Will you get the Trump Vaccine?

Probably not, but then I don't get the flu vaccine either. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with I don't trust much of modern medicine. They aren't trying to CURE anything any more...just keep you coming and buying their "medicine."

Yep, like the polio and measles vaccines you take them and then you have to....wait. never mind.
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.

Like what Coyote?

No I won't get the vaccine, at least not for a long while. Guess what, we have to wear masks in public anyway, how's that for a twist?

I don't trust anything our govt. does under COVID or anything else, even with Trump at the wheel, he's not a doctor. They're using the vaccine to control us, plain and simple. Personally I think the entire shit-show represents Communism welcomed in. Pretend it's not here because how you envision things. There are no absolutes anymore, but this drive is for Communism. Power by a few, wealthy and poor, misinformation, diversion, no unity and never more corrupt. 3rd world, high-tech, puppet POTUS Communism shit. They fucked us just as 1984 said they would. That's the PROG's legacy and some hack Republicans too.

Don't waste your breath. Most of these commie fans have no idea what a vaccine even is nor how this particular "vaccine" was developed. They don't read/listen to anything but CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. All they know is that it's "safe", not because it's true, but because that's what they were told.
BTW, have you read this yet?

I won't be taking the vaccine either. But don't expect the commie fans NOT to take it, they know it all. We'll see.

Personally, I think that's great. Natural selection at work.
Probably not, but then I don't get the flu vaccine either. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with I don't trust much of modern medicine. They aren't trying to CURE anything any more...just keep you coming and buying their "medicine."

Yep, like the polio and measles vaccines you take them and then you have to....wait. never mind.

And how long ago were those developed? The situation has changed considerably since then wouldn't you say? For instance, it USED to be illegal to profit from healthcare, I do believe that those vaccines were developed BEFORE that change, were they not?
Probably not, but then I don't get the flu vaccine either. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with I don't trust much of modern medicine. They aren't trying to CURE anything any more...just keep you coming and buying their "medicine."

Yep, like the polio and measles vaccines you take them and then you have to....wait. never mind.

And how long ago were those developed? The situation has changed considerably since then wouldn't you say? For instance, it USED to be illegal to profit from healthcare, I do believe that those vaccines were developed BEFORE that change, were they not?

Vaccines don't tend to be profitable in general.
Probably not, but then I don't get the flu vaccine either. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with I don't trust much of modern medicine. They aren't trying to CURE anything any more...just keep you coming and buying their "medicine."

Yep, like the polio and measles vaccines you take them and then you have to....wait. never mind.

And how long ago were those developed? The situation has changed considerably since then wouldn't you say? For instance, it USED to be illegal to profit from healthcare, I do believe that those vaccines were developed BEFORE that change, were they not?

Vaccines don't tend to be profitable in general.
Perhaps not, but lots of others are enormously profitable and doctors are bribed to prescribe them.
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.

Like what Coyote?

No I won't get the vaccine, at least not for a long while. Guess what, we have to wear masks in public anyway, how's that for a twist?

I don't trust anything our govt. does under COVID or anything else, even with Trump at the wheel, he's not a doctor. They're using the vaccine to control us, plain and simple. Personally I think the entire shit-show represents Communism welcomed in. Pretend it's not here because how you envision things. There are no absolutes anymore, but this drive is for Communism. Power by a few, wealthy and poor, misinformation, diversion, no unity and never more corrupt. 3rd world, high-tech, puppet POTUS Communism shit. They fucked us just as 1984 said they would. That's the PROG's legacy and some hack Republicans too.

Don't waste your breath. Most of these commie fans have no idea what a vaccine even is nor how this particular "vaccine" was developed. They don't read/listen to anything but CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. All they know is that it's "safe", not because it's true, but because that's what they were told.
BTW, have you read this yet?

I won't be taking the vaccine either. But don't expect the commie fans NOT to take it, they know it all. We'll see.

Personally, I think that's great. Natural selection at work.

I didn't, but I did something with with less depth. Thank you
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.

Trump did nothing. The WHO and the world scientific community did it. Pfizer refused all US money and they got there first with help from the German government.

Trump didn’t even buy enough vaccine to get the job done efficiently. This is just another attempt for Trump to take credit fir for work done by others.

