Will you take today to celebrate the patriotism, courage and bravery of the Jan 6 protesters? Will you think of Ashli Babbitt’s senseless murder?

Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.
Part 6

Trump calls for a “wild” January 6 rally, and extremists join forces to make it happen.​

Just a few hours after that “unhinged” meeting on December 18, Trump sent out an infamous tweet, as described by the New York Times:

Mr. Trump’s Twitter post in the early hours of Dec. 19, 2020, was the first time he publicly urged supporters to come to Washington on the day Congress was scheduled to certify the Electoral College results showing Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the winner of the presidential vote. His message — which concluded with, “Be there, will be wild!” — has long been seen as instrumental in drawing the crowds that attended a pro-Trump rally on the Ellipse on Jan. 6 and then marched to the Capitol.
Indeed, testimony before the House Select Committee showed that the tweet galvanized far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers, who had never worked together before, to join in planning the January 6 event.

The Trump campaign convenes fake electors.​

In another sign that the Trump campaign was thinking ahead to future coup opportunities amidst all the clownishness, it convened unauthorized “Trump electors” in the seven close states won by Biden on the same day the real electors voted, a plot that is now being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department (and also a local prosecutor in one state, Georgia) for possible criminal liability. It was these fake electors that Trump later demanded that either Mike Pence or state legislatures recognize.

Trump considers plan to use military to seize voting machines.​

A narrowly-missed opportunity for truly dangerous mischief was revealed in January 2022 by the New York Times: Trump looked into various avenues for using the Justice Department, the Pentagon, the Department of Homeland Security, or even state agencies, to seize voting machines in order to investigate vague allegations of election fraud. The DOJ angle was vetoed by Attorney General William Barr. The Pentagon/DHS scheme was promoted by Trump advisor Michael Flynn and Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell. Ironically, Powell’s legal team colleague Rudy Giuliani was instrumental in talking Trump out of going in this direction on grounds that it would provoke a second impeachment of the 45th president. But a draft executive order eventually surfaced that could have kept the machines in the Pentagon’s hands until after the scheduled inauguration of the next president.

Trump keeps spreading lies about 2020 election fraud.​

Before resigning, Attorney General Bill Barr repeatedly told the president that his voter fraud claims were based on “complete nonsense” and even “bullshit,” according to his testimony to the January 6 committee.

As Representative Liz Cheney, the House select committee’s ranking Republican, explained at the opening hearings, this assessment was repeated incessantly by the administration’s top legal advisors.
And after Barr’s resignation on December 23, 2020, the acting attorney general who replaced him, Jeff Rosen, and the acting deputy, Richard Donoghue, told President Trump over and over again that the evidence did not support allegations he was making in public. Many former Trump staffers told the select committee that they knew the evidence did not support the president’s claims. Even Ivanka Trump wasn’t buying it. But Trump kept inciting his most extreme followers to believe the fraud fables, and act on them.

Yes, it was Donald Trump who shot her in the neck in cold blood for trespassing. It was not a genetically challenged BLM activist who pulled the trigger that day.

Yes, murder all trespassers….let’s start murdering all of Mac’s people down there on the Rio Grande
So, using your logic, Hillary Clinton is not in any way responsible for the deaths in Benghazi. Alrighty then.
Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.
Part. 7

Trump pressures Georgia officials to “find” 11,000 votes.​

Trump continued his attempt to find state politicians willing to help him reverse the election results even after passing every deadline established by Congress over more than a century to cut off presidential-election disputes.

On December 5, he called Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who had backed the certification of Biden’s win, to ask him to convene the state legislature to overturn the results and appoint pro-Trump electors (Kemp declined to do so). On December 23, Trump called Bonnie Watson, a lowly election investigator for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, urging her to find fault with mail ballots since “I won [Georgia] by hundreds of thousands of votes. It wasn’t close.”

On January 2, 2021, he concluded this particular line of election tampering by appealing directly to Raffensperger to find him some more votes. “So look. All I want to do is this,” the president said in a recorded conversation. “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

A Georgia prosecutor has convened a grand jury to consider criminal charges against the former president in connection with this incident.

Trump deployed some especially unsavory tactics while trying to overturn Georgia’s election results. He repeatedly attacked a Georgia election worker, Shaye Moss, and her mother, Ruby Freeman, based on a debunked conspiracy theory related to footage of Fulton County poll workers counting ballots. As Moss explained in gripping June 21 testimony before the House select committee investigating January 6, she and her mother were subsequently threatened and harassed by Trump’s supporters. The president’s attacks led Raffensperger staffer Gabriel Sterling to publicly tell Trump on December 1: “Stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone is going to get hurt, someone is going to get shot, someone is going to get killed. And it’s not right.” But it only got worse.

Trump urges Justice Department to declare the election “corrupt.”​

Trump was also working the state angle from the other direction, conspiringin particular with Acting Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark to push Republican legislatures to investigate and possibly overturn Biden’s victory.

