Will We See Serial Killers in Heaven?

forgiveness, contrary to the statements by Christians is not a pathway to the Everlasting ... if needed it represents an interruption / impediment to the actual and necessary accomplishment of Remission.

it would not be the forgiveness that would allow the serial killer into "Heaven" but the renewed pursuit for acceptance through "deeds" that the killer by his previous actions irretrievably made impossible by having taken another persons life - death is all Dohmer should have asked for and doubtly did.

Dohmer is worse than Dead ....
forgiveness, contrary to the statements by Christians is not a pathway to the Everlasting ... if needed it represents an interruption / impediment to the actual and necessary accomplishment of Remission.

it would not be the forgiveness that would allow the serial killer into "Heaven" but the renewed pursuit for acceptance through "deeds" that the killer by his previous actions irretrievably made impossible by having taken another persons life - death is all Dohmer should have asked for and doubtly did.

Dohmer is worse than Dead ....

The Bible teaches that works wont save us. we can't do enough. that's the real point of the law, not to save but measure; how bad is bad? The law teaches us that we can't save ourselves. It has to be through God's grace. We could answer the major quesiton by saying it's God's grace that saves.

There's a dynamic. We have role in the dynamic, we can't just sit back and expect it to be automatic. there's a role of repenting and turning form sin and taking up faith, but that is not the same as saying we earn it or we merit it.
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So, is it fair for the people killed (who didn't have adequate time to repent) to have to spend ETERNITY in flames, while the serial killer gets to spend eternity with God in paradise because he/she had some "reflection" time in prison?

I know God may be mysterious, but one of you Christians needs to explain this one to me because I'm lost...


The serial killer gets a pass because at the last moment they repented and asked Jesus to save them.

Only trouble is................................the Christians are using that as a form of lies and mind control to get you to believe as they do.

Did they ever consider that Jews (of which Jesus was one), Taoists, Hindus and all the other religions have their own version of Heaven?

You get there if you take care of your fellow humans. If you decide that pursuing money and power are what you want, you won't get there.

Jesus Himself even said that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven".

If you worship PMS (Power, Money, and Sex), how can you possibly even consider worshipping God?

First why are they lies for mind control? can you prove that? do you have data? do you have study? I don't think you do.

Secondly, why would having their own versions of heaven mean that other faiths are right? Couldn't we make that same statement just as accurately by saying "don't they realize that other faiths might be right but we don't really know?"

I think most Christians realize that there is a possibility that other faiths are right but they have less reason to assume so since they have reasons to believe their own faith and not others.

Actually, one of the things that Jesus said was that "there are many rooms in My Father's House". Me? I like to think that implies that all people, regardless of belief system, will be allowed into Heaven.

As far as mind control? What is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do?

Me personally? I like to look at all the different belief systems that I can, and see where they are all similar, because the differences is just their dogma to separate them from everyone else and encourage growth in their own beliefs and dogma.

According to my Catholic upbringing, this is certainly possible. So long as the serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his demise, the worst he will get is a lengthy sentence in Purgatory (and of course, by lengthy, I mean really really lengthy like thousands to millions of years).

Take two people

Person A is a die hard Catholic all their life - never misses church - gives tons of money to the poor, is kind to everyone, saves children and nuns from burning buildings - but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

Person B is a genocidist who kills 10 million people and then kills himself using a slow acting poison and in the final 5 minutes of his life honestly accepts Jesus into his heart and begs his forgiveness.

Person A burns in hell for eternity.
Person B eventually makes it to heaven and eternal paradise - (after a really really fucking long sentence in Purgatory).
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As far as mind control? What is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do?
The government telling me I can't wear a t-shirt with God's name on it.

Really? When has the government told you personally that you can't wear a t-shirt that had God's name on it?

Did the black helicopters come to your house and scary people come down rappel lines with locked and loaded weapons to tell you so?

Link please............................

According to my Catholic upbringing, this is certainly possible. So long as the serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his demise, the worst he will get is a lengthy sentence in Purgatory (and of course, by lengthy, I mean really really lengthy like thousands to millions of years).

Take two people

Person A is a die hard Catholic all their life - never misses church - gives tons of money to the poor, is kind to everyone, saves children and nuns from burning buildings - but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

Person B is a genocidist who kills 10 million people and then kills himself using a slow acting poison and in the final 5 minutes of his life honestly accepts Jesus into his heart and begs his forgiveness.

Person A burns in hell for eternity.
Person B eventually makes it to heaven and eternal paradise - (after a really really fucking long sentence in Purgatory).

but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

... and renounces Jesus.

Funny you should mention that because historically at the time isn't there a passage where JC states he will be abandoned (by everyone) and that a person in particular denied Jesus when asked and the Cock crowed three times ?

so essentially if the Bible is correct all of Mankind at that moment became doomed forever - or of course their change of heart means more than the Heart of the moment ... Christianity.

at the time of Noah, the die was cast - those still living were not allotted redemption and perished - the same for all who commit irredeemable sin.

to bad, Christians have no Fear of God.
As far as mind control? What is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do?
The government telling me I can't wear a t-shirt with God's name on it.

Really? When has the government told you personally that you can't wear a t-shirt that had God's name on it?

