Will We See Serial Killers in Heaven?

If Dahmer makes it to heaven, it means that somewhere along the line he became aware, and the evil side of him is dead. Only those who can love unconditionally will be there, the rest will have to come back and try again.
If I get there and see some of the posters on here, I may rethink where I want to spend eternity!

Several things here................................

Number one, you have a beginning (birth) so you can't be eternal. Eternity has no beginning (birth) and no end.

BTW...............if God is going to punish you for eternity (meaning before you were born, and after you die), then what is the point of this life?

The most He will do is punish you forever (from the time you were born), but, seeing as how He's a Loving God, wouldn't he try to redeem you?

Therefore, you can't be in suffering for eternity.

Besides..................the recently discovered Lost Gospel of Thomas says that eventually everyone gets out of hell.

And besides.................did anyone ever consider that the "monsters on the other side of the fence" may be able to teach you something useful?

The world would be much better if we all would learn from each other rather than trying to tell others where they fall short and your particular belief system is the best.

What is the point of life? Life is a vacation from death. Criminy! Even a moron like you should have figured that out.

Actually, I thought the whole point of life was to learn lessons and gain experience that we take back to God when we leave our meat suit.

And...................the Jews (of which Jesus was one), believed it as well, because they also believe in reincarnation as well. I heard a Hebrew teacher once tell of a rabbi who had the ability to look at people and tell how many lives they had lived before, and one time, a man came to him with a problem and the rabbi looked at him an asked how many more lives (I think the rabbi said it was 12 or 16) did the man have to live to learn the lesson he was having trouble with.

I'm not a human being searching for a spiritual experience, I'm a spiritual being having a human one.
The spirit world teaches that there are many realms, and they are graduated in the level of vibration. There are lower, darker realms where the likes of serial killers will end up. Then there are higher more beautiful realms where most people will go. Then there are the heavenly realms where the eternally enlightened souls go. You cannot go to a realm higher than your spiritual evolution allows because it is too bright to bear. You are automatically barred from realms higher than your status allows, but you can visit lower realms if you want. Possibly to visit people you used to know that need encouragement.

For most of us these realms are not eternal heaven or hell but simply resting places between incarnations. Only when you are finally in a state of permanent grace will you no longer need incarnation, then you will join the immortals who remain in the highest realms.

No serial killers do not go to heaven, they go to the dark regions of the spirit world. There to languish until they desire a new chance to progress. They might rise to a higher plane of the spirit world if they are repentant enough. But they would most probably have to choose to reincarnate, and face harsh karma in many lives to purge the mania out of their souls.
Speaking of which:

I hate it when people say that the DEATH PENALTY isn't a "deterrent."

OF COURSE it is.

Once some shit stain gets executed, he immediately ceases all acts of violence.

100% perfect record.

What about the innocent people who have been released from death row because DNA testing has exonerated them and proven them to be innocent? And, since DNA testing is relatively new, whose to say that innocent people weren't killed prior to it?

Is it right for the state to kill innocent people?

Don't execute the innocent. Hell, don't convict the innocent.

WTF does that have to do with the undeniable FACT that every actual (guilty) murdering piece of shit who gets executed is thereby rendered unable to kill any more.?
Several things here................................

Number one, you have a beginning (birth) so you can't be eternal. Eternity has no beginning (birth) and no end.

BTW...............if God is going to punish you for eternity (meaning before you were born, and after you die), then what is the point of this life?

The most He will do is punish you forever (from the time you were born), but, seeing as how He's a Loving God, wouldn't he try to redeem you?

Therefore, you can't be in suffering for eternity.

Besides..................the recently discovered Lost Gospel of Thomas says that eventually everyone gets out of hell.

And besides.................did anyone ever consider that the "monsters on the other side of the fence" may be able to teach you something useful?

The world would be much better if we all would learn from each other rather than trying to tell others where they fall short and your particular belief system is the best.

What is the point of life? Life is a vacation from death. Criminy! Even a moron like you should have figured that out.

Actually, I thought the whole point of life was to learn lessons and gain experience that we take back to God when we leave our meat suit.