Clark drafted a letter to Republican officials in Georgia, claiming falsely that the DOJ was “investigating various irregularities” in the 2020 election. The letter urged them to convene a to investigate these voter-fraud claims and consider “issues pertaining to the appointment of Presidential Electors.” Clark reportedly prepared similar letters addressed to GOP legislators in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

None of these letters were ever sent out because Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue refused to go along. “There is no chance that I would sign this letter or anything remotely like this,” Donoghue told Clark in an email obtained by ABC News.

In closed-door testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Rosen said his monthlong tenure as acting attorney general was marked by Trump’s “persistent” efforts to have the Justice Department discredit the election results. For instance, during a December 27 phone call, Rosen told Trump that he needed to “understand that the DOJ can’t + won’t snap its fingers + change the outcome of the election, doesn’t work that way,” according to Donoghue’s notes on the call.

don’t expect you to do that,” Trump reportedly answered, “just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.”

Only a wholesale revolt by senior DOJ staff prevented Trump from carrying out the plan. On January 3, the president met with top Justice Department officials to discuss his desire to oust Rosen in favor of Clark, who could then advance bogus voter-fraud claims and pressure state officials as acting attorney general. They told Trump to his face they would resign en masse if he fired replaced Rosen with Clark, with Rosen deputy Richard Donoghue sarcastically telling Clark, a former environmental lawyer with no experience in election law, to “go back to your office, and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill.” Trump eventually called off the Justice Department coup; even White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his deputy joined in threatening to quit if Trump followed through on plans to replace Rosen, calling the scheme a “murder-suicide pact.”

Part 8

Trump attempts to bully Pence into rejecting Biden’s electoral votes.​

Trump still had an even more dangerous trick up his sleeve: getting his faithful vice-president, Pence, to steal the election for him when Congress convened on January 6 to perform the routine task of confirming the December 14 Electoral College vote.

This potentially revolutionary maneuver had two prongs. First, Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas filed a lawsuit contending that the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which governs the rubber-stamping of the electoral vote count, was an unconstitutional abrogation of the vice-president’s power to recognize and count electors however he wanted. Gohmert’s claim was quickly dismissed by the federal courts on grounds that he had no standing to sue.

At the same time, Trump lobbied Pence publicly and privately to do whatever he could in announcing electors to deny Biden the 270 electoral votes he needed to become president-elect. Perhaps the sycophant-in-chief would give Trump an outright victory, or maybe he would simply create a dispute that would throw the contest to the U.S. House, where Republicans controlled a majority of delegations.

Peril, Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s book about Trump’s plans for January 6, revealed that Trump lawyer John Eastman wrote a memo laying out a blueprint for how Pence could turn the routine counting of electoral votes on that day into a coup. The plot concluded with Pence either declaring that Trump had won, claiming that the election was disputed and thus had to be resolved by the U.S. House, or delaying Biden’s certification until Republican state legislators could be mobilized to replace Biden electors with Trump electors.

A federal judge in California examining Eastman’s subsequent efforts to hide emails he had sent in connection with the campaign to pressure Pence concluded that he and his client Donald Trump “more likely than not … corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,” and that Trump and Eastman “more likely than not … dishonestly conspired to obstruct” the joint session.

This conclusion was buttressed in a June 16 hearing of the House Select Committee investigating January 6, which showed that virtually everyone around Trump and Pence consistently called Eastman’s legal arguments outlandish and deeply irresponsible; Trump senior advisor Eric Herschmann accurately told Eastman “you’re going to cause riots in the streets.”

Citing advice from conservative legal luminary J. Michael Luttig, Pence famously refused to claim “unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not,” earning him the enmity of both the Boss and the January 6 mob.

Trump continued to call on Pence to “do the right thing” by asserting a power to award his own ticket victory on January 6 itself. After a final argument with Pence in which the president reportedly called him a “wimp,” Trump may have hoped the mob he incited to march on the Capitol that day would halt the electoral vote count Pence refused to overturn or adjourn. He clearly dd not care that he had put Pence’s life in peril.

Trump calls on congressional allies to block confirmation of Biden’s win.​

The fallback strategy for interfering with Biden’s accession to the presidency was to utilize the procedures in the Electoral Count Act enabling challenges in Congress to individual state certifications. Alabama congressman Mo Brooks announced in early December that he would challenge selected Biden electors.

Trump promptly thanked Brooks publicly and encouraged others to join him, particularly in the Senate since every challenge requires the support of at least one member from each chamber. Mitch McConnell discouraged his troops from joining the rebellion, but soon enough, hard-core Trump supporters like Tommy Tuberville, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and others climbed aboard the Insurrection Express.

This set the stage for the Capitol Riot.

