Will You Make It?

oh, another person who only exposes himself to one pov. not educated, indoctrinated.

Actually, 20 years in the Navy with 26 different countries has kinda exposed me to a lot of different POV's. Educated IN the Navy, and I don't do indoctrination, other than what is required for what I'm doing (i.e. Boot Camp).

Nope.....I've listened to O'Reilly, I've listened to Beck, as well as a whole bunch of other people. Believe it or not, I kinda like a dude named Lou Dobbs, who is quite conservative. Dobbs is a smart man, Beck is just a talking head.
Actually, 20 years in the Navy with 26 different countries has kinda exposed me to a lot of different POV's. Educated IN the Navy, and I don't do indoctrination, other than what is required for what I'm doing (i.e. Boot Camp).

Nope.....I've listened to O'Reilly, I've listened to Beck, as well as a whole bunch of other people. Believe it or not, I kinda like a dude named Lou Dobbs, who is quite conservative. Dobbs is a smart man, Beck is just a talking head.

well, obviously I disagree. Like I said he has been doing the gloom and doom for about 3 years, made me quite depressed, and now? well, here we are!
Yep. Get my check every month from the government for my retirement.
But.....if this current crop of idiots keeps working on breaking this country, that could dry up too.
Beck is the biggest idiot on CNN.
Any Bimbo, maybe the reason you've got to go take a shower is because of your own filthy thoughts. Sexually repressed bible-thumpers like you tend to do that on a regular basis.

BikerSailor, your comments remind me of Saul Alinskis' "Rules For Radicals" rule #5:
RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

I came across these while studying both candidates backgrounds. Here's a website that lists all the rules. Tell me what you think:
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Oh, and here's another one:
Bill Clinton is a wandering idiot who panders to anyone that gives him PMS (Power, Money, Sex).He's still pissed the Hill-bitch is not on the ticket. Guess he misses all the perks and bj's that went with being in the White House.
What's the matter, can't you find happiness in anything? Leave the Democrat party while you still have your sanity my brother!
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It'll cause big problems for my fellow college students. My family is pretty well off, but I have a lot of friends that rely on student loans to support their education. There will be a lot fewer people getting degrees, if that is the case. And, an under-educated populus spells trouble for the U.S. in many other ways.
I work in the gas & oil industry as well as part-time Army.

As long as people want to move stuff by something other than horse and buggy (@#$%ing Amish!) and/or act retarded I have a job(s).

If you have a d/r under 45% and you have 6 month liquid assets in the bank and 20% to put down its not hard to get a house. I just worked on a short sale where the buyer bought a $300k house in Miami for $110k.
Heh...don't get me wrong, I'm not wealthy by any means! I do have a house that's paid for, a car that's paid for, and everything I need. But I ain't rich.:redface:

Well I have looked at many "rich" peoples credit and if you have all of that free and clear then you are probably doing better than most in the United States.
If you have a d/r under 45% and you have 6 month liquid assets in the bank and 20% to put down its not hard to get a house. I just worked on a short sale where the buyer bought a $300k house in Miami for $110k.

I bought my house back in May. I thought I needed 20% down but the bank only wanted 7% b/c my credit was in the 700's. I got 6.35% fixed with the MI rolled into the APR. My monthly is just over $150/month LESS than I was paying for rent.

It has much room for basset hounds to frolic.
I bought my house back in May. I thought I needed 20% down but the bank only wanted 7% b/c my credit was in the 700's. I got 6.35% fixed with the MI rolled into the APR. My monthly is just over $150/month LESS than I was paying for rent.

It has much room for basset hounds to frolic.

