Will We See Serial Killers in Heaven?

after pondering the op ...the answer is clear serial killers will be welcome in heaven....how could they not be ,god himself is a serial killer.
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins. So the question you need to ask them is, did Christ also die for Mrs. Dahmer's little boy Jeffrey too? If the answer is yes, and Jeffrey, at some point in his life, sincerely asks God to forgive him, and he accepts the gift of salvation that Christ offered him, will he be forgiven, just like the rest of us?

And then ask them if God opened the gates of Heaven for Jeffrey's sake, or for the sake of His Son, Jesus, who was sitting at God's right hand at the time of Dahmer's arrival saying, "It's ok Dad, I paid his debt. His sins are as far from him as the east is from the west".

Are all of our sins little pink ones, hardly worth mentioning?
Don't want judged? Don't judge. Your future will be so much brighter if you just surrender that job the the One in charge.

and your god forgives those who are mortal to if they follow the rules
go to a church sit in a closet with a window .
the man the other side who wears a dress asked what sin you commited
you tell him he gives you some prayers to say to a non existent mother of somebody also non existent and you give him MONEY

the church gets richer
you feel better ( then go and do it again )
the victim still has no compensation and has no say in the matter .
the priest then properly goes and abuses a small boy and is forgiven by the hiaracy and hidden away from the public.

what a farce
whos fooling who ??

You have God confused with man. Religion confused with Christ. Here's proof. >Christ did none of that.
So the answer to your question is, Satan, fooling you. You look at Christ and see man's work. God looks at man and sees Christ's work. THAT's propitiation.

Christ gave us 2 rules to follow:
Love our Father. Love each other. So, in your rush to condemn, find fault with that religion. :eusa_angel:

And John, If Dahmer's victims are in Heaven, having been forgiven for their sins, they will extend that forgiveness to Jeffrey.
Here's why:
If they demand God judge Dahmer for his crimes against them, God will, because He is just, and they have the right to demand Jeffrey be brought up on their charges.

But, if they do so it is with the understanding that they are agreeing to be judged for their crimes against others. And those that they wronged will be invited to court to charge them. Their sin will be judged to the extent they ask God to judge those who trespassed against them.

Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
So fair is fair, and then there's forgiveness.

In other words:
Forgive me my trespasses, as I forgive those who trespass against me.
after pondering the op ...the answer is clear serial killers will be welcome in heaven....how could they not be ,god himself is a serial killer.

Seriously daws, mankind's extinction seems all but inevitable of its "own" making with or without God's hand ... not least by the false religions and the dichotomies of those in abject denial.

but no, not even you can bring to life the dead Dahmer - its time ran out.
after pondering the op ...the answer is clear serial killers will be welcome in heaven....how could they not be ,god himself is a serial killer.

Seriously daws, mankind's extinction seems all but inevitable of its "own" making with or without God's hand ... not least by the false religions and the dichotomies of those in abject denial.

but no, not even you can bring to life the dead Dahmer - its time ran out.
has always been on the edge of destruction...I think the idea of a retributional end by an imaginary god is romantic...but extremely improbable ..
I think the OP asks a great question. Why? :) because I ask it all the time.

Just because I'm a believer doesn't mean I don't have questions or worries. And not that I'm sweating the small stuff. But the big stuff....in the words of an eloquent conservative woman

"you bettcha".

If I have to sit there and go "Adolf please pass the pepper shaker" I have really got a truckload of questions.

It'll be like...ok holy spirit can we just have a chat? We have Adolf and Stalin at the dinner table and I'm getting nervous because you made Jeffrey head chef.....

And I don't believe for a minute I am the only one who is a believer but still has the balls to question our faith. Although I'm female and don't have balls.

I think the OP asks a great question. Why? :) because I ask it all the time.

Just because I'm a believer doesn't mean I don't have questions or worries. And not that I'm sweating the small stuff. But the big stuff....in the words of an eloquent conservative woman

"you bettcha".

If I have to sit there and go "Adolf please pass the pepper shaker" I have really got a truckload of questions.

It'll be like...ok holy spirit can we just have a chat? We have Adolf and Stalin at the dinner table and I'm getting nervous because you made Jeffrey head chef.....

