Will You Still Have a Job, If Hillary Gets Elected ?

Donald Trump
  1. Hired illegal immigrants for construction jobs on his hotel projects.
  2. Has hired foreign workers to work at his American resorts.
  3. Uses foreign manufacturers to produce Trump products
Donald Trump will gladly tell everyone of you that you are FIRED......

Because he doesn't give a damn about American workers.
If you were a more careful poster, you would READ THE THREAD before posting. Then you would have known that your short-sighted post was ALREADY refuted, further back in the thread (in Post # 122)

OK here's that post again >>

The New York Times article published on the same day, was more honest than the National Trump-Basher. Here's part of what they wrote >>

"For anyone not hired, the employer must tell the Labor Department why. Among the reasons Mar-a-Lago gave: that the applicants could not be reached or were not qualified, as Mr. Trump suggested in his recent interview, and that they did not want the jobs.

That was the case for Austin L. Cohen of Delray Beach, who received a call from Mar-a-Lago and a tour of the 20-acre resort after sending in his résumé for a wait staff position that paid $10.60 an hour for at least 30 hours a week.

Mr. Cohen said that he ultimately chose to keep looking for a permanent job, and that he wanted benefits; the job listing did not mention any. “It was more like a temporary position,” Mr. Cohen said. “You work six months and then you’re out of work again. It was my decision not to take the job.”

Some applicants said they decided against working at Mar-a-Lago because, like some other private clubs, it discourages gratuities; its job listings say “no tips.” Local labor analysts say that private clubs often lose job candidates to restaurants where tipping is permitted."

Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training , and/or have criminal records (which is why they're unemployed to begin with).(the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates)

Finding clean record, qualified workers in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task. Trump (and all Florida seasonal employers) has had trouble finding QUALIFIED people to work in his hotels. In hotels (I have worked in them & I live in Florida), workers need to be experiences or trained, and LOOK GOOD. Appearance is important in hotel work, as is a non-criminal record. Just because you get applicants, doesn't mean you get hirable workers.

Trump hired some workers from an agency in Europe whose workers have graduated from training schools in hotel work, and they speak good English, have no criminal record, and look good.

You want to hire THESE GUYS ?


As for the statement that >> "Uses foreign manufacturers to produce Trump products".Oh yeah ? Are you sure about that ? Are you sure it's not others who manufacture THEIR ,products overseas, and they just pay Trump to allow them to put his name on them? Are you sure of what you're talking about here?

And just the fact that Trump has proposed a mass deportation of illegal aliens shows that he DOES indeed care about American workers, and Hillary Clinton, a supporter of illegal immigration does not care about them.
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NET LOSS when the loss numbers are subtracted out.
Don't tell me.....

The old labor participation rate scam
So examining ALL the facts is a scam ? Not hardly. Ignoring critical facts is the scam, and JOB LOSSES are critical facts. Bottom line is how many jobs we wind up with, and the answer is, due to illegal immigration, H1B visas, and Hillary consistent international outsourcing, the NET # of jobs is zero (or less).

Tell us how four million baby boomers retiring each year is a bad thing
Better start asking yourself some hard questions, before we get any deeper into the presidential campaign. Maybe the first question is what would be the ramifications of a Hillary Clinton presidency. By this time only a blind toad doesn't realize that Hillary is a lying, money-grabbing, ruthless, opportunist, who will do anything to secure power, and hold on to it.

Making this worse, she is also a firmly established OUTSOURCER. For those who are not too up on that word allow me to elucidate. There are 2 basic types of outsourcing.

1. International - where the US jobs leave the US, go overseas, and utilize cheap, foreign labor.

2. Domestic - applies to those particular jobs that can only be done inside the USA (landscaping, construction, hotels, janitorial, etc) This is commonly accomplished by bringing the foreign labor to the US either by immigration or with visas.

Hillary is a notorious outsourcer on both of these types. On international outsourcing, she and Bill essentially invented NAFTA, she is a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and a strong supporter of TPP (up until it recently became expedient for her to oppose it, in an ELECTION YEAR) If anyone is snowed by her anti-outsourcing TV ads, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them.

On the domestic outsourcing end, Hillary has openly stated her support for the DREAM Act, and says she would expand it further. Well of course, like all Democrats, she is totally in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, and laughably refers to it "comprehensive immigration reform". She has also supported Sanctuary Cities, and just about anything else that helps bring more low-wage job-swiping foreigners into the country (who also swipe $123 Billion/yr out of our economy in remittances$$) Yup. And the "comprehensive" part is where all these dirt-poor, sandal-wearing, floppy hat aliens coming from 3rd world hellholes, repay them by giving them their VOTES, once they're here, which is the whole idea of it from the Democrats' perspective.