And...................the Jews (of which Jesus was one), believed it as well, because they also believe in reincarnation as well. I heard a Hebrew teacher once tell of a rabbi who had the ability to look at people and tell how many lives they had lived before, and one time, a man came to him with a problem and the rabbi looked at him an asked how many more lives (I think the rabbi said it was 12 or 16) did the man have to live to learn the lesson he was having trouble with.

I'm not a human being searching for a spiritual experience, I'm a spiritual being having a human one.

We can always count on the gay biker to give us the lowdown on all things spiritual and godly:

ABikerSailor said:
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Neg rep ya spunk slimed two bit whore. What makes you think your version of God is the only correct one?


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what are Christians basing their belief on that they will go to Heaven when it was from the Garden of Eden they were expelled - ...

maybe Dahmer could be allowed the Everlasting, XXX Temporarily ... but (it) will never reach Heaven.
what are Christians basing their belief on that they will go to Heaven when it was from the Garden of Eden they were expelled - ...

maybe Dahmer could be allowed the Everlasting, XXX Temporarily ... but (it) will never reach Heaven.

That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
what are Christians basing their belief on that they will go to Heaven when it was from the Garden of Eden they were expelled - ...

maybe Dahmer could be allowed the Everlasting, XXX Temporarily ... but (it) will never reach Heaven.

That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
neither does any of this * heaven thing *

as Christians seem to believe God would allow for evil (Satan) to live then that would explain how they could believe Dohmer might ever reach Heaven ....
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins. So the question you need to ask them is, did Christ also die for Mrs. Dahmer's little boy Jeffrey too? If the answer is yes, and Jeffrey, at some point in his life, sincerely asks God to forgive him, and he accepts the gift of salvation that Christ offered him, will he be forgiven, just like the rest of us?

And then ask them if God opened the gates of Heaven for Jeffrey's sake, or for the sake of His Son, Jesus, who was sitting at God's right hand at the time of Dahmer's arrival saying, "It's ok Dad, I paid his debt. His sins are as far from him as the east is from the west".

Are all of our sins little pink ones, hardly worth mentioning?
Don't want judged? Don't judge. Your future will be so much brighter if you just surrender that job the the One in charge.
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Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins. So the question you need to ask them is, did Christ also die for Mrs. Dahmer's little boy Jeffrey too? If the answer is yes, and Jeffrey, at some point in his life, sincerely asks God to forgive him, and he accepts the gift of salvation that Christ offered him, will he be forgiven, just like the rest of us?

And then ask them if God opened the gates of Heaven for Jeffrey's sake, or for the sake of His Son, Jesus, who was sitting at God's right hand at the time of Dahmer's arrival saying, "It's ok Dad, I paid his debt. His sins are as far from him as the east is from the west".

Are all of our sins little pink ones, hardly worth mentioning?
Don't want judged? Don't judge. Your future will be so much brighter if you just surrender that job the the One in charge.
really? since there is no evidence that someone's in charge...and Dahmer HAS ALREADY BEEN TRIED CONVICTED AND EXECUTED what else could celestial justice do?
what if there's double jeopardy in heaven..?
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins. So the question you need to ask them is, did Christ also die for Mrs. Dahmer's little boy Jeffrey too? If the answer is yes, and Jeffrey, at some point in his life, sincerely asks God to forgive him, and he accepts the gift of salvation that Christ offered him, will he be forgiven, just like the rest of us?

And then ask them if God opened the gates of Heaven for Jeffrey's sake, or for the sake of His Son, Jesus, who was sitting at God's right hand at the time of Dahmer's arrival saying, "It's ok Dad, I paid his debt. His sins are as far from him as the east is from the west".

Are all of our sins little pink ones, hardly worth mentioning?
Don't want judged? Don't judge. Your future will be so much brighter if you just surrender that job the the One in charge.

Is it possible for one of Jeffrey's victims to be sentenced to forever in hell because of the hatred he surely had in his heart at the moment of his death?