On the evening of January 5, some of the wilder MAGA elements planning to rally the next day had a sort of dress rehearsal near the White House. Testimony before the House Select Committee painted a vivid picture of a happy Trump and key aides sitting quietly in the Oval Office listening as incendiary gabber Alex Jones led a crowd in chanting “1776.”

It is despicable the way the Moon Bat filth will try (poorly) to justify this country being fucked by the Swamp.

Historians in the future will be debating on why the once great US turned into a Socialist Shithole and how the Republic was lost and one of the major reasons will be the Democrats getting away with stealing the 2020 election.
No one deserved to die on 1/6, but some people did, on that day or after.

She had a long angry and violent disposition as reported in this article.

Not one of the rioters had the right to be at the Capitol that day. It was closed so that the certification would take place.

She chose to be there. She chose to be the first to attempt to go though a window into a room she had no authorization to go.

Call it a "few" people all one likes, they entered unauthorized, they attacked many of the officers, they destroyed a lot of what they called "their House " and went around looking to arrest some Congresspeople, and even worse as attested by the chants of "Hang Mike Pence"

Keep calling it a peaceful riot and keep comparing it to any BLM or any other riots.

There is no comparison. No BLM group attempted to take over any Capitol in any State, arrest Congresspeople, attempt to hang anyone who did not agree with them, or did what they wanted.

The 1/6 rioters, insurrectionists are no different from people during the Wild West who would invade jails, homes, etc at the command of someone who knew how to exert their power.

ON 1/6/21 that person in command Was Donald J. Trump, President of the United States.

They only came to DC on that day because Donald Trump invited them to come. They went to the Rally because Donald Trump invited them there. They walked to the Capitol because Donald Trump told them to go there.

She would never have been in DC, much less at the Rally, and much less gone to the Capitol and attempted to break into a room she was not supposed to be in, had it not been for the commands given by Donald J. Trump.

The responsibility falls on each one of the people who chose to be present on that day and actually break into the Capitol and beat up all the officers and attempt to arrest, kidnap or kill any of the lawmakers at the Capitol or anyone else who worked there and their families who were there on that day.

Give the responsibility to her death where it belongs. At the feet of Donald J. Trump, the former President of the United States.


Do not even think of starting another useless, lethal insurrection based on lies told by QANON or any other group or person.

The way to change things is through votes. That is how democracy works.

1/6/21 was the attempt to end Democracy in the US.
Babbitt was a domestic terrorist lawfully killed while committing her act of domestic terrorism, she alone is to blame.
A bad deal for all, We have had MOBS through out history, who get caught up in the insanity of the instant. Guessing that less than 20% of that crowd was part of a planned take over of our government. And many are in or going to jail, because of a lack of good judgment.
It is despicable the way the Moon Bat filth will try (poorly) to justify this country being fucked by the Swamp.

Historians in the future will be debating on why the once great US turned into a Socialist Shithole and how the Republic was lost and one of the major reasons will be the Democrats getting away with stealing the 2020 election.
I, for one, am not a leftist extremist, or on welfare as you would like to excuse the abusive posts you write.

We have given you the facts even the Republican Congress, Republicans in the Military, Pentagon, etc ALL of them know that the 2020 election was not stolen from Donald J. Trump and that has been lying since 2016 about elections being rigged if he does not win.

Do not accept the facts. It does not matter.
There is not Historian, worth their weight, who will agree with you and the lies which Trump himself has acknowledged.

But Trump continues to say that it was stolen for one reason only.


When he left office he got his supporters to send him about 250 Millions.

With Mar A Lago he got over 1 Million.

So, keep supporting him and his family. That way he will never have to get another job ever again.
A bad deal for all, We have had MOBS through out history, who get caught up in the insanity of the instant. Guessing that less than 20% of that crowd was part of a planned take over of our government. And many are in or going to jail, because of a lack of good judgment.
How about the people still in jail without bail or a trial for over two years. What legal excuse is there for that? Why does no one get an answer?
I, for one, am not a leftist extremist, or on welfare as you would like to excuse the abusive posts you write.

We have given you the facts even the Republican Congress, Republicans in the Military, Pentagon, etc ALL of them know that the 2020 election was not stolen from Donald J. Trump and that has been lying since 2016 about elections being rigged if he does not win.

Do not accept the facts. It does not matter.
There is not Historian, worth their weight, who will agree with you and the lies which Trump himself has acknowledged.

But Trump continues to say that it was stolen for one reason only.


When he left office he got his supporters to send him about 250 Millions.

With Mar A Lago he got over 1 Million.

So, keep supporting him and his family. That way he will never have to get another job ever again.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
How about the people still in jail without bail or a trial for over two years. What legal excuse is there for that? Why does no one get an answer?
They are more dangerous people than the ones who were allowed bail.

No country in their right mind would let them out on bail.

As for what it is taking this long........all in good time. They will have their day in court.

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