Did the black helicopters come to your house and scary people come down rappel lines with locked and loaded weapons to tell you so?

Link please............................
I didn't say they have, and you obviously missed my point. Not surprising.
The government telling me I can't wear a t-shirt with God's name on it.

Really? When has the government told you personally that you can't wear a t-shirt that had God's name on it?

Did the black helicopters come to your house and scary people come down rappel lines with locked and loaded weapons to tell you so?

Link please............................
I didn't say they have, and you obviously missed my point. Not surprising.
what point would that be?
Really? When has the government told you personally that you can't wear a t-shirt that had God's name on it?

Did the black helicopters come to your house and scary people come down rappel lines with locked and loaded weapons to tell you so?

Link please............................
I didn't say they have, and you obviously missed my point. Not surprising.
what point would that be?
He wanted to know what is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do. The government telling me I can't express my religious beliefs would be scarier than someone preaching to me.
I didn't say they have, and you obviously missed my point. Not surprising.
what point would that be?
He wanted to know what is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do. The government telling me I can't express my religious beliefs would be scarier than someone preaching to me.
since it's not likely to happen, the really scary part is your paranoia over nothing.
as to the eternal damnation nonsense ,to quote stevie wonder ;;"when you believe in things you don't understand ,then you suffer..superstition ain't the way. .."

According to my Catholic upbringing, this is certainly possible. So long as the serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his demise, the worst he will get is a lengthy sentence in Purgatory (and of course, by lengthy, I mean really really lengthy like thousands to millions of years).

Take two people

Person A is a die hard Catholic all their life - never misses church - gives tons of money to the poor, is kind to everyone, saves children and nuns from burning buildings - but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

Person B is a genocidist who kills 10 million people and then kills himself using a slow acting poison and in the final 5 minutes of his life honestly accepts Jesus into his heart and begs his forgiveness.

Person A burns in hell for eternity.
Person B eventually makes it to heaven and eternal paradise - (after a really really fucking long sentence in Purgatory).

And this system makes sense to you??

According to my Catholic upbringing, this is certainly possible. So long as the serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his demise, the worst he will get is a lengthy sentence in Purgatory (and of course, by lengthy, I mean really really lengthy like thousands to millions of years).

Take two people

Person A is a die hard Catholic all their life - never misses church - gives tons of money to the poor, is kind to everyone, saves children and nuns from burning buildings - but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

Person B is a genocidist who kills 10 million people and then kills himself using a slow acting poison and in the final 5 minutes of his life honestly accepts Jesus into his heart and begs his forgiveness.

Person A burns in hell for eternity.
Person B eventually makes it to heaven and eternal paradise - (after a really really fucking long sentence in Purgatory).

And this system makes sense to you??
never understood the burning in hell thing ....1. you're dead..
2. you have no body
3. spirit has no nerve endings
4. what is the temperature in fahrenheit or celsius that keeps billions of souls burning forever and does not melt all of hell?
According to my Catholic upbringing, this is certainly possible. So long as the serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his demise, the worst he will get is a lengthy sentence in Purgatory (and of course, by lengthy, I mean really really lengthy like thousands to millions of years).

Take two people

Person A is a die hard Catholic all their life - never misses church - gives tons of money to the poor, is kind to everyone, saves children and nuns from burning buildings - but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

Person B is a genocidist who kills 10 million people and then kills himself using a slow acting poison and in the final 5 minutes of his life honestly accepts Jesus into his heart and begs his forgiveness.

Person A burns in hell for eternity.
Person B eventually makes it to heaven and eternal paradise - (after a really really fucking long sentence in Purgatory).

And this system makes sense to you??
never understood the burning in hell thing ....1. you're dead..
2. you have no body
3. spirit has no nerve endings
4. what is the temperature in fahrenheit or celsius that keeps billions of souls burning forever and does not melt all of hell?

were it true the Sun would suffice, nerve endings or not.

what point would that be?
He wanted to know what is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do. The government telling me I can't express my religious beliefs would be scarier than someone preaching to me.
since it's not likely to happen, the really scary part is your paranoia over nothing.
as to the eternal damnation nonsense ,to quote stevie wonder ;;"when you believe in things you don't understand ,then you suffer..superstition ain't the way. .."
That's right, not likely to happen (as much as you would like it to).
He wanted to know what is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do. The government telling me I can't express my religious beliefs would be scarier than someone preaching to me.
since it's not likely to happen, the really scary part is your paranoia over nothing.
as to the eternal damnation nonsense ,to quote stevie wonder ;;"when you believe in things you don't understand ,then you suffer..superstition ain't the way. .."
That's right, not likely to happen (as much as you would like it to).

and if it did happen and they catchup with you at the tree with a rope ... just say your sorry (forgiveness) and all will be well.

since it's not likely to happen, the really scary part is your paranoia over nothing.
as to the eternal damnation nonsense ,to quote stevie wonder ;;"when you believe in things you don't understand ,then you suffer..superstition ain't the way. .."
That's right, not likely to happen (as much as you would like it to).

and if it did happen and they catchup with you at the tree with a rope ... just say your sorry (forgiveness) and all will be well.

In order to "catch up" (should be 2 words, btw), I would have to be running. That would not be the case.

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