Will you get the Trump Vaccine?

Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.

I'm good. But if you want to add anti-vaxxer to the wingnut resume of derp then be my guest.

Please don't confuse me with someone who actually cares what you think. I do however suggest you research what's in it son. It isn't good.
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Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
You're lying again. I can tell by the first two words of your post.

Calling 'the world', 'the world' to you is a lie? Ok, you've probably said stranger things...I guess.
You still haven't learned to read. Go back and read it again, you fucking moron.

I did, you don't make any sense. That's OK nobody cares.
Here, moron, I'll draw you a picture since you don't read well. You posted, as your first two words, "I think" Bingo, you're a liar.

When does your mom take away your computer?
She's not my mom, she's yours and I get off when she applies lipstick to my wood.
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.
dont take the vaccine,here is the cure they are suppressing from us.

these patriot doctors expose it.

Finally, public validation from DOCTORS, of what I have been saying since Feb. 2020. The sky really isn't falling and the emperor IS naked.
There are 302,000 families in the U.S that are doubting the accuracy of the name Warp Speed in regards to the vaccine.
SMH, the CDC has stated long ago that only 6% of all covid-related deaths were from covid and not a comorbidity. Therefore, your 302K is actually only 18K. Here is a video that you might find interesting. A group of concerned DOCTORS holding a press conference on the capital steps. Your BS MSM won't show it to you though.
Let's talk about your source for that little video, BitChute, shall we?

From the website Media Bias/Fact Check:
BitChute - Media Bias/Fact Check

Founded in 2017 by Ray Vahey, BitChute is an online video hosting platform that publishes far-right conspiracy theories, and videos banned by Youtube for content violations. Some notable publishers on BitChute are conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Lauren Southern. The website lacks transparency as they do not offer an about page and videos are uploaded by anybody. The videos claim to be hosted on a peer to peer network to prevent censorship.

Overall, we rate BitChute extreme right and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, propaganda, hate speech, poor sourcing, fake news, and a lack of transparency. This source is not credible for accurate information and may be offensive to some (most).

Well done, Slappy.

So what's your point, exactly, Slappy? That those people aren't doctors? That they didn't hold that press conference and say those things? The video was faked up with CGI? Exactly what is it you think you're debunking with your, "Aha!!! They're right-wing, so that means I can ignore it!!!!" moment?
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.
Trump isn't Pfizer.

No, but he is the guy that the FDA and the CDC answer to.
For the record, I'm not currently planning to get the vaccine. I have nothing against vaccines in general. I received all the standard childhood vaccinations growing up; so have my kids (except my daughter didn't get the chickenpox vaccine, since she caught chickenpox before the vaccine was a thing). I get flu vaccines when I happen to be working around sick or elderly people. But I don't get the flu vaccine if I'm not around particularly vulnerable people, nor do I get myself or my family vaccinations for things I don't think we need. This vaccine happens to fall under the category of "things I don't think we need".
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.

I'm good. But if you want to add anti-vaxxer to the wingnut resume of derp then be my guest.

Please don't confuse me with someone who actually cares what you think. I do however suggest you research what's in it son. It isn't good.

I'm sure Alex Jones isn't impressed. And why would I care if you care?
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.

I'm good. But if you want to add anti-vaxxer to the wingnut resume of derp then be my guest.

Please don't confuse me with someone who actually cares what you think. I do however suggest you research what's in it son. It isn't good.

I'm sure Alex Jones isn't impressed. And why would I care if you care?

You seem to be a legend in your own mind kid.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.

I'm good. But if you want to add anti-vaxxer to the wingnut resume of derp then be my guest.

Please don't confuse me with someone who actually cares what you think. I do however suggest you research what's in it son. It isn't good.

I'm sure Alex Jones isn't impressed. And why would I care if you care?

You seem to be a legend in your own mind kid.

If that works for you.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?

If I hurt your feelings well...you'll live.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?

If I hurt your feelings well...you'll live.
You're not capable.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?

If I hurt your feelings well...you'll live.
You're not capable.

Ok, then stop teasing me. I really, super-triple duper thought I had you...or whatever.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?

If I hurt your feelings well...you'll live.
You're not capable.

Ok, then stop teasing me. I really, super-triple duper thought I had you...or whatever.
It's really simple: People can't hurt your feelings unless you choose to let them.

I don't give internet strangers that power over me.

Other people do.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?

If I hurt your feelings well...you'll live.
You're not capable.

Ok, then stop teasing me. I really, super-triple duper thought I had you...or whatever.
It's really simple: People can't hurt your feelings unless you choose to let them.

I don't give internet strangers that power over me.

Other people do.

Probably not, but then I don't get the flu vaccine either. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with I don't trust much of modern medicine. They aren't trying to CURE anything any more...just keep you coming and buying their "medicine."

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