Will You Vote For Obama Again?


May 4, 2012
If you voted for Obama in 2008, will you vote for him again in 2012?

If you didn't vote for him in 2008, will you vote for him in 2012?

What made you change your mind?
I can't find anybody in my neck of the woods that will admit to voting for him the first time.
My kid is making big bucks scraping '08 Obama bumper strips off luxury cars whose owners can't afford to buy a new one and can't predict when they might again be able to.
If you voted for Obama in 2008, will you vote for him again in 2012?

If you didn't vote for him in 2008, will you vote for him in 2012?

What made you change your mind?

I am not voting for either Obama or Romney. I stopped voting in 2006. Since I have voted GOP for my entire life, my vote that would have cancelled out an Obama voter will not be there. So my staying home will work to swing the election in Obama's favor.

Let me be clear. I detest Obama. More than I detest Romney. Way more.

But my vote has to be earned. The GOP has not earned it. The GOP has actually turned me away with its takeover by maniacs and morons. The GOP has turned me away by its deliberate decision not to discourage the birther movement. The GOP has demonstrated it has no integrity by deciding to play the percentages with birthers in the knowledge that a birther is a GOP vote, so why straighten them out on the issue?

The non-voters will affect this election as much as the voters. If Obama has turned off more voters than the GOP has turned off voters, he will lose the election.

But if the shit-for-brains that currently dominate the conversation on the right have turned off more than Obama has, then they will have helped to elect Obama.

The maniacs on the Right earned Obama in 2008, and are working double overtime to re-elect him this year with their foaming at the mouth over Mrs. Obama's vacations and a million other picayune matters while comprehending nothing of import to the future of our Republic.
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