Will We See Serial Killers in Heaven?

According to my Catholic upbringing, this is certainly possible. So long as the serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his demise, the worst he will get is a lengthy sentence in Purgatory (and of course, by lengthy, I mean really really lengthy like thousands to millions of years).

Take two people

Person A is a die hard Catholic all their life - never misses church - gives tons of money to the poor, is kind to everyone, saves children and nuns from burning buildings - but in the last week of his life something happens, he loses faith, and renounces Jesus.

Person B is a genocidist who kills 10 million people and then kills himself using a slow acting poison and in the final 5 minutes of his life honestly accepts Jesus into his heart and begs his forgiveness.

Person A burns in hell for eternity.
Person B eventually makes it to heaven and eternal paradise - (after a really really fucking long sentence in Purgatory).

You do the crime, you do the time.
And this system makes sense to you??
never understood the burning in hell thing ....1. you're dead..
2. you have no body
3. spirit has no nerve endings
4. what is the temperature in fahrenheit or celsius that keeps billions of souls burning forever and does not melt all of hell?

were it true the Sun would suffice, nerve endings or not.

the assumption is the soul is pure energy.unaffected by heat.
also the sun is only mildly hot compared to other stars.
He wanted to know what is scarier than someone telling you that you're going to suffer eternal damnation unless you believe as they do. The government telling me I can't express my religious beliefs would be scarier than someone preaching to me.
since it's not likely to happen, the really scary part is your paranoia over nothing.
as to the eternal damnation nonsense ,to quote stevie wonder ;;"when you believe in things you don't understand ,then you suffer..superstition ain't the way. .."
That's right, not likely to happen (as much as you would like it to).
you guys have real talent for false assumption.
I don't wish either would happen.
it's people like you that would make it happen.
That's right, not likely to happen (as much as you would like it to).

and if it did happen and they catchup with you at the tree with a rope ... just say your sorry (forgiveness) and all will be well.

In order to "catch up" (should be 2 words, btw), I would have to be running. That would not be the case.
they would have guns to ...far better than yours most likely..the last stand fantasy is so romantic.
Just tired of talking to an idiot.

You mean.......................you're tired of talking, because every statement you make, makes you look like an idiot.

The only idiot being talked to is yourself.

Keep trying S.J.
No, I mean tired of talking to an idiot, which is why I'm done talking to you too.....Idiot.

Really Stupid Jackass? Does this mean that I don't have to talk to you or put you on ignore?


Didn't realize it would be that easy............................
Will We See Serial Killers in Heaven?

Yes, because god is the biggest serial killer of all time.
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Cool................Stupid Jackass has proven he doesn't have the brainpower or the intellect to ignore me with a scroll button.

Me? I have nobody on ignore. Why? Because sometimes they may say something that makes me think and pay attention.

I mean................AllieBabba (who I call Always A Babbling Bitch) who turned her name to Kosher Girl (who I now call Kaiser Twit, although you can change the "I" to an "a" on the twit part) can on occasion provide some kind of wisdom.

Although, I like the fact that my mouse has a scroll button.
Just tired of talking to an idiot.

You mean.......................you're tired of talking, because every statement you make, makes you look like an idiot.

The only idiot being talked to is yourself.

Keep trying S.J.
No, I mean tired of talking to an idiot, which is why I'm done talking to you too.....Idiot.

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Gaybiker is the reason I block private messages.

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