Will you accept Biden as your president if the final tally goes that way?

Will you accept Biden as your President if certified?

  • YES

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 34 65.4%

  • Total voters
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Dems shooting up Chicago every day and you dare even speak on this subject?

I denounce any person looting, rioting

I denounce violence from BOTH sides.

I think the POPULAR VOTE should be the ONLY vote that matters

I believe the EC is out-dated and favors red states (who pay LESS to the federal government than blue states)

I support peaceful liberals, progressives, blacks, whites, dems, repubs, jews, gays, muslims who can live and work together without waging culture or religious wars

I do NOT support authoritarian lying dirt bags and conmen who are petty and juvenile and who enjoy punishing people and destroying lives

Go piss up a rope you lyin' sack of shit!

not a rope....

a bible!

or a picture of trump!

We're tired of Prog-tards like yourself lyin' out of the sides of your mouths.
That's why Trump was elected to begin with!
And you idiots still don't see it!
Well, we'll just have to take you and Joe back to school.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Dems shooting up Chicago every day and you dare even speak on this subject?

I denounce any person looting, rioting

I denounce violence from BOTH sides.

I think the POPULAR VOTE should be the ONLY vote that matters

I believe the EC is out-dated and favors red states (who pay LESS to the federal government than blue states)

I support peaceful liberals, progressives, blacks, whites, dems, repubs, jews, gays, muslims who can live and work together without waging culture or religious wars

I do NOT support authoritarian lying dirt bags and conmen who are petty and juvenile and who enjoy punishing people and destroying lives

Go piss up a rope you lyin' sack of shit!

not a rope....

a bible!

or a picture of trump!

We're tired of Prog-tards like yourself lyin' out of the sides of your mouths.
That's why Trump was elected to begin with!
And you idiots still don't see it!
Well, we'll just have to take you and Joe back to school.

I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

Imagine the gall this clown-tard has to tell you what and what not to do!
They're F'in control freaks!!

Liberals think they know best for everyone. If you punch one square in the face they re-think that.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
I'll never accept an American hating Socialist government so Biden can go fuck himself.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

Imagine the gall this clown-tard has to tell you what and what not to do!
They're F'in control freaks!!

Liberals think they know best for everyone. If you punch one square in the face they re-think that.

They're pussies.
The second you throw their own tactics back in their face, they want to fold like a bad Broadway play and take their marbles home.
They are what Republicans are scared of?
What a bad joke!
They're pussies.
The second you throw their own tactics back in their face, they want to fold like a bad Broadway play and take their marbles home.
They are what Republicans are scared of?
What a bad joke!

I know right. Liberals are like those tiny lapdogs who bark and try to act tough then run away if you yell boo. What are liberals going to do yell a hey hey ho ho chant at us :auiqs.jpg:
They're pussies.
The second you throw their own tactics back in their face, they want to fold like a bad Broadway play and take their marbles home.
They are what Republicans are scared of?
What a bad joke!

I know right. Liberals are like those tiny lapdogs who bark and try to act tough then run away if you yell boo. What are liberals going to do yell a hey hey ho ho chant at us :auiqs.jpg:

They're like the Great Oz. Once you pull back the curtain and expose them, you discover a geriatric balding idiot pulling levers.
They're pussies.
The second you throw their own tactics back in their face, they want to fold like a bad Broadway play and take their marbles home.
They are what Republicans are scared of?
What a bad joke!

I know right. Liberals are like those tiny lapdogs who bark and try to act tough then run away if you yell boo. What are liberals going to do yell a hey hey ho ho chant at us :auiqs.jpg:

They're like the Great Oz. Once you pull back the curtain and expose them, you discover a geriatric balding idiot pulling levers.

Geriatric's are offended at being compared to Biden.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.
Never. I was told under Obama I had to respect the office even if I didn't like the person. I did.
Then came Trump and the left pissed on him at even opportunity.
Never will a democrat ever be my president.

Everything that happened to Trump was a direct result of..Trump. And based on a still unseen tape that's probably still in someone's safe, he likes it when people do that to him. Gives him a reason to be angry.
/——/ The same way democRATs accepted Trump as president.
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs. in fact, they represent the antithesis.
They have advocated for taxpayer funded abortion, drastic reductions in gun rights, China favoritism, increased welfare programs, virtually open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, rejoining the Paris accord which specifically harms Americans energy position, expansive and expensive Green Energy Projects that have never resulted in a significant contribution to society and generally most anything that is proven to harm Americans and their Liberties.

