Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins?

Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Well if they're here and working, wouldn't it also be nice that they were paying taxes also, like everyone else. One thing you people continually overlook, is we are an elderly shrinking population and we have these two funds called Social Security & Medicare.

In the 50's the average kid size per family was 4, over the last several decades it's gone down to 1 or 2 kids per family. Today, there are 10K baby boomers entering Social Security/Medicare on a daily basis. Obviously we do not have the working youth in this country to support these programs, which is also why our National Debt has exploded to 20 trillion dollars. Social Security/Medicare is our biggest Federal Budget output and it will continue to grow at this rate for the next 10 years.

1. Allow immigration into this country for younger workers to support these programs.
2. Do away with Social Security/Medicare
3. Cut Benefits.
There is no other option


This article is about the BENEFITS of immigration.

Here is a very good article on this, and it also has to do with Trump supporters.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


So think about it. If not immigration then who is going to support Social Security/Medicare. You can't have one American young person working & paying for 6 retirees on Social Security/Medicare. And keep in mind also, no Latino has ever strapped on a suicide bomb or taken an AK into a crowd and started firing. They are Christians, predominately Catholic, and these are the people you have continually attacked with hateful rhetoric.

You seem to be forgetting the other big automatic spending program, maobamacare subsidies. Almost every illegal will qualify for them, or medicade.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Well Reagan did it.

And he realized he fucked up.
if you dont want families broken apart then you should be for building the wall and enforcing immigration laws, that would keep those nasty pregnant whores on in their own country and force us to ship themb back.
now there are two ways to look at breaking up the family, one way is that cuntzualla and pedro knew they were taking a chance on getting sent back even after their illegal blob chewed its way out of her., thats on them not the U.S. the parents are the ones that put their child in that situation, not the U.S.
as far as them staying, lets pretend for just a moment that the constitution was meant to say that no matter what, you were a citizen if you happened to fall out of your moms taco on U.S soil, that ammendment did not include the parents that were not born here, they are still illegal and need to be shipped back. If the family is broken up, again, their decision to leave without wetback Jr. Nothing stopping them from dragging the spawn back across the border witht them.
but the wall and keeping them out is the best bet for all if you dont want to take a chance of breaking up a family.

Yup, not racially motivated at all. It's about border security........Moron.

We break up the families of criminals of all races all the time, it's just one hazard of being a criminal. We didn't put them in their situation, they did. I have no sympathy for any of them no matter what country they're from.

I have a little bit of sympathy for them, but not enough to allow them to continue to break our laws and be here illegally.
I live in an area that was flooded with them when the idiot OweMalley decided they were not illegals, they were "New Americans" and turned Maryland into a sanctuary state.
Having had this experience to see exactly who they are, I have no sympathy for them and as God is my witness even though I am certified as an EMT (required for my job) I would step over them and keep going on my way before I would ever render them assistance.
And they would do the same for me or you. except before the stepped over they would check our pockets for money.

Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
Will you be ok with giving citizenship to the 11 million illegals if Clinton wins? I believe if she ends up winning the election and she will have won running on this issue...Well, I think both parties should accept that this is the path we will be taking. Do you agree?

Well if they're here and working, wouldn't it also be nice that they were paying taxes also, like everyone else. One thing you people continually overlook, is we are an elderly shrinking population and we have these two funds called Social Security & Medicare.

In the 50's the average kid size per family was 4, over the last several decades it's gone down to 1 or 2 kids per family. Today, there are 10K baby boomers entering Social Security/Medicare on a daily basis. Obviously we do not have the working youth in this country to support these programs, which is also why our National Debt has exploded to 20 trillion dollars. Social Security/Medicare is our biggest Federal Budget output and it will continue to grow at this rate for the next 10 years.

1. Allow immigration into this country for younger workers to support these programs.
2. Do away with Social Security/Medicare
3. Cut Benefits.
There is no other option


This article is about the BENEFITS of immigration.

Here is a very good article on this, and it also has to do with Trump supporters.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


So think about it. If not immigration then who is going to support Social Security/Medicare. You can't have one American young person working & paying for 6 retirees on Social Security/Medicare. And keep in mind also, no Latino has ever strapped on a suicide bomb or taken an AK into a crowd and started firing. They are Christians, predominately Catholic, and these are the people you have continually attacked with hateful rhetoric.

You seem to be forgetting the other big automatic spending program, maobamacare subsidies. Almost every illegal will qualify for them, or medicade.
that and schools, emergency and police services ( usually sent for their victims) jails (like an illegal will ever end up in one)
they are a huge burden on the taxpayer.

State Cost Studies | Federation for American Immigration Reform
. Illegal immigration costs federal and local taxpayers $113 billion a year. That is an average cost to native-headed households of $1,117 a year.
I could really use that extra 1100.00 a year. Maybe a big screen tv or something of value. or, take my 1100.00 per year and buy some blocks to go toward the wall to keep those leaches out of the country.
if you dont want families broken apart then you should be for building the wall and enforcing immigration laws, that would keep those nasty pregnant whores on in their own country and force us to ship themb back.
now there are two ways to look at breaking up the family, one way is that cuntzualla and pedro knew they were taking a chance on getting sent back even after their illegal blob chewed its way out of her., thats on them not the U.S. the parents are the ones that put their child in that situation, not the U.S.
as far as them staying, lets pretend for just a moment that the constitution was meant to say that no matter what, you were a citizen if you happened to fall out of your moms taco on U.S soil, that ammendment did not include the parents that were not born here, they are still illegal and need to be shipped back. If the family is broken up, again, their decision to leave without wetback Jr. Nothing stopping them from dragging the spawn back across the border witht them.
but the wall and keeping them out is the best bet for all if you dont want to take a chance of breaking up a family.

