Will you be "celebrating" 9-11?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I've given some thought to hanging my American flag in recognition of the date, but don't think I will.

To me, it is perverse to recognize the dates of bad things...for example when some beloved family member dies.

9/11 was one of the lowest dates in American history. A dozen Muslim scumbags took advantage of our freedoms and used them to drive a stake into our figurative heart.
Who was celebrating...

Search for

911 dancing Mossad

And also benji's famous quote

This (911) is VERY GOOD for ISRAEL!!!!
Celebrating? . Remembering, yes. We remember those that lived trough Peral Harbor, those survivors thought 9/11 was worse. Yeah, like we "celebrate" George Floyd's death from fentanyl and pretend it was something else. Accept truth is involved.
I have some range time planned. I have to check zero on a couple of rifles and get ready for uh, hunting season ;)
I've given some thought to hanging my American flag in recognition of the date, but don't think I will. To me, it is perverse to recognize the dates of bad things...

Then think of it as hanging out your flag in remembrance of all the people who died that day and all the heroes who gave their lives fighting to save others. Think of it as a remembrance of those lost people and all their families rather than a celebration then get out there and hang your flag out for those people.
I've given some thought to hanging my American flag in recognition of the date, but don't think I will.

To me, it is perverse to recognize the dates of bad things...for example when some beloved family member dies.

9/11 was one of the lowest dates in American history. A dozen Muslim scumbags took advantage of our freedoms and used them to drive a stake into our figurative heart.
Who will be dancing on rooftops??...meh..nobody..as they did not do 20 years ago.

Do you ever tire of the lies?
Wow, THICK AS A BRICK. The guy denies it even as it is reported on TV and countless news articles with people jumping for joy.

I feel sorry for you Jack, you truly are lost in your own dreamy bubble of delusion.

There was no one jumping for joy..or dancing on rooftops in this country. Just as there was no shorting of airline stocks. It’s a throwaway line in a movie. It didn’t happen.

Pull your head out of the media crap you immerse yourself in. They lie to you.
There was no one jumping for joy..or dancing on rooftops in this country.
Oh so now on 9/11 you are going to try to lie again, deflect, and try to change your story! You didn't say a word about them having to be in this country and I never said a word about that either! Are you calling the police, a professor, and all these people liars again? Remember to show us your PROOF that they are all lying.

I've already shown the raucous celebrations in other countries. And here are all the witnesses and reports of celebrations witnessed in New Jersey, but they appear to be fairly small groups, not massive crowds of thousands, but it DID happen. Sorry to jack you off on 9/11 again.
My flag is flying outside my front door this morning, NOT in celebration but in mourning and remembrance of those who perished and their families and friends who were forever wounded by the events of that day 20 years ago. That flag flies also in gratitude for the people who tried to help others, recognizing their bravery and sacrifice.
Oh so now on 9/11 you are going to try to lie again, deflect, and try to change your story! You didn't say a word about them having to be in this country and I never said a word about that either! Are you calling the police, a professor, and all these people liars again? Remember to show us your PROOF that they are all lying.

I've already shown the raucous celebrations in other countries. And here are all the witnesses and reports of celebrations witnessed in New Jersey, but they appear to be fairly small groups, not massive crowds of thousands, but it DID happen. Sorry to jack you off on 9/11 again.
Like your constant "evidence" of non-existent voter fraud, none of these links hold any information that is trustworthy.
Sorry Freaky, secondhand accounts in right wing publications of "I saw the whole thing"....don't count. It's been 20 years. Time to move on.
Like your constant "evidence" of non-existent voter fraud,
200 copy.gif

All proven 100 times over to anyone with an IQ above 5.

none of these links hold any information that is trustworthy.
The only thing you find trustworthy Jack is that you'll never see the inside of a garage. But you'll trust the 10,000 bogus, specious claims of the filthy crooked election boards who have all been known crooks for decades.

Sorry Freaky, secondhand accounts in right wing publications of "I saw the whole thing"....don't count. It's been 20 years. Time to move on.
Sure Jack, we'll move on. Remember you said that in a few years when you're laughing out of the other side of your mouth.
View attachment 537980
All proven 100 times over to anyone with an IQ above 5.

The only thing you find trustworthy Jack is that you'll never see the inside of a garage. But you'll trust the 10,000 bogus, specious claims of the filthy crooked election boards who have all been known crooks for decades.

Sure Jack, we'll move on. Remember you said that in a few years when you're laughing out of the other side of your mouth.
Oh goody, you can do memes. Soon you'll graduate to forming coherent sentences. Maybe you'll evolve to become somebody who doesn't constantly spew shit...but I'm not holding my breath.
Mostly? Cause you're an idiot that just sings the same sad, debunked songs over and over again. Like your savior, just replaying the greatest hits. It gets old.
I've given some thought to hanging my American flag in recognition of the date, but don't think I will.

To me, it is perverse to recognize the dates of bad things...for example when some beloved family member dies.

9/11 was one of the lowest dates in American history. A dozen Muslim scumbags took advantage of our freedoms and used them to drive a stake into our figurative heart.

Celebrating is the wrong word, commemorating is a better word.

I won't be commemorating, remembering yes. I was up the top of one of those towers 40 days before, I was working just north or New York City that summer, though I wasn't there when it happened.

But then I can see why it happened. US imperialism gone crazy. It still is crazy. The US learned nothing from it, went into Iraq and Afghanistan, bombed Libya, caused havoc all over the region, killed far more people than they killed Americans. It's sad.
I've given some thought to hanging my American flag in recognition of the date, but don't think I will.

To me, it is perverse to recognize the dates of bad things...for example when some beloved family member dies.

9/11 was one of the lowest dates in American history. A dozen Muslim scumbags took advantage of our freedoms and used them to drive a stake into our figurative heart.
Now, to address the OP. I sat in silence most of yesterday. I watched a couple of 9/11 documentaries on the History Channel and Nat Geo. I hadn't really thought about it too hard in recent years but watching these documentaries was a reminder of everything that happened that day. And just about everyone I know can tell you where they were just about every minute of that day and what they were doing. Mostly, I remember taking the dog out at about 11:30PM that night and taking note of the eerie silence. No planes, no cars, no ambient noise, no people talking, no wind. It was the quietest I'd had ever heard my surroundings.

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