Biden is an indisputable lifetime career politician, long since corrupted by Washington and the power of power at the expense of the governed.
Harris is a Socialist and reminds me of AOC.

There is no way I can ever accept them as my President or Vice President.
Clearly, China has announced they are quite pleased with Bidens' potential term. A Hard core, radical, murderous regime happy over a US president elect?
If you see no problem with that, you are either a fool, blind, ignorant, a communist yourself or a combination of all.

The Left should clearly understand this as that is exactly the position they took on Trump for 4 years.

What about you?

If by any means Biden should be certified President, will you accept him as your President?
Will you be able to accept the Harris/Biden Administration as "legitimate" ?
If he gets the required votes he's president..period.
Refuse to comply with UnConstitutional Executive Orders - NO. The law is the law if the Courts do not strike any EO own. I will comply.

So you will comply with UN Constitutional EO's ?

Biden will EO a $200 per gun and per magazine TAX on all your firearms......OK with that? (No infringement there)

Biden will issue an EO demanding all guns be registered (UnConstitutional) OK with that? You WILL comply?

If any Biden EO is unconstitutional then the SCOTUS will strike it down. Have you looked at the current makeup of the Supreme Court? And considered how many judges Trump nominated and the Senate confirmed? If they say it's constitutional then I'll comply; see, I'm not a democrat who picks and chooses the laws he/she will abide by.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.

No one deligitimized Obie's Presidency. He had a freakin' race card force shield around him. Too many pussies were afraid to try, idiot.
What happened to your short-term memory? You smoke dope daily, or sumthin'?
They're pussies.
The second you throw their own tactics back in their face, they want to fold like a bad Broadway play and take their marbles home.
They are what Republicans are scared of?
What a bad joke!

I know right. Liberals are like those tiny lapdogs who bark and try to act tough then run away if you yell boo. What are liberals going to do yell a hey hey ho ho chant at us :auiqs.jpg:

They're like the Great Oz. Once you pull back the curtain and expose them, you discover a geriatric balding idiot pulling levers.

Geriatric's are offended at being compared to Biden.
/——/ Weasels are offended being compared to Biden.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.
When Obama was President he acted like a "community organizer". The Progs did so many thing behind the back of the people and it was just accepted. He shoved a medial plan that cost a lot of people their surviving money or they had less to survive on while promoting pre existing conditions. I guarantee you when the Progs run out of money once they are in total control those with pre existing conditions will be the first on the chopping block. President Obama was given time at the start of his Presidency. Trump was given nothing.
I will NEVER accept Biden the traitor as president under any circumstances.

you don't have to.

and I don't accept trump.

we both have that right.

just make sure you don't shoot anyone are break any laws.....

Who made your stinkin' lefty ass Sheriff?

The left always talk shit, then run home to their mommas their tails tucked between their legs.

having seen many of your deranged posts I know you are an idiot....

but how was my saying; "you don't have to accept biden and I don't have to accept trump"

talking shit?

you do NOT have to accept biden
but he is still the president.

trump was president but I never accept him.


You have zero credibility after Dems just spent 4 years denying president Trump's legitimate presidency.
After the right spent 8 years delegitimizing Obama's presidency. We still owe you 4 years.

No one deligitimized Obie's Presidency. He had a freakin' race card force shield around him. Too many pussies were afraid to try, idiot.
What happened to your short-term memory? You smoke dope daily, or sumthin'?

Fucking retard....

Refuse to comply with UnConstitutional Executive Orders - NO. The law is the law if the Courts do not strike any EO own. I will comply.

So you will comply with UN Constitutional EO's ?

Biden will EO a $200 per gun and per magazine TAX on all your firearms......OK with that? (No infringement there)

Biden will issue an EO demanding all guns be registered (UnConstitutional) OK with that? You WILL comply?

If any Biden EO is unconstitutional then the SCOTUS will strike it down. Have you looked at the current makeup of the Supreme Court? And considered how many judges Trump nominated and the Senate confirmed? If they say it's constitutional then I'll comply; see, I'm not a democrat who picks and chooses the laws he/she will abide by.

The Rule of Law died in this Country for the established Political Class on 7/5/16, the day that Comey let Hillary walk!
Try some other argument, grasshopper.

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