Will United Nations send Observers to our southern border to witness Trump Human Rights abuses?

UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

Who gives a fu*k? Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

I for one do NOT want deantard to kill himself.

Learn to read, take a civics class, cut down on the booze - but not kill himself.
Did they send anyone to the border in 2014? No? Not even when migrant children were being handed over to human traffickers? Then no need to send them now. We are going to stop the abuse these parents are putting these poor children through before they set foot in the U.S. All these people are safe in Mexico now. No need to shove their children across our border and hope to win the come and be with your child lotto.
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.

No, if the country is going to Hell, it's because of subhuman filth like you who side with homosexuals, trannies, and other foul sexual perverts.

You forgot the jihadists, international commie globalists, turd world crime syndicates and leftwing antifa thugs.

Basically any enemy of the US is an ally of bed wetting democrook sociopaths and their mindless drones.

UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

I hope the UN doesn't send any of their child-raping peacekeepers.
That would be a shame, eh?
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.


Actually I hope it hits your ass and causes a fatal brain hemorrhage.

Piece of tick shit.

UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
Trump will send UN observers to the nations they’re leaving.
No, if the country is going to Hell, it's because of subhuman filth like you who side with homosexuals, trannies, and other foul sexual perverts.

You forgot the jihadists, international commie globalists, turd world crime syndicates and leftwing antifa thugs.

Basically any enemy of the US is an ally of bed wetting democrook sociopaths and their mindless drones.


True, but I was responding to someone who is most known for being on the side of the very foulest of sexual perverts.
True, but I was responding to someone who is most known for being on the side of the very foulest of sexual perverts.

Yeah, RegressiveParasite's schtick is usually pissing and moaning about the "rights" of every degenerate pervert known to man (or beast), but in the big picture he is just another marxist drone motivated by absolute hatred of anyone in America with a sense of morality.

I take comfort knowing he will likely attempt suicide, fail at it like everything else in life but suffer for years until he has a stroke and one of the 60 cats in his single wide hovel starts eating his face.

Poor bleeding-heart, socialist, no-border, pro-one-world-government sheep who long to be ruled and manipulated...

As for an independent, God-fearing American who has and continues to fight for this country against enemies BOTH foreign AND DOMESTIC...

The U.N. can go F* ITSELF!

The U.N. has no jurisdiction here in the U.S.. The U.N. does not have the authority to step in and tell the United States that it MUST allow millions of illegals - to include Drug Cartel Members, Human Traffickers, murderous MS-13 members, terrorists, and violent criminal illegals - to ignore our existing immigration laws, to cross into the U.S. and lay claim to anything tax payer-funded for their own as if they had any legal right to any of it.

So, again, the U.N. can go F* ITSELF!
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
The UN is irrelevant

America first

The fact that they ignored Barry Hussein's border problems probably indicates that they will focus on President Trump's attempt to straighten out the situation.
You mean because Obama sent more people back than any president before him?

In fact, many on the left complained about Obama sending people back.

How can you not know that? You would have to be a racist to not know.....er....never mind.
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
They certainly should. I no longer trust in America to stop Trump's horrors.
What horrors?
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.

No, if the country is going to Hell, it's because of subhuman filth like you who side with homosexuals, trannies, and other foul sexual perverts.
Thank you so much for that brilliant and cogent commentary on a sensitive and difficult topic. You can always be counted on to interject homosexuality into just about any topic regardless of how inappropriate it may be. You are truly aa asset and a gift to the USMB and constantly contribute to raising the level of civil intellectual discourse.
No, if the country is going to Hell, it's because of subhuman filth like you who side with homosexuals, trannies, and other foul sexual perverts.
You're the one who sounds hate filled crazy nasty.

I'm not the one who sides with these sick perverts. One who does is in no position to cast aspersions on my sanity nor my moral character.
Then you should probably escape to mexico bed wetter. Do it illegally also, just to protest borders in general.

The state dept will likely refuse to accept your remains though.

Fucking piece of shit traitor.

Millions of Americans have died defeating your kind. You will lose, as always.

Au contraire, the Soviet Union fell in 1989. Your attempts to revive it are failing.
Trump's efforts to revive it are the ones succeeding.

Non sequitur.
Trump's approval of Russia invading Ukraine and Georgia actually affect reality, unlike your fantasies.
Who the hell told you that Trump approved the Russian invasion of Georgia and Ukraine, and why were you gullible enough to believe them?
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
The UN should send observers to our southern border to stop the beginnings of an inhumane policy that goes against all things American. The current regime in Washington needs to be exposed for the racist haters they are. Human rights are for everyone not just the "chosen" few.
Let them go to the Mexican side of the border.

Those seeking asylum can remain on that side of the border till they are approved.

Let Mexico fix the problem they created.

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