Will you take today to celebrate the patriotism, courage and bravery of the Jan 6 protesters? Will you think of Ashli Babbitt’s senseless murder?

What's your endgame, scumbag? Are your crying because one magaturd got euthanized, or not enough magaturds bit the dust that day to satisfy your immature irrational outrage? Do you honestly believe we care either way about your precious feefees? Fuck your feefees.
Hahahaha….and just like that ladies and gentlemen…the filthy and twisted left thinks cops should shoot tiny unarmed 14 year veteran females for breaking and entering…..Meanwhile murderous beaners are breaking into our nation by the millions and the sick-fucks stay silent….But trust their opinions and positions, they’re credible as hell.
What's your endgame, scumbag? Are your crying because one magaturd got euthanized, or not enough magaturds bit the dust that day to satisfy your immature irrational outrage? Do you honestly believe we care either way about your precious feefees? Fuck your feefees.
This rag tag bunch has No ability to remove anybody and No ability to install any form of differing governance. That’s The Fact but facts are unsafe for libs so they concoct the wishful and feelings soothing “insurrection” narrative and then offer up the make pretend.
Judicial Watch announced today it received 31 pages of documents from the Department of the Air Force, Joint Base Andrews, MD, that show U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd was housed at taxpayer expense at Joint Base Andrews after he shot and killed U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
The records were obtained in response to a September 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after Joint Base Andrews, the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, and the FBI failed to respond to three July 2022 FOIA requests about Byrd’s housing at Joint Base Andrews while his name as the shooter of Ashli Babbitt was being withheld from the public by the government (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:22-cv-02948)).
In its complaint, Judicial Watch explained to the court that it had asked all three government agencies for all records relating to the billeting of Byrd at Joint Base Andrews during the period from January 6, 2021, to July 2022, including authorization papers, housing, meals, transportation, and visitor logs.
The documents show that Lieutenant Byrd and a pet stayed in a “Distinguished Visitor Suite” at the “Presidential Inn” (part of Air Force Inns) under a “Capitol Police Presidential Inn Reservation” for the period July 8, 2021, through January 28, 2022.
Judicial Watch was informed by a representative at Joint Base Andrews that a “Distinguished Visitor Suite” is typically reserved for officers at the rank of O-7 (Brigadier General or higher.).
An August 2021 email from the assistant hotel manager indicates that the U.S. Capitol Police had been paying Byrd’s bills by phone “every 10 days.”
In an email thread beginning in November 2021, an accounting officer from the U.S. Capitol Police asks the Presidential Inn’s assistant lodging manager to provide detailed invoices reflecting all of the charges incurred by Lt. Byrd while staying at the Inn, in an email titled “Reservation Information-USCP [US Capitol Police] guest.” The manager then provides “folios” for Byrd’s reservation at the Inn from July 8 through November 11, 2021. When asked to explain pricing changes for Byrd’s lodging, the hotel manager explains that higher rates were due in part to the fact that Byrd moved from a “Temporary Lodging Facility” into a “Distinguished Visitors Suite.”
The records and an email dated November 15, 2021, indicate the cost of Lt. Byrd’s lodging fluctuated from $161 in July 2021, dropped to $158 for August 2021, increased to $184 for September 2021, $185 for October 2021, and dropped to $165 for November 2021.
On February 7, 2022, the U.S. Capitol Police again asked the hotel manager for detailed invoices for Byrd’s stay. The manager confirmed that Byrd checked out on January 28, 2022, and that there were “sundry items that were used in the room that were not paid for before the guest left.”
The email, appears to confirm the Capitol Police were covering the cost of Byrd’s stay at the Presidential Inn, when a Capitol Police accounting officer tried to clarify Byrd’s hotel bill, asking the hotel manager, “So the hotel is charging USCP for the room and pet fee for January 28-30, or not?”
“These extraordinary revelations forced out by a Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit show Defense Department facilities were used to provide long-term housing for the Capitol Hill police officer who shot and killed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

If Republicans don’t open an investigation into this dirtbag Pelosi stooge, there will be hell to pay.
Yep, a few hundred old fat out of shape core American patriots in Carhartt gear and armed with crutches, flags and a fire extinguisher showed up at THEIR Capitol Building to "take over the government"....hahaha
Those Apache choppers would be no match for some old fat dudes wielding flags and crutches would they?
The crazy thing is; you whack-jobs don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound when you say this retarded bullshit, you embarrass the living fuck out of yourself and you don’t even know it….and you wonder why NOBODY decent, sane and legitimate takes you LefTarded fools seriously.

They are trying to move on without the Big Orange One. But keeping the outrageous lies.
I'm sure you would love if there were no opposition to your ideology, but that is neither realistic nor, is it going to happen.....
Yes, it was Donald Trump who shot her in the neck in cold blood for trespassing. It was not a genetically challenged BLM activist who pulled the trigger that day.

Yes, murder all trespassers….let’s start murdering all of Mac’s people down there on the Rio Grande
Let's all take a moment of silence in honor of Ashley Babbitt.
There is no devil and there is no comparison of the Murder of Mr. Floyd to the justifiable homicide of Ms. Babbitt. No comparison of the wanton racial violence Floyds murder sparked, and the politically motivated violence of the Jan 6th attack on Congress that President Trumpybear sparked.
There was nothing justifiable about Ashley Babbitt's murder, and Mr. Floyd was a criminal. All the rioting after the death of Mr. Floyd was politically motivated. There was no attack on Congress.
Will any Republicans on the hill have the balls to say they back the Jan 6 Patriots? Will they speak of Ashli Babbitts murder while the Democrats put their dog and pony show on display today?
It was my birthday and I only wish the republican traitors bodies were strewn in front of our capital
You, and many others, do not seem to live in the United States of America, but in the Confederate State of America, where Rebels continue to want anything their own way and put an end to any government which they do not agree with.

This is the United States of America, not perfect, but gratefully NOT what the Rebels against the Constitution of the USA and its laws want to turn it into.

Just look at the mess in choosing a Speaker of the House.

THAT, is the Confederate States of America at work, NOT the United States of America.

Choose which America you are going to give your pledge of allegiance to.
Real Americans aren't servile bootlicking toadies. They don't immediately all fall into line behind some sleazy. The Republicans dersve to be commended for resisting the suction of totalitarianism.
There was nothing justifiable about Ashley Babbitt's murder, and Mr. Floyd was a criminal. All the rioting after the death of Mr. Floyd was politically motivated. There was no attack on Congress.
Nothing justifiable? What would you do if someone breaks into your house through a window?
I'd shoot them You'd invite them for a drink?
Nothing justifiable? What would you do if someone breaks into your house through a window?
I'd shoot them You'd invite them for a drink?
The capitol is not anyone's home, jackass. what would you do if some teenager broke into the local high school, shoot them? Think before you answer because that happened a number of times when I was of school age.
I'm sure you would love if there were no opposition to your ideology, but that is neither realistic nor, is it going to happen.....
I oppose the no compromise, my way or the highway policy of the Neo-GOP. Like most Americans I believe in compromise between the two parties rather than the Limbaugh Cut throats, who seem to have taken over the once Grand Old Party. But you paint your own pictures.
There was nothing justifiable about Ashley Babbitt's murder, and Mr. Floyd was a criminal. All the rioting after the death of Mr. Floyd was politically motivated. There was no attack on Congress.

The shot was completely justifiable. The MOB's Riot was unjustifiable and the Trumpyberra is practically and morally responsible for all the events that occurred during his riot. Floyd had nothing to do with the Dirty Don's Riot.

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