That would be ironic.​
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins. So the question you need to ask them is, did Christ also die for Mrs. Dahmer's little boy Jeffrey too? If the answer is yes, and Jeffrey, at some point in his life, sincerely asks God to forgive him, and he accepts the gift of salvation that Christ offered him, will he be forgiven, just like the rest of us?

And then ask them if God opened the gates of Heaven for Jeffrey's sake, or for the sake of His Son, Jesus, who was sitting at God's right hand at the time of Dahmer's arrival saying, "It's ok Dad, I paid his debt. His sins are as far from him as the east is from the west".

Are all of our sins little pink ones, hardly worth mentioning?
Don't want judged? Don't judge. Your future will be so much brighter if you just surrender that job the the One in charge.

Is it possible for one of Jeffrey's victims to be sentenced to forever in hell because of the hatred he surely had in his heart at the moment of his death?

That would be ironic.​
lets not forget all his victims were GAY!
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins.

‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ - ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

JC did not die of a free will - he was killed.

or, those who call themselves Christians are the same who did nothing to stop the Crucifixion and perpetuate that Injustice to the present day - employing rather their own self-adorning scriptures at the expense of the Victim(s).

the same as those of Dohmer

* is it self preservation ? - the reason Christians believe Dohmer could reach heaven ...
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins.

‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ - ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

JC did not die of a free will - he was killed.

or, those who call themselves Christians are the same who did nothing to stop the Crucifixion and perpetuate that Injustice to the present day - employing rather their own self-adorning scriptures at the expense of the Victim(s).

the same as those of Dohmer

* is it self preservation ? - the reason Christians believe Dohmer could reach heaven ...

Well, according to most Christians, God (who is supposed to be Love) sent His only Son down to earth on a suicide mission so that he could pay for the sins committed by his soon to be followers in perpetuity.

Me? I take a different tack...........................Jesus WAS sent to earth by God, but He sent Jesus here on a very specific mission....................which was to get the Jews to start following God again instead of money, as well as to teach the Gentiles (everyone in the world who wasn't Jewish) about God so they too would be able to reach Heaven.

Matter of fact, a lot of the Jews say that Jesus couldn't be the Messiah, because although He did complete a lot of the prophecies, He didn't complete them all.

I think what happened is that Jesus was killed (or murdered if you will) because the priests of Jerusalem didn't like Him mucking around and teaching people the TRUE meaning of God, and Rome was scared He'd mess up their empire as well, so they both collaborated to have Him killed.

He was murdered before He could complete His mission.
I love it when people allegedly of faith think their version is better than the bible.
Here's why:
Christian's believe that Christ died for their sins.

‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ - ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

JC did not die of a free will - he was killed.

or, those who call themselves Christians are the same who did nothing to stop the Crucifixion and perpetuate that Injustice to the present day - employing rather their own self-adorning scriptures at the expense of the Victim(s).

the same as those of Dohmer

* is it self preservation ? - the reason Christians believe Dohmer could reach heaven ...

Well, according to most Christians, God (who is supposed to be Love) sent His only Son down to earth on a suicide mission so that he could pay for the sins committed by his soon to be followers in perpetuity.

Me? I take a different tack...........................Jesus WAS sent to earth by God, but He sent Jesus here on a very specific mission....................which was to get the Jews to start following God again instead of money, as well as to teach the Gentiles (everyone in the world who wasn't Jewish) about God so they too would be able to reach Heaven.

Matter of fact, a lot of the Jews say that Jesus couldn't be the Messiah, because although He did complete a lot of the prophecies, He didn't complete them all.

I think what happened is that Jesus was killed (or murdered if you will) because the priests of Jerusalem didn't like Him mucking around and teaching people the TRUE meaning of God, and Rome was scared He'd mess up their empire as well, so they both collaborated to have Him killed.

He was murdered before He could complete His mission.
I hate to tell you this but his mission was to die on the cross, exactly the way it happened.
I love it when people allegedly of faith think their version is better than the bible.

your faith is a book - how sad.

* and which of those (versions) - Judea / Christian / Islam do you believe to be true ?

ours is the Creation by God, The Garden.

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