you WANT radical progressive Marxist-Socialist government which eliminated the Bill of Rights and changes America forever.... sit your ass at home or vote for Hillary. If you don't want that, find a fucking way to hold your nose and vote for Trump because that's our only option at this point.

These #nevertrump people AMAZE me... they act like this is still the primaries and someone is going to come along at any time now and topple Trump! He's going to be the GOP nominee... like him or not! You can either support him or you can help to elect Hillary Rotten-to-the-Core Clinton. And this Clinton isn't going to be like the last one. Our nation and SCOTUS hangs in the balance... literally! It's time to grow the fuck up and realize the situation we're in... no, Trump isn't perfect... I would give anything in the world to have someone else... but we don't have anyone else and there's not going to be anyone else.
His vp pick is the EXACT opposite of what Trump claims to be FOR. Makes no sense the vp candidate is a neo con trump isn't not sure on his economic polices but most neo cons are free traders as well again opposite of trump and no again to be AMERICA FIRST all nations including israhell come in a very very distant second and by him being ok with an Israeli attack on Iran that will pull the USA in as usual costing more American blood and money for Israels sake. Again something supposedly trump is against

Again... dumb ass... We are NOT GOING TO ABANDON ISRAEL!!!!! I'm sorry that you don't get that. I don't know if you are anti-Semitic or what... do you WANT to let radical Islam take over the entire middle east and form their caliphate? Are you just too fucking stupid to understand what they want, which is world domination and sharia law? Are you willing to sit back and watch genocide against the Jews the likes humanity has never seen? Apparently so!

Donald Trump has stated in no uncertain terms that we stand WITH Israel and we WILL defeat radical Islam. Not sure where you were at when he made this statement but he did. As has EVERYONE who is not a "stick your head in the sand" radical Liberal. I think even Ron and Rand Paul favor supporting Israel.
His vp pick is the EXACT opposite of what Trump claims to be FOR. Makes no sense the vp candidate is a neo con trump isn't not sure on his economic polices but most neo cons are free traders as well again opposite of trump and no again to be AMERICA FIRST all nations including israhell come in a very very distant second and by him being ok with an Israeli attack on Iran that will pull the USA in as usual costing more American blood and money for Israels sake. Again something supposedly trump is against

Again... dumb ass... We are NOT GOING TO ABANDON ISRAEL!!!!! I'm sorry that you don't get that. I don't know if you are anti-Semitic or what... do you WANT to let radical Islam take over the entire middle east and form their caliphate? Are you just too fucking stupid to understand what they want, which is world domination and sharia law? Are you willing to sit back and watch genocide against the Jews the likes humanity has never seen? Apparently so!

Donald Trump has stated in no uncertain terms that we stand WITH Israel and we WILL defeat radical Islam. Not sure where you were at when he made this statement but he did. As has EVERYONE who is not a "stick your head in the sand" radical Liberal. I think even Ron and Rand Paul favor supporting Israel.
Unfortunately for Israel firsters standing with Israel means fighting their wars for them so either trump is a goddamn liar when he claims to be America first or he is lying about kissing Israels ass
His vp pick is the EXACT opposite of what Trump claims to be FOR. Makes no sense the vp candidate is a neo con...

No he isn't. Mike Pence is a fairly consistent economic conservative. Neocons favor spreading democracy through use of military force... he has not advocated any such thing. He supported the invasion of Iraq, as did Hillary Clinton and John Kerry at the time. He supports Israel as has every president and vice president since 1948. There is absolutely nothing "neocon" about that. It's a matter of official US foreign policy and always has been.
Unfortunately for Israel firsters standing with Israel means fighting their wars for them so either trump is a goddamn liar when he claims to be America first or he is lying about kissing Israels ass

No one is talking about fighting a war for them. We have to defend them, they are our allies. We have treaties... we've made promises and commitments. Do those no longer mean anything anymore? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you just that full of hate for Jews that you can't understand this? Look... I'm real sorry that we're not a bunch of fucking Hitlers hell bent on eliminating the Jews... sorry... just not who we are. We're going to stand beside them and we're going to defend them, and if it comes down to war, we're going to assist in every way we possibly can.

