Will you take today to celebrate the patriotism, courage and bravery of the Jan 6 protesters? Will you think of Ashli Babbitt’s senseless murder?

Did U.S. Veteran Babbitt have her hands up? Did the Capital Cop give the unarmed woman a chance to surrender for the crime of criminal trespass? Why can't her family get justice in the courts? There is no statute of limitation on murder.
Did U.S. Veteran Babbitt have her hands up? Did the Capital Cop give the unarmed woman a chance to surrender for the crime of criminal trespass? Why can't her family get justice in the courts? There is no statute of limitation on murder.

From what I've heard, her family has been bought off.

Babbitt was indeed a victim, of a blatant con man and a paranoid, manipulating ideology.

But she was illegally crawling through that window with a violent mob behind her, as our nation's Capitol was under attack. That's just a fact.
Attack of trespassing?

There is a difference.

But you wish to not notice that.

You are one that celebrated the "summer of love".

Was that an attack or trespassing?
Attack of trespassing?

There is a difference.

But you wish to not notice that.

You are one that celebrated the "summer of love".

Was that an attack or trespassing?
It was violent and widespread. That's an attack. She was breaking the law, a violent mob was right behind her, and there was significant violence all over the Capitol. Those are just facts.

I realize you may not have seen much of what happened. There is nothing I can do about that.

You can call Jan 6 a "saxophone" if you want. I don't care. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
Donald Trump himself has confessed to his aides and allies that the 2020 election was not stolen.

Believe Trump's Big lie at the peril of your own sanity. That is what led to 1/6/21. And for now, the insanity continues because Trump says something to his followers in Public, but says something totally different to those around him.

Choose SANITY.
Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.
Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.

Trump’s Long Campaign to Steal the Presidency: A Timeline​

The insurrection was a complex, yearslong plot, not a one-day event. And it isn’t over.​

Part 1

NOVEMBER 27, 2016 – NOVEMBER 3, 2020


Trump claims “millions” voted illegally in 2016.​

Epitomizing the rare phenomenon of the sore winner, Trump insisted in late November 2016 that he would have won the popular vote as well as the Electoral College “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” He repeated the lie for years and even claimed falsely in a June 2019 interview with Meet the Press that California “admitted” it had counted “a million” illegal votes.
This wasn’t just a tossed-off random Trumpian fabrication. His insistence that Democrats had deployed ineligible (and probably noncitizen) voters led to his appointment of a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in May 2017. The commission was ostensibly led by Vice-President Mike Pence but was more closely identified with its co-chairman Kris Kobach, the immigrant-bashing, vote-suppressing secretary of State of Kansas. As David Daley explains, it was a wide-ranging fishing expedition that caught exactly zero fish:
Kobach’s plan was easy to discern: The commission was to be the front through which a cabal of shadowy Republican activists and oft-debunked academics, backed by misleading studies, laundered their phony voting-fraud theories into a justification for real-world suppression tactics such as national voter ID and massive coast-to-coast electoral-roll purges.

The commission was soon disbanded empty-handed, with Kobach & Co. blaming its failure on noncooperation from states that refused to turn over voters’ personal information. But in MAGA Land, wild voter-fraud claims become more credible each time they are repeated, so the commission was a sound investment in future lies.

Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.
Part 2

Republicans raise bogus concerns about ballot counting in the 2018 midterms.​

In an effort to spin Republican losses in the 2018 midterm elections, House GOP leaders Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy seized on four contests in California in which Republicans led in early vote counting but lost when late mail ballots came in. Without alleging (much less proving) anything in particular, congressional Republicans suggested skullduggery in what was a normal trend in the counting of entirely legal ballots signed and mailed before Election Day but received afterward. I dismissed this GOP spin, which McCarthy was still pushing a year later, but warned that “all this ex post facto delegitimization of elections that [Republicans] lost sounds like a dress rehearsal for how they’ll behave if they do poorly again next year.”

The president himself made similar allegations after the 2018 midterms, though he focused on two races the GOP eventually won. On Veterans Day, Trump declared that Florida’s Senate and governor’s race should be called in favor of the Republicans who were ahead on Election Night, though legally cast overseas military and civilian mail ballots had yet to be counted. He tweeted, falsely, that these “massively infected” ballots had shown up “out of nowhere” and thus must be ignored:

The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!

This did, indeed, turn out to be a dress rehearsal. Trump went on to make almost identical charges about late-arriving (or just late-counted) mail ballots on Election Night 2020.

Part 3

Trump suggests that voting by mail is inherently fraudulent.​

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread in 2020, states holding primaries and special elections naturally began liberalizing opportunities to vote by mail. Trump went bananas on Twitter in May, threatening to withhold federal funding from Michigan because its secretary of State had sent absentee-ballot applications to all registered voters.

Twitter, in what was then an unprecedented action, took down two Trump tweets in which he mendaciously attacked California for “sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone … no matter who they are or how they got there.” Actually, of course, the ballots went only to registered voters.

Trump’s goal seemed clear: By asserting that voting by mail is tantamount to voter fraud, he was setting up a bogus justification for contesting election results in any state he lost.