I will take the Pfizer vaccine, or Moderna. Whatever I can get. There is no such thing as a “Trump vaccine”.
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.
Muslims were behind the vaccine. Pfizer is headed by a muslim couple and wrap speed also headed by a Muslim scientist.the irony trump and his base are bigots and now depend on Muslims that they hate so much to save the world. :)
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you, son. Trump has been telling you that he and his admin were not bigots for years, but you only listen to the MSM and you only hear what you want to hear.
Good try sweetie.
The most obstructed president of the modern era managed to get a vaccine produced and approved in Operation Warp Speed. This will go down as one of the most humanitarian actions that he has accomplished along with all of the other promises made and kept.

Trump did nothing. The WHO and the world scientific community did it. Pfizer refused all US money and they got there first with help from the German government.

Trump didn’t even buy enough vaccine to get the job done efficiently. This is just another attempt for Trump to take credit fir for work done by others.

I will take the Pfizer vaccine, or Moderna. Whatever I can get. There is no such thing as a “Trump vaccine”.

Well, other than all this:

But yeah, Trump and his administration had nothing to do with it. May I just say that I wholeheartedly endorse you avoiding any vaccine associated with Trump.
Probably not, but then I don't get the flu vaccine either. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with I don't trust much of modern medicine. They aren't trying to CURE anything any more...just keep you coming and buying their "medicine."

Yep, like the polio and measles vaccines you take them and then you have to....wait. never mind.

And how long ago were those developed? The situation has changed considerably since then wouldn't you say? For instance, it USED to be illegal to profit from healthcare, I do believe that those vaccines were developed BEFORE that change, were they not?

Vaccines don't tend to be profitable in general.
Perhaps not, but lots of others are enormously profitable and doctors are bribed to prescribe them.

Which doctors are bribed to prescribe which vaccines?
Yes, I will get the vaccine.

I plan on getting back on track to visit the rest of the world and the vaccine will probably be required in order to do so.
"Papers, please. You must haff ze papers. Ve know you haff people in ze old country!"

So you're fine with people coming into this country without papers or you didn't think that through?
Depends. On "the rest of the world", did you mean other countries, or other states in the US?

Do I have to repeat myself or are you a big boy and you can figure it out for yourself?
It's an important distinction. Every nation has the right to set requirements for entry.

The several States do not, for Americans travelling from state to state.

Great, what did I say in my post? Maybe refer to that.
I read it. "The rest of the world" could be the next village over or 12,000 miles away.

I think of the world as being...you know, the world.
Okay. Happy travelling, then. Don't drink the water.

Many and I mean a lot of countries have better drinking water than we do. Get a passport.
Had one. Went to lots of places. I always drank bottled water. Never got sick.

Not sure if you're aware but Mexico isn't the rest of the world.
Spent like 10 minutes in Mexico when I was a kid. Didn't get thirsty.

I have been, however, to Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, the Netherlands, the Azores, Canada, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and about 40 US states.

Speaking of Mexico, when I was in Oman, my co-workers and I got to spend a pleasant evening at an Embassy function with GEN Tommy Franks, then-CINC of US Central Command. He told us college stories about going to Mexico and getting drunk.

So, it looks like your bigotry is misplaced.

What bigotry? I've never heard of being afraid to drink the water in most countries.
There are petabytes of things you've never heard of.

As for your bigotry, it's against conservatives. You insist I must be ignorant and have never been anywhere.

How'd that work out?

If I hurt your feelings well...you'll live.
You're not capable.

Ok, then stop teasing me. I really, super-triple duper thought I had you...or whatever.
It's really simple: People can't hurt your feelings unless you choose to let them.

I don't give internet strangers that power over me.

Other people do.

You do you, Skippy.
For those adventurous enough to take the Kung Flu vaccine, have socially distanced, masked people with gloves nearby to prevent you from hitting your head if you faint.

I hope every one of the democrats that voted for Biden take it.
I'll give him credit where credit is due.

He did remove impediments and offer incentives for a speedy vaccine, kudos for that.

But it doesn't begin to overcome all the bad stuff he's done unfortunately.
He's the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, DESPITE having to endure 4 years of proven Democrat undermining, sabotage, obstruction, illegal foreign-facilitated and Deep State-facilitated non-stop failed coup attempts...and you so 'graciously' say you'll give him credit where credit is due....which is so much Bullshit.

Unstable, irrational partisan hatred has and continues to prevent snowflakes from giving this President any where near the credit he is due.
For those adventurous enough to take the Kung Flu vaccine, have socially distanced, masked people with gloves nearby to prevent you from hitting your head if you faint.

1 person passes out and you blame Trump and 'his' vaccine?! What a f*ing idiot...


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