Will you get the Trump Vaccine?

Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.
and you giving TRUMP credit doesnt begin to overcome all the stupid shit you've posted, unfortunately
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.
Will you get the vaccine?
When you start a "loaded" thread posting about your political views why would you expect to be taken seriously with honest answers?
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.

It ain't the "Trump Vaccine" - Pfizer took not one red cent from Operation Warp Speed. I call it the Trump Virus and the Biden Vaccine. You should too! ;)

Oh, and YES - Fauci says it's safe so I will be getting the Biden Vaccine ASAP.
It's an out right fraud, no way could of biden get more votes then Obama
What a stupid post. He got more than Trump. That's what matters

And of course he could have gotten more than Obama with a larger population and huge turnout.

You're obviously parroting something stupid you heard or read. That's what you idiots do.
What are you talking about? Search my post I have been bitching about this since the election, how in the hell did the hated Trump get more votes then the beloved Obama?

The left aborts a half a million voters a year, it's illogical
Your "logic" is factless

You know what you've been bitching about is stupid but you do it anyway
anything you post is fact-less, that is unless you watch real news, which tells you both sides. not like the publishers
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.

Interesting. I could have sworn every leftist panic-monger on Earth was insisting that Covid-19 was THE most important thing in the history of ever, such that literally everything else - such as little things like going to work and sending your kids to school - were as nothing to it.

Now you're telling us that there's something even more important, such that finding a solution to Covid-19 is a mere nothing in comparison? I can't imagine what that could be. Do tell.
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.

It ain't the "Trump Vaccine" - Pfizer took not one red cent from Operation Warp Speed. I call it the Trump Virus and the Biden Vaccine. You should too! ;)
xiden/chinese virus....TRUMP vaccine. you are so far out there....you remind me of a brain dead, scumbag, pedophile lover, home wrecking whore lover, extortionist, liar, cheater, and all around piece of shit waste of oxygen, just like the xiden family
Of course I’ll get the vaccine!

I’m thankful for all the scientists and medical researchers whose work went into developing it. Hell, I’d take a Chinese or Russian vaccine — if our CDC and experts like Fauci approved it. I’m 71 and have bad asthma. I want to get out and live again!

In this case our government spent a fortune and acted fast to encourage this discovery and to make vaccines available. This is as it should be. It shows exactly what big government can do when it really wants and needs to. Too bad this isn’t the norm.

But if it says on the label “Trump’s vaccine” ... I’ll tell the traveling medicine man to peddle his magic potion elsewhere. Only when the CDC and FDA approve a drug as safe will I even consider taking it.

So let me get this straight: You think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and OF COURSE you're excited to get it, because all these reasons . . . unless it has Trump's name on it, in which case all those reasons are as nothing, and you'd rather die.

All righty, then.

You are correct, at least, that this shows what big government can do when it really wants and needs to: cut regulations and get the fuck out of the way so that the private sector can produce miracles that the government can then purchase from them.
I will be the first one in line for the vaccine ...

... so I can sell it on EBay to the highest bidding, mask wearing, bed-wetting, hysterical idiot who has let the media terrify him into believing the flu is the most deadly threat mankind has ever faced.

I'm pretty sure that's not how vaccinations work. They don't hand you the vial of medicine and a needle and send you home to inject yourself.
I've got a feeling you won't have a choice. The government may have a legal block to forcing you to take an injection, but most employers can legally say that as a condition of continued employment, you must be vaccinated.

And I will happily tell my employer to go fuck himself if he thinks his hourly pittance gives him ownership of my body and personal health. I don't ask his advice and permission about any other medical decisions I make, and I will not accept him dealing himself into this one.
Whatever you want to call the vaccination, Mrs. Hidden and I will be getting our first shots next Monday, and returning three weeks later for the second ones.

My step daughter is HR director for Baylor, Scott, and White medical services. We're lucky ducks.
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.

Interesting. I could have sworn every leftist panic-monger on Earth was insisting that Covid-19 was THE most important thing in the history of ever, such that literally everything else - such as little things like going to work and sending your kids to school - were as nothing to it.

Now you're telling us that there's something even more important, such that finding a solution to Covid-19 is a mere nothing in comparison? I can't imagine what that could be. Do tell.
It's all part of their plan. They've denied our kids pretty close to a year of education time, collectively billions of desk hours. The result is an undereducated population that is easy to control. Also lowers the US education level closer to that of a third world country--thats what the democrats call leveling the playing field. SMH
I will be the first one in line for the vaccine ...

... so I can sell it on EBay to the highest bidding, mask wearing, bed-wetting, hysterical idiot who has let the media terrify him into believing the flu is the most deadly threat mankind has ever faced.

I'm pretty sure that's not how vaccinations work. They don't hand you the vial of medicine and a needle and send you home to inject yourself.

That's how my drug dealer works.
I wonder if that shithead Biden is going to reallocate all the vaccines to the Negroes after January?

After all those the Useful Idiots are the ones that help perpetrate his fraudulent win in the big city shitholes of the swing states.

Fuck White people. Protect the Negroes.

Apparently, he does plan to alter the distribution plans based on "oppressed classes", rather than actual vulnerability levels. Fortunately, there's a goodly amount of overlap there, so his racist ignorance shouldn't cause too much damage.
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?

No, we're NOT fine with American's FORCED to have to carry ID papers that show we had the vaccine.

Fuck your feelings.

(shrugs) Fuck you and your fear/cowardice

I'm not the one who is afraid of a widdle needle.

You poor child, were I you I'd do some research to see what's in it.

I'm good. But if you want to add anti-vaxxer to the wingnut resume of derp then be my guest.

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