And I don't believe for a minute I am the only one who is a believer but still has the balls to question our faith. Although I'm female and don't have balls.


Maybe this thread, maybe another, but I've posted this before. Jesus was teaching the ancient mystery religion, the Hermetic principles. One of those is 'as above, so below; as below, so above.' It's something to think about.
and your god forgives those who are mortal to if they follow the rules
go to a church sit in a closet with a window .
the man the other side who wears a dress asked what sin you commited
you tell him he gives you some prayers to say to a non existent mother of somebody also non existent and you give him MONEY

the church gets richer
you feel better ( then go and do it again )
the victim still has no compensation and has no say in the matter .
the priest then properly goes and abuses a small boy and is forgiven by the hiaracy and hidden away from the public.

what a farce
whos fooling who ??

Satan is fooling you.

You don't recieve forgiveness for following rules. You don't recieve forgiveness for confessing or even forsaking your sins.

You recieve forgiveness by the grace of God. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make God forgive you. If He wanted to, He could sentence you to the full force of Justice and He would be completely justified in doing so.

If you want justice, you will recieve justice. Personally, I want mercy. Because I've done a lot of stupid things in the past that would seriously impede me without the grace of God.

The reason for the Atonement of Christ is because there is nothing we can do to earn forgiveness. If we could, we wouldn't need it.

I would invite you to experiment on the Word of God and learn for yourself that Christ came and atoned for your sins. Maybe you aren't at the point where you will here His voice yet, but when the time is right and you are brought to your knees by life, just always remember that you can be Redeemed through Jesus Christ.
and your god forgives those who are mortal to if they follow the rules
go to a church sit in a closet with a window .
the man the other side who wears a dress asked what sin you commited
you tell him he gives you some prayers to say to a non existent mother of somebody also non existent and you give him MONEY

the church gets richer
you feel better ( then go and do it again )
the victim still has no compensation and has no say in the matter .
the priest then properly goes and abuses a small boy and is forgiven by the hiaracy and hidden away from the public.

what a farce
whos fooling who ??

Satan is fooling you.

You don't recieve forgiveness for following rules. You don't recieve forgiveness for confessing or even forsaking your sins.

You recieve forgiveness by the grace of God. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make God forgive you. If He wanted to, He could sentence you to the full force of Justice and He would be completely justified in doing so.

If you want justice, you will recieve justice. Personally, I want mercy. Because I've done a lot of stupid things in the past that would seriously impede me without the grace of God.

The reason for the Atonement of Christ is because there is nothing we can do to earn forgiveness. If we could, we wouldn't need it.

I would invite you to experiment on the Word of God and learn for yourself that Christ came and atoned for your sins. Maybe you aren't at the point where you will here His voice yet, but when the time is right and you are brought to your knees by life, just always remember that you can be Redeemed through Jesus Christ.

We are saved by Grace and Grace alone. No one is with out blemish no one.
I think the OP asks a great question. Why? :) because I ask it all the time.

Just because I'm a believer doesn't mean I don't have questions or worries. And not that I'm sweating the small stuff. But the big stuff....in the words of an eloquent conservative woman

"you bettcha".

If I have to sit there and go "Adolf please pass the pepper shaker" I have really got a truckload of questions.

It'll be like...ok holy spirit can we just have a chat? We have Adolf and Stalin at the dinner table and I'm getting nervous because you made Jeffrey head chef.....

And I don't believe for a minute I am the only one who is a believer but still has the balls to question our faith. Although I'm female and don't have balls.


No....you definately are NOT alone....and there's nothing wrong with having questions, or questioning God. He wants us to learn, and what better way then to get the answers from God himself? He does answer those questions, it's just many times you have to be really paying attention or it'll pass you right by... :)
I think the OP asks a great question. Why? :) because I ask it all the time.

Just because I'm a believer doesn't mean I don't have questions or worries. And not that I'm sweating the small stuff. But the big stuff....in the words of an eloquent conservative woman

"you bettcha".

If I have to sit there and go "Adolf please pass the pepper shaker" I have really got a truckload of questions.

It'll be like...ok holy spirit can we just have a chat? We have Adolf and Stalin at the dinner table and I'm getting nervous because you made Jeffrey head chef.....