Yep, 6 months ago, nobody will do anything over 95% financing now and the new housing bill got rid of down payment assistance but with the crisis at hand I cant see them keeping guidelines where they are. The loan you have is considered risky because of the LTV even though your credit is stellar. You would be surprised how many people are defaulting that had 700 fico's when they did their financing. In 1 of my last months(I think it was Oct of 2007) at Countrywide we had 400 million in defaults on A paper loans. Thats just 1 month.
Yep, 6 months ago, nobody will do anything over 95% financing now and the new housing bill got rid of down payment assistance but with the crisis at hand I cant see them keeping guidelines where they are. The loan you have is considered risky because of the LTV even though your credit is stellar. You would be surprised how many people are defaulting that had 700 fico's when they did their financing. In 1 of my last months(I think it was Oct of 2007) at Countrywide we had 400 million in defaults on A paper loans. Thats just 1 month.

Actually the house sold for 118k but appraised for 128k before 7% down so the LTV was good.

Just the onth before the neighorhood had come out of being classified as "declining".
Actually the house sold for 118k but appraised for 128k before 7% down so the LTV was good.

Just the onth before the neighorhood had come out of being classified as "declining".

Your lucky, I live in a state that will probably be declining for another 5 years if not more. Your guess is as good as mine as to where lending limits will be in the future but with all the bad publicity on lending policies I cant see them keeping them the same, but who knows. Also it will get much harder to get mortgage insurance as they are taking it up the rear just as much as anyone else. This is just my opinion
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You can buy a home cheap if you have cash to pay for it.
I doubt if it's easy to get a loan, though.

I'll make it, I always make it.

YOu can still get a mortgage, right now, at a good rate but you have to be able to put 20% down and have a 700+ credit rating. If you do, and you need a house, NOW is the time to buy it.

And I just got an unsecured line of credit for $16,000 without any problem at all. But I've got an 800+ credit rating....
Must be a nice life. If only we were all so lucky.

You are. If you are borrowing for a car, TV, boat, etc.... because it is the only way you can get it, YOU ARE LIVING BEYOND YOUR MEANS.

For over 200 years most Americans paid cash for EVERYTHING, other than their homes, and even back before WWII most Americans paid cash for a house. I fail to see where living on cash is a bad thing......

And for millions of Americans that is going to be how they are going to be forced to live the rest of their lives....WITHIN their means. No cash, no car, no TV, no computer, no anything.....And that is a GOOD thing for this country.
You are. If you are borrowing for a car, TV, boat, etc.... because it is the only way you can get it, YOU ARE LIVING BEYOND YOUR MEANS.

For over 200 years most Americans paid cash for EVERYTHING, other than their homes, and even back before WWII most Americans paid cash for a house. I fail to see where living on cash is a bad thing......

And for millions of Americans that is going to be how they are going to be forced to live the rest of their lives....WITHIN their means. No cash, no car, no TV, no computer, no anything.....And that is a GOOD thing for this country.

EXACTLY! It's a wonderful feeling to be debt free. It wasn't always this way though. I had to go on a debt management program to get out from under credit card debt after my job went to Mexico. It took 5 years but I made it. And I ain't goin' back there fer nuthin!

Everyone that wants to accumulate debt...I want you to watch this video. It's kinda long, but very interesting. It's Rod Parsley talking about debt and the Federal Reserve. I know, he's a pastor, but there's no preaching in this....honest!

Conquering the Spirit of Debt
You are. If you are borrowing for a car, TV, boat, etc.... because it is the only way you can get it, YOU ARE LIVING BEYOND YOUR MEANS.

For over 200 years most Americans paid cash for EVERYTHING, other than their homes, and even back before WWII most Americans paid cash for a house. I fail to see where living on cash is a bad thing......

And for millions of Americans that is going to be how they are going to be forced to live the rest of their lives....WITHIN their means. No cash, no car, no TV, no computer, no anything.....And that is a GOOD thing for this country.

I was with ya until you said no computer and no tv. Are we all going to turn into a bunch of mormons.
BikerSailor, your comments remind me of Saul Alinskis' "Rules For Radicals" rule #5:

I came across these while studying both candidates backgrounds. Here's a website that lists all the rules. Tell me what you think:
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Oh, and here's another one:

What's the matter, can't you find happiness in anything? Leave the Democrat party while you still have your sanity my brother!

You should read the book, it's really good. He also wrote a sequel.

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