Will you accept Biden as your president if the final tally goes that way?

Will you accept Biden as your President if certified?

  • YES

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 34 65.4%

  • Total voters
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.

A lie. Got anything else?
Nope. He will always be nothing more than the figurehead of the coup that took down a rightfully elected President. My American flag will get flown upside down on my flagpole and I will make damn sure I am armed every time I leave the house, the leftist terrorists will feel their violence was justified in the fraud of an election and will get more violent.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.

That meat puppet faggot's "election" was never legit. He was never vetted, never scrutinized and never allowed to be criticized. Anyone who opposed that freak of nature had media apparatchiks sorting the corn out of their shit so that they could tell all of America obozo's opponents had too much to eat and needed to be taxed more. You leftist parasites owe us 12 years of prosperity, because you have delivered nothing but stagnation, malaise and destruction.

Abort yourself.

Fucking piece of shit.

I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.

No one deligitimized Obie's Presidency. He had a freakin' race card force shield around him. Too many pussies were afraid to try, idiot.
What happened to your short-term memory? You smoke dope daily, or sumthin'?

Fucking retard....

You can do better than the lame birther accusations that most did not even pay attention to.

You're really stupid to think you can lie like that and get away with it ...

The poll found that 72 percent of registered Republican voters hold doubts about the president's citizenship.

You lose when you lie. Thanks for the easy concession.

One poll paid for by propagandists who think the people are sheep.
We are all hip now to the snake oil pollsters sell!
One poll that proved you're full of shit. Want more?


Fuck no. Polls tell the people paying for them what they want to hear. Get lost.
No worries, I leave with your balls in my trophy case. Regrettably, nuh-uh really is the best you can do.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.

That meat puppet faggot's "election" was never legit. He was never vetted, never scrutinized and never allowed to be criticized. Anyone who opposed that freak of nature had media apparatchiks sorting the corn out of their shit so that they could tell all of America obozo's opponents had too much to eat and needed to be taxed more. You leftist parasites owe us 12 years of prosperity, because you have delivered nothing but stagnation, malaise and destruction.

Abort yourself.

Fucking piece of shit.

Poor, baby. :itsok:

You're heading back to the backseat. Buckle up, you're not gonna like the ride.
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs. in fact, they represent the antithesis.
They have advocated for taxpayer funded abortion, drastic reductions in gun rights, China favoritism, increased welfare programs, virtually open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, rejoining the Paris accord which specifically harms Americans energy position, expansive and expensive Green Energy Projects that have never resulted in a significant contribution to society and generally most anything that is proven to harm Americans and their Liberties.

Biden is an indisputable lifetime career politician, long since corrupted by Washington and the power of power at the expense of the governed.
Harris is a Socialist and reminds me of AOC.

There is no way I can ever accept them as my President or Vice President.
Clearly, China has announced they are quite pleased with Bidens' potential term. A Hard core, radical, murderous regime happy over a US president elect?
If you see no problem with that, you are either a fool, blind, ignorant, a communist yourself or a combination of all.

The Left should clearly understand this as that is exactly the position they took on Trump for 4 years.

What about you?

If by any means Biden should be certified President, will you accept him as your President?
Will you be able to accept the Harris/Biden Administration as "legitimate" ?

This "he's not my President" bullshit is ignorant and stupid.

Of course he will be my President. I didn't vote for him, and I don't like him, but if it's determined that he is the President, so be it. I will, however, do my level best to see that neither he nor his negro whore get re-elected in 2024.

That's how it works.

The idiots who clamored about "Trump's not my President" were ignorant and stupid. Why would it be different now?

Because Trump was PRO America

Biden and Harris....not so much

Was that really that difficult ?

Of course that's one view. But the majority view in this country is that Biden is, in fact, the President.

But, considering your position, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to act or are you just going to sit there and piss and moan and bitch and fool yourself into believing that you saying "HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT" matters?
Well ima post fake news links and rumors and stupid shit like the shit stains have for 4 years.

Well, that'll show 'em...
No, I'm not really, I was just making fun of them.

So you're not going to do anything to effect his removal from office except whine about him?

If you can't acknowledge that he's President, then you should take up arms to defend and install the person you believe to rightfully be President.

Are you prepared to do that?
I guess you don't understand what I posted. I said that no I was not really going to post a bunch of crap and that I was only saying that to make fun of the leftist scum because that's all they have done of the last 5 years.

Oh, I got it.

I guess I was just holding out hope that you wouldn't be as stupid as they were...
Polls prove.....

MORE THAN HALF of America gives the middle finger to Joe Bidet Biden !!
(Those who don't are likely Communists or mentally Ill)
MAGA Patriots !!!
Yes.... provided that Biden-Harris nor their handlers do anything to obstruct or influence the recounts or other validations.
"He's not my President" is always a dependable indication that you're dealing with a nutter

Which would cover ALL Leftists over the last 4 years.

Gotcha sucker! :laugh:
Link, please.

You need a link, for proof the Left didn't accept Trump as their President????

Link? uh....roll over, fetch and get my newspaper first.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Damn, you’re stupid
Polls prove.....

MORE THAN HALF of America gives the middle finger to Joe Bidet Biden !!

(Those who don't are likely Communists or mentally Ill)
MAGA Patriots !!!
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs. in fact, they represent the antithesis.
They have advocated for taxpayer funded abortion, drastic reductions in gun rights, China favoritism, increased welfare programs, virtually open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, rejoining the Paris accord which specifically harms Americans energy position, expansive and expensive Green Energy Projects that have never resulted in a significant contribution to society and generally most anything that is proven to harm Americans and their Liberties.

Biden is an indisputable lifetime career politician, long since corrupted by Washington and the power of power at the expense of the governed.
Harris is a Socialist and reminds me of AOC.

There is no way I can ever accept them as my President or Vice President.
Clearly, China has announced they are quite pleased with Bidens' potential term. A Hard core, radical, murderous regime happy over a US president elect?
If you see no problem with that, you are either a fool, blind, ignorant, a communist yourself or a combination of all.

The Left should clearly understand this as that is exactly the position they took on Trump for 4 years.

What about you?

If by any means Biden should be certified President, will you accept him as your President?
Will you be able to accept the Harris/Biden Administration as "legitimate" ?

This "he's not my President" bullshit is ignorant and stupid.

Of course he will be my President. I didn't vote for him, and I don't like him, but if it's determined that he is the President, so be it. I will, however, do my level best to see that neither he nor his negro whore get re-elected in 2024.

That's how it works.

The idiots who clamored about "Trump's not my President" were ignorant and stupid. Why would it be different now?

Because Trump was PRO America

Biden and Harris....not so much

Was that really that difficult ?

Of course that's one view. But the majority view in this country is that Biden is, in fact, the President.

But, considering your position, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to act or are you just going to sit there and piss and moan and bitch and fool yourself into believing that you saying "HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT" matters?
Well ima post fake news links and rumors and stupid shit like the shit stains have for 4 years.

Well, that'll show 'em...
No, I'm not really, I was just making fun of them.

So you're not going to do anything to effect his removal from office except whine about him?

If you can't acknowledge that he's President, then you should take up arms to defend and install the person you believe to rightfully be President.

Are you prepared to do that?
I guess you don't understand what I posted. I said that no I was not really going to post a bunch of crap and that I was only saying that to make fun of the leftist scum because that's all they have done of the last 5 years.

Oh, I got it.

I guess I was just holding out hope that you wouldn't be as stupid as they were...
I'm not.

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