How anyone can be so idiotic not to understand the implications of sacrificing Israel to radical Islamic jihad is jaw-dropping to me. I can't believe we're even having this conversation. Did someone drop you on your head?
His vp pick is the EXACT opposite of what Trump claims to be FOR. Makes no sense the vp candidate is a neo con...

No he isn't. Mike Pence is a fairly consistent economic conservative. Neocons favor spreading democracy through use of military force... he has not advocated any such thing. He supported the invasion of Iraq, as did Hillary Clinton and John Kerry at the time. He supports Israel as has every president and vice president since 1948. There is absolutely nothing "neocon" about that. It's a matter of official US foreign policy and always has been.
He was for a sneaky open borders bill and for the Iraq war and for a war with Iran ALL things Trump claims do be against and yea that makes pence a neocon
Unfortunately for Israel firsters standing with Israel means fighting their wars for them so either trump is a goddamn liar when he claims to be America first or he is lying about kissing Israels ass

No one is talking about fighting a war for them. We have to defend them, they are our allies. We have treaties... we've made promises and commitments. Do those no longer mean anything anymore? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you just that full of hate for Jews that you can't understand this? Look... I'm real sorry that we're not a bunch of fucking Hitlers hell bent on eliminating the Jews... sorry... just not who we are. We're going to stand beside them and we're going to defend them, and if it comes down to war, we're going to assist in every way we possibly can.

How anyone can be so idiotic not to understand the implications of sacrificing Israel to radical Islamic jihad is jaw-dropping to me. I can't believe we're even having this conversation. Did someone drop you on your head?

Yes yes poor poor israhell can't find their own wars so they start shit then drag the us into it again something Trump claims to be against he said EVERY country including allies needs to provide their own security or pay us. I think he is full of shit as much money we give israhell and we still fight their wars for them it's 100% anti American position Trump wants to be America first then put America first!
He was for a sneaky open borders bill and for the Iraq war and for a war with Iran ALL things Trump claims do be against and yea that makes pence a neocon

That's not true. He was for a "no amnesty" solution to the 12 million illegal aliens in the country while securing our borders bill. And by the way... Trump also supports a soft amnesty through HB-1 visas and guest workers program. Same as Pence.

Again, Pence voted for use of force in Iraq just as almost everyone did, including Hillary and John Fucking Kerry.

No... he is NOT a neocon... Neoconservatives believe in spreading democracy through use of military force... Show me ONE THING that Pence has ever said to that regard and I will apologize and admit I am wrong.
If any of the supposed front runners are picked I am not voting for Trump the bumper sticker is coming off the truck the yard sign in the trash and the shirts sold. No way I am voting for Gingrich,Pence,Christie,Flynn etc etc I MIGHT consider Joni Ernst I will be more than happy with Sessions or Patrick Buchanan.

I will NOT vote for Hillary or Stein or Johnson I despise them all for different reasons and no I do not care if I'm wasting my vote or helping to elect Hillary bc Trump by picking an establishment stooge is betraying those supporters who love his wild streak and non pc attitude he mine as well be Bernie sanders kissing Hilary's ass it's the same thing so anyone know anything about the constitution party candidate? I might just write in the American freedom party candidate but will YOU still vote for trump if he picks a vp you don't like?

Absolutely NO. The Vice President has one single duty. That is to preside over the Senate. If there is a tied vote in the Senate then he/she is the tie breaker. That's all a Vice President does.

A Vice President isn't going to make decisions for the President, nor read the President's speech's or give interviews with the media, or meet with foreign leaders and get into National Security, or anything else.

If you're hoping to replace Donald Trump with the Vice President forget it. You're stuck with the Chimpanzee--(the nominee of the party.)

If you're trying to hide Donald Trump behind his VP pick it won't work. No one votes for a Vice President.

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