Will You Still Have a Job, If Hillary Gets Elected ?

there are no reputable economists saying trump's plans will be good for the economy.

moody's says not only will he not create jobs, he will cost 3.5 million jobs and cause a lasting recession that adds $11 trillion to the debt.

that's what moody's has to do with the thread

Well right there is the problem for Trump. The GOP Congress will never allow anymore debt to accumulate than they have to. They've been cutting the deficit since they regained leadership under DumBama, and they're not going to stop cutting.
protectionist babbles along as always. Trump will do nothing for the workers, he is a rich capitalist. If elected, he will not bring jobs back from overseas. Why would he: he makes more money from lower paid workers in other countries.

protectionist opposes the working class. He supports rich capitalists like Trump who is going to ship more jobs overseas.

Trump is obviously the enemy of the American worker.

A president can't ship jobs overseas, only companies can ship jobs overseas.

All a President or any politician can do is to make it more or less inviting for companies to stay here. That includes a reduction of massive regulations and taxes that stymies a companies goals.

We are living the worst economic recovery in history with low paying jobs and still record number of government dependents. Well what the hell went wrong?

Commie Care is a good place to start. It requires all businesses with 50 or more full-time employees to provide medical care. Smaller companies responded by keeping their staff under that 50 employee mark. They did so by hiring more part-time workers. They also elected to hire legal immigrants because they don't count as Americans. Commie Care is also responsible for the job losses of thousands of healthcare workers.

During that time, he increased the corporate tax rate. He increased the tax rate of those company owners that make more than 450K a year. He promised to increase their fuel costs by closing down coal fired power plants and forcing million dollar investments in the plants he allowed to stay open.

DumBama is the most anti-business President I've seen in my lifetime. If Hillary continues those antics, expect more businesses to feel unwelcomed in the United States.
cray cray ray ray thinks that Trump as President will bring jobs back when in fact he will help our companies outsource jobs overseas.

Our corporate tax rate, with all of its offsets and deductions, is one of the best in the world, not one of the worst, as cray cray ray ray suggests. He cannot prove any such thing.

The jobs are gone they are not coming back. End of story.
If she follows Obama's successful economics = fuck yes! Obama created 10,000,000 private sector jobs.

I'd worry about it more if trump gets in.
"Will You Still Have a Job, If Hillary Gets Elected ?"

You’ll still have a job as a fear-mongering demagogue.
cray cray ray ray thinks that Trump as President will bring jobs back when in fact he will help our companies outsource jobs overseas.

Our corporate tax rate, with all of its offsets and deductions, is one of the best in the world, not one of the worst, as cray cray ray ray suggests. He cannot prove any such thing.

The jobs are gone they are not coming back. End of story.

I don't know if he can bring jobs back. But I trust a job creator more than a person who never ran a business outside of scamming people to give her and her husband money to give phony speeches.

Hillary knows more about politics than Trump. Trump knows way more about businesses than Hillary.
cray cray ray ray thinks that Trump as President will bring jobs back when in fact he will help our companies outsource jobs overseas.

Our corporate tax rate, with all of its offsets and deductions, is one of the best in the world, not one of the worst, as cray cray ray ray suggests. He cannot prove any such thing.

The jobs are gone they are not coming back. End of story.
I don't know if he can bring jobs back. But I trust a job creator more than a person who never ran a business outside of scamming people to give her and her husband money to give phony speeches. Hillary knows more about politics than Trump. Trump knows way more about businesses than Hillary.
"I don't know if he can bring jobs back" is a very true statement. Thank you. Obama was no businessman, and the US business sector created 10 million new jobs while the public sector jobs fell to their fewest in several decades. The manufacturing jobs are gone because both parties permitted that to happen. They will not come back.
Better start asking yourself some hard questions, before we get any deeper into the presidential campaign. Maybe the first question is what would be the ramifications of a Hillary Clinton presidency. By this time only a blind toad doesn't realize that Hillary is a lying, money-grabbing, ruthless, opportunist, who will do anything to secure power, and hold on to it.

Making this worse, she is also a firmly established OUTSOURCER. For those who are not too up on that word allow me to elucidate. There are 2 basic types of outsourcing.

1. International - where the US jobs leave the US, go overseas, and utilize cheap, foreign labor.

2. Domestic - applies to those particular jobs that can only be done inside the USA (landscaping, construction, hotels, janitorial, etc) This is commonly accomplished by bringing the foreign labor to the US either by immigration or with visas.

Hillary is a notorious outsourcer on both of these types. On international outsourcing, she and Bill essentially invented NAFTA, she is a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and a strong supporter of TPP (up until it recently became expedient for her to oppose it, in an ELECTION YEAR) If anyone is snowed by her anti-outsourcing TV ads, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for them.

On the domestic outsourcing end, Hillary has openly stated her support for the DREAM Act, and says she would expand it further. Well of course, like all Democrats, she is totally in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, and laughably refers to it "comprehensive immigration reform". She has also supported Sanctuary Cities, and just about anything else that helps bring more low-wage job-swiping foreigners into the country (who also swipe $123 Billion/yr out of our economy in remittances$$) Yup. And the "comprehensive" part is where all these dirt-poor, sandal-wearing, floppy hat aliens coming from 3rd world hellholes, repay them by giving them their VOTES, once they're here, which is the whole idea of it from the Democrats' perspective.

