Will We See Serial Killers in Heaven?

Did you ever think that satan is fooling YOU with that whacky magic underwear...?

Study the scriptures and seek the Lord humbly in prayer and you will be able to discern between darkness and light. You will learn to recognize the voice of the Lord and the Adversary.

If your god is so great, why do I need to read a book to find it?

So no one's ever going to find god without reading the book of mormons? Really?

You don't like reading what's actually written much do you?

See in order to Find God, you need to search for Him. You can't find something that isnt sought after. You can't find the truth unless you seek after it. God does this for a two fold purpose. One, He has granted us our free agency and He doesn't force people to Him because you can't offer a willing mind and heart through force. Two, He is trying to teach you the principles of educating oneself. You don't just sit around and wait for information to come to you. You seek it out through study, faith, experimentation, etc. He is trying to teach you how to learn instead of just walking around life in ignorance.

The Lord is trying to teach you about the process. Because it's through the process of coming to Him that you learn. It's how faith is exercised. Even if it's just faith that things can be learned. Faith is exercised by our actions in reliance in that faith. Merely reading something doesn't save us. Or help us find God. The scriptures are a tool to help us find God, but if you read them with pride and make no attempt to learn anything from your efforts, then they are worthless to you.

You want to be given all the answers without taking any effort to find them out for yourself. That's why you will always remain in ignorance on the subject of God. You've determined it's not possible to learn about Him, so you don't try. You can't learn about any subject without applying yourself and seeking answers. If I don't attempt to learn calculus, is it reasonable for me to ever just magically know it? Does calculus cease to exist because I insist on remaining ignorant to the subject?

As for the Book of Mormon, if you read it, you will come closer to God if you seek Him. But I've never asserted that it's the only way to know God since the Bible teaches the fullness of the Gospel as well. So does the Holy Spirit. How do you think the scriptures were written? The Book of Mormon just teaches is more plainly than any other book I am aware of. Study it for yourself. Don't listen to what others say, even me. Learn for yourself. It's a small price to pay bring more happiness in your life.
I have no idea...only God knows what's in a person's heart. When you ask for forgiveness, God knows what is in your heart and what you REALLY feel. If He saw that Dahmer was really repentant..then yes, he may be there!

So technically, we all have a free pass to do whatever we want - murder, pillage, rape, steal, extort, cheat, lie, have sex constantly with 30 people, etc - so long as we repent afterwards and truly mean it?

That seems sort of silly to me.

Of course it does. Because that's not what repentence is.
The first sin wasn't that Eve ate the apple and gave it to Adam. The first sin was God asking Adam and Eve why they ate the apple, and they both said that it was someone else who influenced them (Adam was influenced by Eve, and Eve was influenced by the serpent), and they refused to take responsibility for their actions, or even admit that they were responsible for the choice they made. They blamed it on someone else.
Their sin was disobeying God.

So god puts 2 naked people in a private garden where no one can see them and doesn't think that they'll get it on? WoW! That's one seriously naïve god. :lol:

Then the god gets all mad because Adam banged the chick, now how fucking gay is that? :lol:

You write this blatantly foolish post above and claim to have studied anything at all? There is nothing in the scriptures about Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden for "getting it on". In fact, the first commandment given to Adam and Eve was to multiply and replenish the earth. That commandment is still in force. Every married couple is commanded by God to "get it on" as you say.

Eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is not "getting it on." Maybe if you actually tried to learn these things you wouldn't have to wonder why you dont know the things of God.
There was a man who murdered another man. He got the death sentence because of the extreme brutality of the murder. While on death row for years, he repented, and became a Christian. He asked for forgiveness from the family of the man he killed, and because of his sincerity, they forgave him.
He worked with other prisoners, he wrote children's books. He was definitely not the man he was when he entered prison.
Because of the profound change in him, when the date for his execution was near, a whole lot of people started to petition for his sentence to be commuted. There was a huge ground swell to save this man's life. In spite of their attempts, he was executed.

Thing is, if we have the capacity to forgive, why don't we allow God the same privilege?
There was a man who murdered another man. He got the death sentence because of the extreme brutality of the murder. While on death row for years, he repented, and became a Christian. He asked for forgiveness from the family of the man he killed, and because of his sincerity, they forgave him.
He worked with other prisoners, he wrote children's books. He was definitely not the man he was when he entered prison.
Because of the profound change in him, when the date for his execution was near, a whole lot of people started to petition for his sentence to be commuted. There was a huge ground swell to save this man's life. In spite of their attempts, he was executed.

Thing is, if we have the capacity to forgive, why don't we allow God the same privilege?
nice proverb ...we give god what we imagine he needs.
not a proverb. It was a few years ago. The guy's name was Cookie or Snookie, or something I don't remember. But one thing I do know for sure. God needs nothing from us in order to be Almighty. It's the other way around. Every good thing is from Him.
Thanks, Abba!
There was a man who murdered another man. He got the death sentence because of the extreme brutality of the murder. While on death row for years, he repented, and became a Christian. He asked for forgiveness from the family of the man he killed, and because of his sincerity, they forgave him.
He worked with other prisoners, he wrote children's books. He was definitely not the man he was when he entered prison.
Because of the profound change in him, when the date for his execution was near, a whole lot of people started to petition for his sentence to be commuted. There was a huge ground swell to save this man's life. In spite of their attempts, he was executed.