But what does all this mean to YOU, Mr. and Mrs. American, working, taxpaying stiff ? Whether you are White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or whatever race or religion, or ethnicity, what it means if that if Hillary were to be elected, we could very well see an avalanche of 3rd world migration into the US, with many of them going straight on welfare rolls that YOU are paying for (with your taxes very likely going up to pay for the added costs) and many of the new arrivals taking jobs. Jobs ? What jobs ?

YOUR job, that's what job. Don't think so ? Better look a little deeper. All over America, for 10 years now, foreigners have been replacing Americans in everything from landscaping to construction to truck diving, etc, etc. And STEM jobs aren't immune either. In fact, they're right in the forefront. I saw a list recently of over 200 companies whose long-time American workers were fired to open up jobs for lower-wage foreigners, with the Americans being forced to train the less-qualified foreigners, or less lose their severance packages. They were also threatened to keep quiet about it.

And would Hillary exacerbate this anti-American situation ? No question is easier to answer. Of course she would/will, because unlike Donald Trump (a nationalist), Hillary is a pure INTERnationlaist (AKA "Globalist), who sees the world map as land masses without national borders. More easy for here to make money that way, but more importantly right now, it is from Hillary's perspective a way to pile up the VOTE COUNTS that she needs to avoid another 2008 defeat, gain a victory in 2016, get Democrats elected to Congress in 2018, and get herself re-elected, with no trouble, in 2020.

And your job ? And your livelihood ? Forget it. You won't have one. You'll be considered just a bothersome inconvenience for Hillary to sweep away. And your chance to get welfare when you lose your job ? Not too great, since the stress on welfare budgets will be enormous - you'll be in competition with millions of new Hillary voters, both on the job and off it.
America will continue its decline into a department store mall economy. You have to have actually had a job in your life to appreciate those that do or did.
This thread reminds me of all the hysterical, dire warnings in the 90's that Clinton's budget was going to cause a recession and massive job loss.
America will continue its decline into a department store mall economy. You have to have actually had a job in your life to appreciate those that do or did.
I had jobs for 50 years. What's your point ?
This thread reminds me of all the hysterical, dire warnings in the 90's that Clinton's budget was going to cause a recession and massive job loss.
Clinton's budget may not have caused massive job loss for American workers, but his international outsourcing (NAFTA) sure did, as did his awful support of illegal immigration (AKA domestic outsourcing)

And a Hillary presidency would be the same thing. Great for big business (especially outsourcers) Bad for the American worker.
Anyone that is telling you that Sanders & Trump are similar are just trying to get you to vote for Trump--they're desperate. Both Trump & Sanders are bat shit nut cases and that's the only thing they have in common.
That's what Hillary is. Read the book Armageddon by Dick Morris, to really get a focus on how far nuts this woman is.
Bernie Sanders is no job maker, he's a job killer. He calls for higher taxes on business. When business pays higher taxes--the first that goes are employees. He's really a communist.

His continual campaigning on breaking up the Wall Street Bankers was a total factual lie. The Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government operate separately and independently from one another. IOW he nor the Federal Government ever had the authority to break up Wall Street Bankers.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News
He is as phony as a $3 bill. All this yammering from him about these awful Wall St bankers and hedge funders, and then what does he do ? He endorses Hillary Clinton,who is more BOUGHT by those same entitites than anyone ever has been. Everything he had said before that, went right down the drain.

Sanders supporters need to get their heads out of their asses. If they supported his ideas about the big corporations, what the hell are they doing supporting Hillary Clinton ? :confused:

Sanders supporters: you have brains. Use them. :rolleyes:
Better start asking yourself some hard questions, before we get any deeper into the presidential campaign. Maybe the first question is what would be the ramifications of a Hillary Clinton presidency. By this time only a blind toad doesn't realize that Hillary is a lying, money-grabbing, ruthless, opportunist, who will do anything to secure power, and hold on to it.

Making this worse, she is also a firmly established OUTSOURCER. For those who are not too up on that word allow me to elucidate. There are 2 basic types of outsourcing.

1. International - where the US jobs leave the US, go overseas, and utilize cheap, foreign labor.

2. Domestic - applies to those particular jobs that can only be done inside the USA (landscaping, construction, hotels, janitorial, etc) This is commonly accomplished by bringing the foreign labor to the US either by immigration or with visas.

Hillary is a notorious outsourcer on both of these types. On international outsourcing, she and Bill essentially invented NAFTA, she is a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and a strong supporter of TPP (up until it recently became expedient for her to oppose it, in an ELECTION YEAR) If anyone is snowed by her anti-outsourcing TV ads, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them.

On the domestic outsourcing end, Hillary has openly stated her support for the DREAM Act, and says she would expand it further. Well of course, like all Democrats, she is totally in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, and laughably refers to it "comprehensive immigration reform". She has also supported Sanctuary Cities, and just about anything else that helps bring more low-wage job-swiping foreigners into the country (who also swipe $123 Billion/yr out of our economy in remittances$$) Yup. And the "comprehensive" part is where all these dirt-poor, sandal-wearing, floppy hat aliens coming from 3rd world hellholes, repay them by giving them their VOTES, once they're here, which is the whole idea of it from the Democrats' perspective.

