Will you take today to celebrate the patriotism, courage and bravery of the Jan 6 protesters? Will you think of Ashli Babbitt’s senseless murder?


I oppose the no compromise, my way or the highway policy of the Neo-GOP. Like most Americans I believe in compromise between the two parties rather than the Limbaugh Cut throats, who seem to have taken over the once Grand Old Party. But you paint your own pictures.
So, you’re upset that republicans don’t just cave to dems like the ‘good ole days’ eh? Typical
Our capital, looking to kill congress people and hang Pence

With a twelve foot tall hangman......er......woman.

I can't believe that there are still so many idiots who haven't seen these photos, but sure enough, they still believe that Pence would have been hung that day!

Big stupid with a thin veneer of MORE STUPID!


And what's hilarious is the way they "er"...... and "um"............ and shuffle their feet and never bring it up again when they see the photos of the "gallows.

We need to keep nailing them with this truth. We must force them to stop playing dumb for their party. Is there an ounce of actual accountability left in a single one of the leftist vermin?

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"....when they see the photos of the "gallows."

Ah, I wouldn't hinge too much of your argument on that 'gallows'-prop, good poster PleaseQuit.

Rather, put yourself in Pence's shoes (and his wife's and daughter's --- after all they were with him that day).
That particular gallows-prop may not have done the job.....but some here could think that given the chanting and the mood of the MAGAMob things may not have gone well for the Pence family. Not well..... if that provoked crowd had decided to find a tree, or a lamp-post, or the bumper of a car, or.....well, you name it.

The mood was, was.....was rather 'intense'.
So it would probably have boiled down to: "By any means necessary."

"Die Mike....you traitor.
Die Mother Pence.....you traitor's wife.
Die Pence daughter ...... you were collateral damage. Democracy is messy. "

I can see how some could view it that way. You too, PleaseQuit?
So was George Washington.
"Arnold actually built a very impressive military career before his defection to the British army. Born in the British colony of Connecticut in 1741, he was the only child out of eleven to survive into adulthood. He spent his young adulthood engaged as an apothecary and merchant but served in the militia as well.

During the American Revolution, Arnold quickly established himself as one of George Washington’s best generals. Realizing the strategic importance of securing New York, Arnold mustered a group of men and headed toward Fort Ticonderoga. Coordinating with Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys, Arnold helped capture the fort for the Patriots. Arnold suffered two battle wounds for the American cause in 1776; the first in a failed attack on Quebec and the second at the Battle of Saratoga.

Arnold believed the Continental Congress insufficiently rewarded his efforts, especially considering his sacrifices. After being appointed to brigadier general, Arnold watched as Congress passed him over for promotion to the post of major general five times in favor of his subordinates. Arnold had every intention of resigning from military service following these outrages but not for Washington’s insistence that he stay. He was rewarded in 1777 with a promotion to major general and a post as military commander of Philadelphia."

Shocking how little American history the supporters of the Rabid right actually know.
"Arnold actually built a very impressive military career before his defection to the British army. Born in the British colony of Connecticut in 1741, he was the only child out of eleven to survive into adulthood. He spent his young adulthood engaged as an apothecary and merchant but served in the militia as well.

During the American Revolution, Arnold quickly established himself as one of George Washington’s best generals. Realizing the strategic importance of securing New York, Arnold mustered a group of men and headed toward Fort Ticonderoga. Coordinating with Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys, Arnold helped capture the fort for the Patriots. Arnold suffered two battle wounds for the American cause in 1776; the first in a failed attack on Quebec and the second at the Battle of Saratoga.

Arnold believed the Continental Congress insufficiently rewarded his efforts, especially considering his sacrifices. After being appointed to brigadier general, Arnold watched as Congress passed him over for promotion to the post of major general five times in favor of his subordinates. Arnold had every intention of resigning from military service following these outrages but not for Washington’s insistence that he stay. He was rewarded in 1777 with a promotion to major general and a post as military commander of Philadelphia."

Shocking how little American history the supporters of the Rabid right actually know.
The British considered him to be a traitor. End of story. None of your weaseling changed that.
The British considered him to be a traitor. End of story. None of your weaseling changed that.
Doesn't change his history with Gen. Washington. Of course they never trusted him, who would? That would be like trusting "Don the Con" again. Even the Brits won't do that.

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