Thing is, if we have the capacity to forgive, why don't we allow God the same privilege?

Because your god is a badass who creates disfigured young children.
not a proverb. It was a few years ago. The guy's name was Cookie or Snookie, or something I don't remember. But one thing I do know for sure. God needs nothing from us in order to be Almighty. It's the other way around. Every good thing is from Him.
Thanks, Abba!
A proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.
there are no age limits on proverbs.
Christians want an empty hell. It's why we share the gospel. It's not for our well being.

Bummer, You have God confused with Satan.
wait! some believers say heaven has limited seating..are they wrong ...
isn't that called a schism..

A schism is a division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement or religious denomination. The word is most frequently applied to a break of communion between two sections of Christianity that were previously a single body, or to a division within some other religion. It is also used of a split within a non-religious organization or movement or, more broadly, of a separation between two or more people, be it brothers, friends, lovers, etc.
A schismatic is a person who creates or incites schism in an organization or who is a member of a splinter group. Schismatic as an adjective means pertaining to a schism or schisms, or to those ideas, policies, etc. that are thought to lead towards or promote schism.
In religion, the charge of schism is distinguished from that of heresy, since the offence of schism concerns not differences of belief or doctrine but promotion of, or the state of, division.[1] However, schisms frequently involve mutual accusations of heresy. In Roman Catholic teaching, every heresy is a schism, while there may be some schisms free of the added guilt of heresy.[2] Liberal protestantism, however, has often preferred heresy over schism. Presbyterian scholar James I. McCord (quoted with approval by the Episcopalian bishop of Virginia Peter Lee) drew a distinction between them, teaching: "If you must make a choice between heresy and schism, always choose heresy. As a schismatic, you have torn and divided the body of Christ. Choose heresy every time."[3]
So, is it fair for the people killed (who didn't have adequate time to repent) to have to spend ETERNITY in flames, while the serial killer gets to spend eternity with God in paradise because he/she had some "reflection" time in prison?

I know God may be mysterious, but one of you Christians needs to explain this one to me because I'm lost...

So, is it fair for the people killed (who didn't have adequate time to repent) to have to spend ETERNITY in flames, while the serial killer gets to spend eternity with God in paradise because he/she had some "reflection" time in prison?

I know God may be mysterious, but one of you Christians needs to explain this one to me because I'm lost...


The serial killer gets a pass because at the last moment they repented and asked Jesus to save them.

Only trouble is................................the Christians are using that as a form of lies and mind control to get you to believe as they do.

Did they ever consider that Jews (of which Jesus was one), Taoists, Hindus and all the other religions have their own version of Heaven?

You get there if you take care of your fellow humans. If you decide that pursuing money and power are what you want, you won't get there.

Jesus Himself even said that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven".

If you worship PMS (Power, Money, and Sex), how can you possibly even consider worshipping God?
So, is it fair for the people killed (who didn't have adequate time to repent) to have to spend ETERNITY in flames, while the serial killer gets to spend eternity with God in paradise because he/she had some "reflection" time in prison?

I know God may be mysterious, but one of you Christians needs to explain this one to me because I'm lost...


The serial killer gets a pass because at the last moment they repented and asked Jesus to save them.

Only trouble is................................the Christians are using that as a form of lies and mind control to get you to believe as they do.

Did they ever consider that Jews (of which Jesus was one), Taoists, Hindus and all the other religions have their own version of Heaven?

You get there if you take care of your fellow humans. If you decide that pursuing money and power are what you want, you won't get there.

Jesus Himself even said that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven".

If you worship PMS (Power, Money, and Sex), how can you possibly even consider worshipping God?

First why are they lies for mind control? can you prove that? do you have data? do you have study? I don't think you do.

Secondly, why would having their own versions of heaven mean that other faiths are right? Couldn't we make that same statement just as accurately by saying "don't they realize that other faiths might be right but we don't really know?"

I think most Christians realize that there is a possibility that other faiths are right but they have less reason to assume so since they have reasons to believe their own faith and not others.
Christians want an empty hell. It's why we share the gospel. It's not for our well being.

Bummer, You have God confused with Satan.

Didn't god created everything? Or was Satan already there when god came on the scene?

There is no explicit passage in the Bible that depicts how satan came to be. There are passages that thought to imply that he was original a good guy then rebeled. God didn't make him as satan the evil prince of darkness, he made him as a good angel. He chose to rebel and go off track. Now maybe he get's points for inventing evil, but if St. Augustine was right, evil is just the absence of the good, then it wasn't' all that original.

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