But what does all this mean to YOU, Mr. and Mrs. American, working, taxpaying stiff ? Whether you are White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or whatever race or religion, or ethnicity, what it means if that if Hillary were to be elected, we could very well see an avalanche of 3rd world migration into the US, with many of them going straight on welfare rolls that YOU are paying for (with your taxes very likely going up to pay for the added costs) and many of the new arrivals taking jobs. Jobs ? What jobs ?

YOUR job, that's what job. Don't think so ? Better look a little deeper. All over America, for 10 years now, foreigners have been replacing Americans in everything from landscaping to construction to truck diving, etc, etc. And STEM jobs aren't immune either. In fact, they're right in the forefront. I saw a list recently of over 200 companies whose long-time American workers were fired to open up jobs for lower-wage foreigners, with the Americans being forced to train the less-qualified foreigners, or less lose their severance packages. They were also threatened to keep quiet about it.

And would Hillary exacerbate this anti-American situation ? No question is easier to answer. Of course she would/will, because unlike Donald Trump (a nationalist), Hillary is a pure INTERnationlaist (AKA "Globalist), who sees the world map as land masses without national borders. More easy for here to make money that way, but more importantly right now, it is from Hillary's perspective a way to pile up the VOTE COUNTS that she needs to avoid another 2008 defeat, gain a victory in 2016, get Democrats elected to Congress in 2018, and get herself re-elected, with no trouble, in 2020.

And your job ? And your livelihood ? Forget it. You won't have one. You'll be considered just a bothersome inconvenience for Hillary to sweep away. And your chance to get welfare when you lose your job ? Not too great, since the stress on welfare budgets will be enormous - you'll be in competition with millions of new Hillary voters, both on the job and off it.
Hillary wouldn't care. She would kill us for votes from the alt Left. Illegals are great, give insurance to unemployed. Kill off the the middle class and pretend we all want that, mainstream America. That isn't what we want, Obama/ Hillary!
Note to idiot OP: as a general rule businesses do not hire and fire people based on presidential elections.

cray cray ray ray thinks that Trump as President will bring jobs back when in fact he will help our companies outsource jobs overseas.

Our corporate tax rate, with all of its offsets and deductions, is one of the best in the world, not one of the worst, as cray cray ray ray suggests. He cannot prove any such thing.

The jobs are gone they are not coming back. End of story.
They're ALREADY BACK. WalMart, General Electric, Farouk Systems, Ford, Boeing, Caterpillar, General Motors, Master Lock, Global Green Lighting, Generac Power Systems, Toyota , Siemens, Zentech, Thorley Industries, K'Nex Brands, Whirlpool, Motorola Mobility, Google, Nissan, just to name a few.

Manufacturers bringing the most jobs back to America

Record number of manufacturing jobs returning to America

More Jobs Coming Back to US from Overseas - Salary.com Business

After decades of exodus, companies returning production to the U.S.

11 American Companies That Brought Jobs Back Home

. And corporate taxes are one of the main reasons why companies went overseas to begin with. With Hillary raising those taxes, they have more reason to stay overseas. With Trump lowering the corporate rate to 15% (10% lower than China), they have incentive to return (in addition to tariffs on their imports being sent here)

And Hillary's silly "exit tax TV ads as are pure BS. This is a NON-ISSUE. Generally, all the companies that would leave the US have already left some years ago.. There is hardly anyone to give an exit tax to. Companies are returning now, not leaving.

PAY ATTENTION!! :badgrin:
cray cray ray ray thinks that Trump as President will bring jobs back when in fact he will help our companies outsource jobs overseas.

Our corporate tax rate, with all of its offsets and deductions, is one of the best in the world, not one of the worst, as cray cray ray ray suggests. He cannot prove any such thing.

The jobs are gone they are not coming back. End of story.
They're ALREADY BACK. WalMart, General Electric, Farouk Systems, Ford, Boeing, Caterpillar, General Motors, Master Lock, Global Green Lighting, Generac Power Systems, Toyota , Siemens, Zentech, Thorley Industries, K'Nex Brands, Whirlpool, Motorola Mobility, Google, Nissan, just to name a few.

Manufacturers bringing the most jobs back to America

Record number of manufacturing jobs returning to America

More Jobs Coming Back to US from Overseas - Salary.com Business

After decades of exodus, companies returning production to the U.S.

11 American Companies That Brought Jobs Back Home

. And corporate taxes are one of the main reasons why companies went overseas to begin with. With Hillary raising those taxes, they have more reason to stay overseas. With Trump lowering the corporate rate to 15% (10% lower than China), they have incentive to return (in addition to tariffs on their imports being sent here)

And Hillary's silly "exit tax TV ads as are pure BS. This is a NON-ISSUE. Generally, all the companies that would leave the US have already left some years ago.. There is hardly anyone to give an exit tax to. Companies are returning now, not leaving.

PAY ATTENTION!! :badgrin:

Without Trump in office?

If she follows Obama's successful economics = fuck yes! Obama created 10,000,000 private sector jobs.

I'd worry about it more if trump gets in.
Jobs FOR WHOM ? Mexicans, Chinese, Guatemalans, Indians, Filipinos, Nigerians, etc. And now Syrians ? Oh Let's not forget ISIS. Jobs for them nuking American cities. Keep watching.

And your 10 Million number. Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ? And those are just the ALLEGED "created" jobs. What about all the LOST jobs ? (ones taken away from Americans, by foreigners) Bring us THAT number. :biggrin:
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