But what does all this mean to YOU, Mr. and Mrs. American, working, taxpaying stiff ? Whether you are White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or whatever race or religion, or ethnicity, what it means if that if Hillary were to be elected, we could very well see an avalanche of 3rd world migration into the US, with many of them going straight on welfare rolls that YOU are paying for (with your taxes very likely going up to pay for the added costs) and many of the new arrivals taking jobs. Jobs ? What jobs ?

YOUR job, that's what job. Don't think so ? Better look a little deeper. All over America, for 10 years now, foreigners have been replacing Americans in everything from landscaping to construction to truck diving, etc, etc. And STEM jobs aren't immune either. In fact, they're right in the forefront. I saw a list recently of over 200 companies whose long-time American workers were fired to open up jobs for lower-wage foreigners, with the Americans being forced to train the less-qualified foreigners, or less lose their severance packages. They were also threatened to keep quiet about it.

And would Hillary exacerbate this anti-American situation ? No question is easier to answer. Of course she would/will, because unlike Donald Trump (a nationalist), Hillary is a pure INTERnationlaist (AKA "Globalist), who sees the world map as land masses without national borders. More easy for here to make money that way, but more importantly right now, it is from Hillary's perspective a way to pile up the VOTE COUNTS that she needs to avoid another 2008 defeat, gain a victory in 2016, get Democrats elected to Congress in 2018, and get herself re-elected, with no trouble, in 2020.

And your job ? And your livelihood ? Forget it. You won't have one. You'll be considered just a bothersome inconvenience for Hillary to sweep away. And your chance to get welfare when you lose your job ? Not too great, since the stress on welfare budgets will be enormous - you'll be in competition with millions of new Hillary voters, both on the job and off it.

Under Bill Clinton--employers were begging for employees, so I imagine Hillary Clinton will do the same.

Not until 1996 when the DOT COM Bubble started.
Clinton got lucky.
Clinton also quadrupled the number of H1-Bs for Y2K and didn't send them back after it ended.

Ha.Ha. Well you're obviously not old enough to remember. The point is the middle class saw their incomes go through the roof in the 90's--they were investing in Wall Street. Employers were begging for employees and everyone was doing well.

We are under written signed contracts regarding trade agreements. While they are a double edged sword--(we enjoy cheaper electronics and other products made) they also cost jobs in this country. But there is another reason for trade that you're not considering. PEACE among countries. Trading partners usually don't attack one another, and it bring relations closer--and we gain allies, which makes us much stronger.

I'm so scared China is going to attack us.
Are you drunk? Or just plain stupid?
why the fuck would China attack a country they already own?
that makes no sense.

What country do you think China owns?
Only a fool counters Trump with Hllary, fool.

Vote for Gary Johnson.
HA HA HA. I just that babbling screwball on the FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace Show.

. He wants to open up the US borders entirely, and let ANYONE into the country, give them all work visas (at the expense of the AMERICAN WORKER), and then give them a path to citizenship. All in pure violation of the protections our ancestors provided us with our immigration law. Imagine how many US jobs American workers would lose if this nutjob ever became president. Sheeeeshh!!I could mention a number of other things you, but just his position on immigration disqualifies him and makes him an enemy of the American worker in the same way as Hillary.
You are a protectionist and thus a relic of the past. Simply you will not get your way.
Will I have a job if Hillary gets elected? Hopefully no. I'll have more faith in the survival of Social Security if Hillary gets elected and so I'll retire.
It doesn't

So why did you being up the bullshit about labor participation rate?
I didn't bring those words up - YOU did. I brought up the WHOLE issue of Obama's record on jobs, fixing your incomplete report which mentioned only jobs added (neglecting to mention the subtracted ones)

Nice try with the BS deflection though.
Will I have a job if Hillary gets elected? Hopefully no. I'll have more faith in the survival of Social Security if Hillary gets elected and so I'll retire.
Why would you have more faith in Hillary keeping Social Security going than Trump ? Trump has always advocated the protection of Social Security, and he has shown much more concern about the working class than Hillary, who has been throwing American workers under the bus on intl outsourcing, domestic outsourcing (ie, immigration), etc, for 25 years.
You are a protectionist and thus a relic of the past. Simply you will not get your way.
HA HA. It is YOU, the GLOBALIST, and enemy of the American worker, who is a relic of the past, as proven by the 2014 elections, the GOP primaries, and the current 2016 election as well.

PROTECTION of the American people is not a thing of any temporary era. It is the US Constitution. It is what America is. It is the only acceptable policy, and # 1 requirement of govt, and you are a treasonous traitor for condemning it. Go to prison where you belong.
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