Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins?

I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.

It's just another troll.

A better comparison would be "shit on the shoulder." ;)
pretty much.
or hillary on the shoulder, but then, thats somewhat redundant to what you said.
why do white lives matter more?
to piss of the black lives matter crowd.
besides, if not for whites, blacks would still be slaves, so for blacks to have the rights it takes to bitch and moan like they do, they need the whites. thus, white lives matter more because without them blacks in this country would be nothing.
you might not like the wording but its basically a very correct statement.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.

It's just another troll.

A better comparison would be "shit on the shoulder." ;)
pretty much.
or hillary on the shoulder, but then, thats somewhat redundant to what you said.
why do white lives matter more?
to piss of the black lives matter crowd.
besides, if not for whites, blacks would still be slaves, so for blacks to have the rights it takes to bitch and moan like they do, they need the whites. thus, white lives matter more because without them blacks in this country would be nothing.
you might not like the wording but its basically a very correct statement.
i gotta hear this bit of nazi propaganda.... go ahead explain how would blacks still be slaves if it wasnt for whites
Employment to population ratios of 20- to 24-year-olds, by sex and educational attainment: 2015

Millennial College Graduates: Young, Educated, Jobless

I expressly ask you to show credibly how and that the 11 undocumented immigrants are material to ruining the environment. Even Al Gore hasn't come up with that one.

More people/higher population===>>>more trash created, water consumed, houses built/land cleared, more cars/more pollution = more resources used.

Not really that hard to grasp.

Millennial College Graduates: Young, Educated, Jobless

What is the point of the article you've referenced? Are you trying to quibble over:
  • the difference between one's having recently graduated vs having (presumably) graduated for some time?
  • the difference between the figures in the chart to which I linked and that show an 11% unemployment rate for 20-24 year olds having degrees rather than those from your Newsweek article which asserts a 13.8% unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds? (both yours and my cited metrics pertain to 2015)
If so, I'm not exactly sure why or what you think is served by doing so.

Moreover, had you clicked on the chart I provided and then read the content found at the site, you'd have learned the following:

For young adults, the employment rate was lower in 2008, when the recession began, than it was in 2000 (73 vs. 77 percent). The employment rate was even lower in 2010 (65 percent), after the end of the recession, than it was in 2008. While the employment rate for young adults was higher in 2015 (71 percent) than in 2010, the 2015 rate was still lower than the rates in 2008 and 2000. Similar patterns in the employment rate were found for young adults with some college and young adults who had completed high school, as well as for older adults. For young adults who had not completed high school, the employment rate was higher in 2015 (51 percent) than it had been in 2010 (44 percent), but was not measurably different than it had been in 2008 (55 percent).​

In addition to finding the above, you'd have found links to the BLS' raw data, the data to which both yours and my cited sources refer.

More people/higher population===>>>more trash created, water consumed, houses built/land cleared, more cars/more pollution = more resources used.

Not really that hard to grasp.

Yes, I figured you might reply by presenting the most manifestly pellucid approaches to quantifying the matter. (not that there's anything wrong with that) Of course, one more person results in "one more person's worth" of impact, thus 11 million people have 11 million persons' impact. Neither I nor anyone else need you to explain merely that 11M more people have more impact than 11M fewer people.

I entreated you offer a qualitative analysis of environmental impact of the 11M immigrants, one that shows "credibly how and that the 11 undocumented immigrants are material to ruining the environment." You see, in a nation of some 318M people, it's hardly clear that the incremental difference between the environmental impact of 307M people is materially less than that of 318M people, or, if you prefer, that the impact of 318M people is materially less than that of 329M people.

The question at hand and that I asked goes to what be the impact of those 11M more people, just how relevant is the difference? To illustrate, if your net worth is $318M and that of two of your neighbors is $307M and $329M, just how relevant is it the difference in your net worths? By contrast, when one is lifting weights at the gym, the difference between 307 lbs, 318 lbs and 329 lbs of weight on a barbell can make all the difference in the world for one may be able to press, say, 318 lbs and not 329 lbs, or one may be able to do just two reps at 318 lbs yet still eke out four more reps at 307 lbs. Scale matters, as any Rhodes Scholar would know, when one considers the qualitative impact of "more" or "less" of something.
In a nation of 325 million people, 11 million isn't all that big. Once legalized they'll be paying taxes and we can better expect them to follow the law.

Any immigration plan needs to have strong enforcement.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?
Better them than anti American Republican. At least they want to be here and think America is great.

I agree. I'd rather have the Hispanics over the tea partiers.
Your disdain for your fellow citizens is not surprising.

Why don't we just round up those with whom you disagree with and send them to re-education camps for further indoctrination.

Why not just line them up and rid the world of these deplorables by firing squad.

And you wonder why your "enemies" refuse to relinquish their firearms.

You are worse than those who attempt to flee the corruption and come to America for a chance at opportunity.

If anyone should leave it is those who hate. Those like you.

I'll join your enemies in combating your desire to extinguish their freedom and voices.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?
Within my opinion,,,I'll be fine with it as long as our immigration laws continue to be enforced.
Do you even realize what you just said?

1. Amnesty for 20 million LAWBREAKERS & THEIR FAMILIES

2. NOW well start enforcing the law.

This could be funny if the total destruction of the country wasn't taking place even as we speak
Well if they're here and working, wouldn't it also be nice that they were paying taxes also, like everyone else. One thing you people continually overlook, is we are an elderly shrinking population and we have these two funds called Social Security & Medicare....So think about it. If not immigration then who is going to support Social Security/Medicare. You can't have one American young person working & paying for 6 retirees on Social Security/Medicare. And keep in mind also, no Latino has ever strapped on a suicide bomb or taken an AK into a crowd and started firing. They are Christians, predominately Catholic, and these are the people you have continually attacked with hateful rhetoric.

Has it ever occurred to you that a reason the funds are running dry is that so much money that could have been inserted into them is being diverted to pay for illegals?
People need to look at Japan, a country which wants to stop immigration as much as possible, and their shrinking population.

Yes, they are a model country who is retaining its culture and will not dilute it with impoverished bottom-feeders of the 3rd world incapable of building their own functioning societies. In 30-40 years Japan, which is ridiculously overcrowded anyway and needs a significant population reduction - there are 130 MM japanese living in a country the size of CA - Japan will still have a functioning, efficient, advanced society; will you be able to say that about Europe/Germany/Sweden due to the psychotic merkel's mass importation of wretched muslims?

I am willing to bet that the best countries in 35 years will be Japan and Australia, two island nations who do not accept illegals/refugees, and do not give a shit about being politically incorrect about it, because their leadership actually gives a fuck more about their citizens than the leftwing media, UN bureaucrats, chattering classes, etc.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

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