Will you take the FOX or CNN challenge?

I lost my TEE VEE in the mid-Michigan flooding.

I literally DO NOT OWN one, I lost my Roku and Netflix too. . . :confused:

I can't remember a year a read more books.

You would be surpirsed at some of the great titles you can pick up at a bargain at the Salvation Army and Goodwill. . .

. . I'm on something like number 50ish. . .
I will watch CNN from 8-10pm for 5 straight nights if I get a challenge that will watch FOX the same amount of time.

We will write down the lies we feel each network made and compare notes.

Who is up for the challenge? I'm serious. Could watching 10 straight hours possibly in any way to see what the other side feels.
What a waist of a life surely you can find more constructive items to kill time with.
My waist is about a 38....Aren't you the boards Spell Checker?? You need spellin lessons buster. Once I discover Spell Queens, I read each of their threads carefully....very very carefully. This offense was glaring.
Only you would flame this thread Moonbeam.
I will watch CNN from 8-10pm for 5 straight nights if I get a challenge that will watch FOX the same amount of time.

We will write down the lies we feel each network made and compare notes.

Who is up for the challenge? I'm serious. Could watching 10 straight hours possibly in any way to see what the other side feels.
Two HOURS? I can identify major deceptions on CNN et al in two MINUTES.

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