Yup, not racially motivated at all. It's about border security........Moron.

We break up the families of criminals of all races all the time, it's just one hazard of being a criminal. We didn't put them in their situation, they did. I have no sympathy for any of them no matter what country they're from.

I have a little bit of sympathy for them, but not enough to allow them to continue to break our laws and be here illegally.
I live in an area that was flooded with them when the idiot OweMalley decided they were not illegals, they were "New Americans" and turned Maryland into a sanctuary state.
Having had this experience to see exactly who they are, I have no sympathy for them and as God is my witness even though I am certified as an EMT (required for my job) I would step over them and keep going on my way before I would ever render them assistance.
And they would do the same for me or you. except before the stepped over they would check our pockets for money.

Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.
Yup, not racially motivated at all. It's about border security........Moron.

We break up the families of criminals of all races all the time, it's just one hazard of being a criminal. We didn't put them in their situation, they did. I have no sympathy for any of them no matter what country they're from.

I have a little bit of sympathy for them, but not enough to allow them to continue to break our laws and be here illegally.
I live in an area that was flooded with them when the idiot OweMalley decided they were not illegals, they were "New Americans" and turned Maryland into a sanctuary state.
Having had this experience to see exactly who they are, I have no sympathy for them and as God is my witness even though I am certified as an EMT (required for my job) I would step over them and keep going on my way before I would ever render them assistance.
And they would do the same for me or you. except before the stepped over they would check our pockets for money.

Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
We break up the families of criminals of all races all the time, it's just one hazard of being a criminal. We didn't put them in their situation, they did. I have no sympathy for any of them no matter what country they're from.

I have a little bit of sympathy for them, but not enough to allow them to continue to break our laws and be here illegally.
I live in an area that was flooded with them when the idiot OweMalley decided they were not illegals, they were "New Americans" and turned Maryland into a sanctuary state.
Having had this experience to see exactly who they are, I have no sympathy for them and as God is my witness even though I am certified as an EMT (required for my job) I would step over them and keep going on my way before I would ever render them assistance.
And they would do the same for me or you. except before the stepped over they would check our pockets for money.

Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
I have a little bit of sympathy for them, but not enough to allow them to continue to break our laws and be here illegally.
I live in an area that was flooded with them when the idiot OweMalley decided they were not illegals, they were "New Americans" and turned Maryland into a sanctuary state.
Having had this experience to see exactly who they are, I have no sympathy for them and as God is my witness even though I am certified as an EMT (required for my job) I would step over them and keep going on my way before I would ever render them assistance.
And they would do the same for me or you. except before the stepped over they would check our pockets for money.

Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I live in an area that was flooded with them when the idiot OweMalley decided they were not illegals, they were "New Americans" and turned Maryland into a sanctuary state.
Having had this experience to see exactly who they are, I have no sympathy for them and as God is my witness even though I am certified as an EMT (required for my job) I would step over them and keep going on my way before I would ever render them assistance.
And they would do the same for me or you. except before the stepped over they would check our pockets for money.

Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
Well, I've met some who were decent people, but that is irrelevant. We can't be the "daddy" of the whole world. Our own resources are very limited, especially when we have a government that treats tax money like a 16-year-old at the mall with daddy's credit card.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out

Oh, good grief. Another one of "these" kind of posters. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion besides piss poor accusations, then move along, loser.
If they were decent they would not have illegally entered our country in the first place.
I wont talk to them or deal with them. I have no respect for them and dont care if they starve or not.
I look at them as I would any insect that infested my home. and they are an infestation in our country.

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.
Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.
white lives matter

Well, like them or not, they are still humans and each of them have a different personality, but again this is rather irrelevant when it comes to illegally entering and staying in the country.
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.

It's just another troll.

A better comparison would be "shit on the shoulder." ;)
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.

It's just another troll.

A better comparison would be "shit on the shoulder." ;)
stupid nazi
In my eyes they gave up their right to be human when the snuck in. Now they are just nasty vermin.
if they want to be human again, go back where they came from and come in the correct way and collect no subsidies. then Im ok with them.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.

It's just another troll.

A better comparison would be "shit on the shoulder." ;)
pretty much.
or hillary on the shoulder, but then, thats somewhat redundant to what you said.
you say about all brown people, it has nothing to do with them breaking any law.
I dont think know exactly what you mean, Im talking about the illegals, and yes, every single one of them broke the law.
that's just a convenient excuse... you want to kick all brown people out
save that stupid shit for someone it might work on.
find anywhere I said all brown people. you cant, do you know why? because you are a chip on the shoulder idiot.

It's just another troll.

A better comparison would be "shit on the shoulder." ;)
pretty much.
or hillary on the shoulder, but then, thats somewhat redundant to what you said.
why do white lives matter more?

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