Will United Nations send Observers to our southern border to witness Trump Human Rights abuses?

UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

Fuck the U.N.....we are the U.N., we make the rules. Trump has acted within the boundaries of American law. Children have never accompanied criminal parents being detained.
You have a broad brush there loser. Crossing the border is a misdemeanor offense and not subject to imprisonment. Now a murderer will forfeit their child when arrested.

You don’t know the law and you like being suckered and fucked over by foreign filth. That’s just plain weird. Here, let me school you real quick and help you extract your head from your ass.

Criminal Penalties for Improper Entry
For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal or civil penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. This is considered a misdemeanor under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).

For a subsequent offense, or a reentry (or attempted reentry) after exclusion or deportation, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, 1326, I.N.A. Section 275, 276.) This is considered a low-level felony under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).

What else can I teach you?
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
If the UN sends those idiots to our border we need to send our Marines. If a blue hat crosses the border that’s a military action and we wipe out the entire unit. Oh and more importantly we leave the UN, stop all funding and give everyone in the building 24 hours to exit the country.
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

Did they in 2014, dirtbag?
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
They certainly should. I no longer trust in America to stop Trump's horrors.

Then you should probably escape to mexico bed wetter. Do it illegally also, just to protest borders in general.

The state dept will likely refuse to accept your remains though.

Fucking piece of shit traitor.

Millions of Americans have died defeating your kind. You will lose, as always.

Zat rite traitor?

I know you pigs waged a civil war to keep slaves, but it wasn't millions who died. Further, you scum weren't actually Americans, you were Confederates.

I know you're just lying, as you always do, but still...
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
They certainly should. I no longer trust in America to stop Trump's horrors.

Then you should probably escape to mexico bed wetter. Do it illegally also, just to protest borders in general.

The state dept will likely refuse to accept your remains though.

Fucking piece of shit traitor.

Millions of Americans have died defeating your kind. You will lose, as always.

Zat rite traitor?

I know you pigs waged a civil war to keep slaves, but it wasn't millions who died. Further, you scum weren't actually Americans, you were Confederates.

I know you're just lying, as you always do, but still...
You worship those confederates. March for their statues. Celebrate their flag. Because they belong to you, not me.
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
Will United Nations send Observers to our southern border to witness Trump Human Rights abuses?

Isn't that kind of like inviting skin head, pedophiles to a Bar mitzvah... or alcoholics to Oktoberfest... or homosexuals to most UN member nations... O wait now ... I'm confusing my metaphors here... lol Yes by all means, we should have Totalitarian regimes, dictatorship nations who have perpetrated genocide against their own people ... YES ... they should be at our boarders and at our ballot boxes... Comedic, ironical purposes only though... lol
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

The UN can go to hell.
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

The UN can go to hell.
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.

Poor little Maoist, can't march people to death camps like you dreamed about....
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?
The UN should send observers to our southern border to stop the beginnings of an inhumane policy that goes against all things American. The current regime in Washington needs to be exposed for the racist haters they are. Human rights are for everyone not just the "chosen" few.

There are no human rights violations. It’s entirely made up by the left in an important election year. Any attempt by the UN to interfere with the US should be met with extreme hostility.
I thought the left were against foriegn countries etc tampering with our elections ? Hipocrites !!!!!!
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

The UN can go to hell.
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.
Depends on the voters perspective wouldn't you say ??
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

Fuck the U.N.....we are the U.N., we make the rules. Trump has acted within the boundaries of American law. Children have never accompanied criminal parents being detained.
You have a broad brush there loser. Crossing the border is a misdemeanor offense and not subject to imprisonment. Now a murderer will forfeit their child when arrested.
Intering the country illegally is a crime last I heard... You heard something different ??
Au contraire, the Soviet Union fell in 1989. Your attempts to revive it are failing.
Trump's efforts to revive it are the ones succeeding.

Non sequitur.
Trump's approval of Russia invading Ukraine and Georgia actually affect reality, unlike your fantasies.

Please post any statements of approval at your disposal.
Russia was kicked out of the G8 because they invaded Crimea. Trump wants them to keep Crimea, and be welcomed back into the G8. Trump has also spent his Presidency complimenting and defending Russia and its dictator.
Is Crimean citizens complaining about Russia being there now or are they excepting the situation with open arms ?? Last I saw unless things have changed is that Crimeans are glad Russia is back.
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

Who gives a fu*k? Do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Sad. The truth is, it's traitors like you who put children and babies in cages. The America I grew up in would never do something this wrong.

The fact is, your meat puppet faggot put babies in cages.

That's the America YOU voted for.

The America I voted for would have a barrier in place to keep shitty parents from risking the lives of their children in the first place you worthless piece of shit.

Nitwit, they are coming here to escape violence. Asking asylum is Americans and totally legal.
Telling people running from danger, at the border, that we are full is both a lie and illegal.
And yet we do nothing to investigate their so called danger they are running from, find out the truth, and then sanction those countries with tough penalties if they refuse to stop what they are doing to their people ???? Cry me a river, because undoubtedly this is totally about the Demon-crats faking outrage for campaign purposes. The Demon-crats encouraging people to put themselves in danger by fleeing their homes instead of fighting for their country is what is a tragedy.
UN says US must stop separating migrant children from parents

Seperating children from their parents? Babies in cages? Children shipped all over the country?

The US is violating UN policies the United States helped craft when it was leader of the Free World before this White Supremist became president.

How will it look to our former friends, Germany, Great Britain, France and the other democratic countries the US used to lead and how will it play with our new friends, brutal dictatorships like Russia, North Korea and Communist China?

The UN can go to hell.
This country is going to hell...because of T-Rump and people like you.

Pick up a weapon. You're a tough guy, just ask you.

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