And I don't believe for a minute I am the only one who is a believer but still has the balls to question our faith. Although I'm female and don't have balls.


Maybe this thread, maybe another, but I've posted this before. Jesus was teaching the ancient mystery religion, the Hermetic principles. One of those is 'as above, so below; as below, so above.' It's something to think about.

Sunshine it is not that I cannot embrace higher planes here. It's this bottom line in me going "I'm not going to eat anything Jeffrey cooks if St. Peter puts him in the kitchen and I have to sit next to Adolph."


I'll deal with it though. It's going to be heaven after all and I want those wings. :eusa_angel:I swear I won't pass Adolph the pepper though.
I think the OP asks a great question. Why? :) because I ask it all the time.

Just because I'm a believer doesn't mean I don't have questions or worries. And not that I'm sweating the small stuff. But the big stuff....in the words of an eloquent conservative woman

"you bettcha".

If I have to sit there and go "Adolf please pass the pepper shaker" I have really got a truckload of questions.

It'll be like...ok holy spirit can we just have a chat? We have Adolf and Stalin at the dinner table and I'm getting nervous because you made Jeffrey head chef.....

And I don't believe for a minute I am the only one who is a believer but still has the balls to question our faith. Although I'm female and don't have balls.


Maybe this thread, maybe another, but I've posted this before. Jesus was teaching the ancient mystery religion, the Hermetic principles. One of those is 'as above, so below; as below, so above.' It's something to think about.

Sunshine it is not that I cannot embrace higher planes here. It's this bottom line in me going "I'm not going to eat anything Jeffrey cooks if St. Peter puts him in the kitchen and I have to sit next to Adolph."


I'll deal with it though. It's going to be heaven after all and I want those wings. :eusa_angel:I swear I won't pass Adolph the pepper though.
Adolf will be hanging around by the oven.
and your god forgives those who are mortal to if they follow the rules
go to a church sit in a closet with a window .
the man the other side who wears a dress asked what sin you commited
you tell him he gives you some prayers to say to a non existent mother of somebody also non existent and you give him MONEY

the church gets richer
you feel better ( then go and do it again )
the victim still has no compensation and has no say in the matter .
the priest then properly goes and abuses a small boy and is forgiven by the hiaracy and hidden away from the public.

what a farce
whos fooling who ??

Satan is fooling you.

You don't recieve forgiveness for following rules. You don't recieve forgiveness for confessing or even forsaking your sins.

You recieve forgiveness by the grace of God. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make God forgive you. If He wanted to, He could sentence you to the full force of Justice and He would be completely justified in doing so.

If you want justice, you will recieve justice. Personally, I want mercy. Because I've done a lot of stupid things in the past that would seriously impede me without the grace of God.

The reason for the Atonement of Christ is because there is nothing we can do to earn forgiveness. If we could, we wouldn't need it.

I would invite you to experiment on the Word of God and learn for yourself that Christ came and atoned for your sins. Maybe you aren't at the point where you will here His voice yet, but when the time is right and you are brought to your knees by life, just always remember that you can be Redeemed through Jesus Christ.

We are saved by Grace and Grace alone. No one is with out blemish no one.

Actually, you receive forgiveness when you sin and figure out what you did was wrong.

The first sin wasn't that Eve ate the apple and gave it to Adam. The first sin was God asking Adam and Eve why they ate the apple, and they both said that it was someone else who influenced them (Adam was influenced by Eve, and Eve was influenced by the serpent), and they refused to take responsibility for their actions, or even admit that they were responsible for the choice they made. They blamed it on someone else.

Matter of fact, in Judaic theology, the tzadik who has sinned is held to a higher place than the tzadik who has never sinned. Why? Because they went down the road, figured out why they made a mistake and dug themselves out of it.

Why else do you think that the most effective drug and alcohol counselors are the very people who went down that particular path and figured out how to get out? You can't show someone else how not to sin if you've never sinned yourself.

Forgiveness is earned when you go down the wrong path, figure out where you messed up, and figure out how to get out of the mess, because then you can help others who are in the same position as you used to be get out of their mess as well.

God can use sinners who repent and figure out how to no longer sin. Why? Because they can teach others where the pitfalls are and how to avoid them, and get out of them.

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