Trump prepares to exploit the “Red Mirage.”​

Team Trump’s parallel strategy was to get Republicans to eschew voting by mail to ensure that the votes most often counted first (in-person Election Day ballots) would skew red as forcefully as possible (which is why one analyst dubbed the scheme the “Red Mirage”). As Election Day approached, there were many signs that, simply by attacking voting by mail as illegitimate, Trump was succeeding in discouraging his supporters from voting that way, thus producing the desired Election Night “skew” in his favor.

In September, Trump’s hostility to mail ballots and threats to just claim victory became more intense and regular. In his first debate with Biden, on September 30, the plan to contest any election loss was made plain. Following an incoherent diatribe recapping his unfounded claims of rampant voter fraud, Trump was pressed on whether he would urge his supporters to “stay calm” and “not engage in any civil unrest” during the ballot-counting process, which would likely be drawn out due to unprecedented levels of voting by mail. “Will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified?” moderator Chris Wallace asked.

“I’m urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully,” Trump replied. “If it’s a fair election, I am 100 percent onboard. But if I see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, I can’t go along with that.”

Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.
Part 4

NOVEMBER 4, 2020 – JANUARY 5, 2021


Trump declares victory on Election Night.​

With Trump ahead but giving up ground in a number of states he would ultimately lose, he made his long-awaited play. At around 3 a.m. on November 4, he concluded his remarks to his supporters by saying:
This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election. We did win this election. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation. This is a very big moment. This is a major fraud in our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don’t want them to find any ballots at four o’clock in the morning and add them to the list. Okay? It’s a very sad moment. To me, this is a very sad moment, and we will win this. And as far as I’m concerned, we already have won it.
Part 5

It seems plausible that Trump delayed his premature victory claim by a few hours because it initially appeared that he might win legitimately. An “insider” account of Trump’s Election Night activities published in the Washington Post aired the theory that his declaration might have been spurred by a spontaneous suggestion from an inebriated Rudy Giuliani. But the many times Trump himself predicted he would do exactly this would indicate otherwise.

As the House select committee showed, Trump and his inner circle knew he had lost the election, but almost immediately began planning to overturn the results. His campaign’s data analyst told him there was no path to victory a few days after the election. But by then Donald Trump Jr. was telling White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that the campaign had a multi-prong strategy underway to flip the script. It soon began to unfold.

Like I said "shame on the assholes that voted for Potatohead and then deny the fact that he stole the election".

Shame on you Moon Bat!

Like another famous American said "A Republic if you can keep it".

The stolen election of 2020 is a great example of the filth in this country not giving a damn about keeping a Republic.

It is despicable and piss on all you stupid traitorous Moon Bats that will sell out our country for your fucking welfare check.

Part. 5

Trump’s “clown show” legal team challenges the election in court.​

A steadily changing cast of Trump campaign lawyers, eventually featuring histrionic extremists Giuliani and Sidney Powell, fired off 62 federal and state lawsuits challenging many aspects of the election results. Most were laughably frivolous, and 61 were rejected on widely varying grounds. The one that succeeded, in Pennsylvania, involved a small number of ballots with technical errors that a local judge had allowed voters to “cure” after a statutory deadline.

There were two big opportunities for a Hail Mary from the Supreme Court, but Trump lost both times. On December 8, the Court refused without comment to hear a claim by Republican congressman Mike Kelly that Pennsylvania’s expansion of voting by mail was invalid because it was not enacted by a constitutional amendment. And on December 11, another shot at the claim that state legislatures cannot delegate their election powers was rejected by the Court on grounds that the state bringing the suit had no standing to challenge procedures in the targeted states (Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin).

By then, the Trump campaign’s legal effort had descended into full farce, as became obvious on November 19 when Giuliani and Powell held a wild press conference featuring outlandish conspiracy theories, including communist manipulation of voting machines. Both Attorney General William Barr and White House adviser Jared Kushner reportedly dismissed the Trump legal team’s efforts as a “clown show,” and an internal memo that came out much later also showed the Trump campaign knew most of the allegations made in that presser were bogus.

Trump tries to enlist Republican state legislators.​

Arguably the most serious Trump attempt to steal the election involved pleas to Republican legislators in key states won by Biden to dispute the results before they could be certified (the step before the formal award of electoral votes). As of November 21, Trump was publicly making arguments for this extreme remedy, but as Politico observed, it was a long shot from the get-go: “Republican-led legislatures in states Biden won would need to move to overturn their state’s popular vote and appoint a slate of Trump electors when the Electoral College meets on Dec. 14.” The opposition of Democratic governors in Michigan and Pennsylvania would have stopped such maneuvers absent an unlikely court finding that legislatures have sole power to appoint electors. And legislators in those two states didn’t respond to Trump’s requests for assistance.

All 50 states and the District of Columbia certified their election returns by December 9, and on December 14, presidential electors cast their ballots to make Biden the president-elect.

At this point many Trump advisers, including White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and even Ivanka Trump concluded it was time for the 45th president to concede, according to their testimony before the January 6 panel. On December 18, however, there was a long and highly contentious meeting (House Select Committee witness and Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson called it “unhinged”) in which conspiracy-theorists Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Michael Flynn, among others, argued for continuing to promote unsupported fraud allegations, while White House and even campaign lawyers battled them. A particular bone of contention was a proposal for Trump to appoint Powell as a special counsel to further investigate stolen election fables. It didn’t happen, and an exasperated Trump turned to other means of blocking a peaceful transition of power.


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