Will you vote for Ron Paul?

Would you vote for Ron Paul?

  • Yes, I will would vote for Ron Paul

    Votes: 35 50.0%
  • No, I will not vote for Ron Paul

    Votes: 29 41.4%
  • No, I will vote for the Marxist - Obama

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You're such a good lil' Nazi, Zona........Rommell would be proud.

Your response to me saying I am obeying the law is to call me a nazi. You know how dumb you look here?

Of course you dont doper. Of course you dont.
Noooooooo, you want all your favorite local laws imposed on everybody across the country. Too bad sucker, it doesn't work that way. And it never will. And that, is a very good thing.

It's really quite simple, numbnuts. You see somebody smoking, walk the other way. Or simply STFU.

ZONED forgets about the Ninth and Tenth Amendments...Something He knows nothing of...
I have never heard Ron Paul say anything crazy,

Civil rights
federal money for disasters
businesses not serving minorities if they dont want to

Do you understand that the federal government is not your mommy?????

Too many THINK that the FED is and can make their lives better...they have thrown in the towel...

Being the COWARDS to their own lives that they are.

They have forgotten responsibility for themselves.
NO one can smoke in the building I work in..no one smokes where I eat when I go out, no one smokes anywhere near me. I thank everyone who made this possible. Smokers here will have to stfu and stay in their homes and smoke/kill themselves and I love it.

They do not have the right to impose their disgusting habit on me or my family. GOOD. Its the law and I love it.
I remember when I was in the service and they made it so smokers had to go to a little tiny shack way way far away from the squadron to smoke. It was humiliating but they went non the less. Was the Military wrong as well? LOLOLOLOL

At my current job, they wont even hire smokers. GOOD. You wouldn't have a chance at my job, they check for drugs as well. :doubt:

Can I ask you something? Why are you so embittered towards people with human flaws?

How are you with infidelity? You ever screw around on your husband? My first wife... she forbade me to drink, smoke pot or hang around with people that did. I still did smoke cigarettes, but I did so outside the house. I bent over backwards for this woman... and guess what?

She was all holier than thou about other people's personal vices.. but hers were OK.

You ever have an abortion? Ever have sex with someone you weren't married to? Masturbate... c'mon... let's set some LAWS here.

The truth is... I am very much a "live and let live" person. You, however are not.

You are Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck... on the other side of the spectrum.
So this is what we learned....Your a noob in a shitty band. ok then. :eusa_whistle:

Nice.... this is what I would expect from a "Constitutional Conservative". The only "bands" worthwhile are the ones you glue your ignorant eyes upon during American Idol. "brought to you by "insert your favorite product here".
I have never heard Ron Paul say anything crazy,

Civil rights
federal money for disasters
businesses not serving minorities if they dont want to

Do you understand that the federal government is not your mommy?????

So the civil rights thing shouldn't have happened? We (blacks) needed help. You see we are minorities in this country and back then, things were HORRIBLE....how do you think things should have played out? Used the kindness of people like yours hearts? Damn, we would still be in 1960 then. Fuck that and fuck anyone who says the civil rights act should not have happened. Ron Paul is a fucking moron.
NO one can smoke in the building I work in..no one smokes where I eat when I go out, no one smokes anywhere near me. I thank everyone who made this possible. Smokers here will have to stfu and stay in their homes and smoke/kill themselves and I love it.

They do not have the right to impose their disgusting habit on me or my family. GOOD. Its the law and I love it.
I remember when I was in the service and they made it so smokers had to go to a little tiny shack way way far away from the squadron to smoke. It was humiliating but they went non the less. Was the Military wrong as well? LOLOLOLOL

At my current job, they wont even hire smokers. GOOD. You wouldn't have a chance at my job, they check for drugs as well. :doubt:

Can I ask you something? Why are you so embittered towards people with human flaws?

How are you with infidelity? You ever screw around on your husband? My first wife... she forbade me to drink, smoke pot or hang around with people that did. I still did smoke cigarettes, but I did so outside the house. I bent over backwards for this woman... and guess what?

She was all holier than thou about other people's personal vices.. but hers were OK.

You ever have an abortion? Ever have sex with someone you weren't married to? Masturbate... c'mon... let's set some LAWS here.

The truth is... I am very much a "live and let live" person. You, however are not.

You are Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck... on the other side of the spectrum.

a couple things...I am a man who lives in AriZONA...hence my name here. Get it?

Now on to infidelities. The guy sitting next to me having an affair on his wife doesnt affect me in any way. That same guy smoking a cigarette at the table next to me DOES affect me.

How simple can I make it? Seriously.
Lastly Zona,

I don't play in a "band". I play with two other guys. One is another guitarist/singer, the other is a harmonica player/singer. We play roots music. We don't do "techno", "rap", or even much rock and roll.

We play mostly blues, with a little bit of folk, bluegrass and rock sprinkled in.

But that's really not the point, is it? The point is that I've reduced you to the same One line, ignorance filled insults that I do when I debate the radical right.

The truth is, you don't want to even look at your own position with anything other than the stance you choose to make for yourself. Just like the Beckians and the Palin-ese... you want things your way and no one else matters.
Listen, druggie, I dont drink and I really really really do not do drugs......I rarely respond to anyone who had a drug charge and is still in...so stay down in your echelon. Just because they didnt find drugs in your system (that time) it doesnt mean you dont use. Remember, they found seeds and they had to come from someone. What did you say they did to punish you for that drug charge?

Non druggies are speaking here. :eusa_whistle:
You don't drink, Adolph?.......Must have run out of Prozac, eh?

Naaaaaaaah, ya' got the classic symptoms of a fuckin' drunk.......It's only too obvious.

Yep, they found THREE seeds on the floor......Tested negative. Never smoked while serving. Doesn't mean somebody else didn't smoke in my room after a night of bar hopping in Fairbanks.........Half months pay and extra duty.......Any other stupid questions, you crazy, drunk, bitter, angry lil' Nazi?:cuckoo:

If you didnt smoke anything or they didnt think you could...why did you get half months pay and extra duty for your drug charges doper.

You are a ranger with a drug charge in your past. You must be so proud. I am.
Christ ya' damn drunk, are you so alcohol soaked that your memory is toast?

We've been through this over on the Alan West thread where you got caught lying your ass off....You remember?....The thread where several vets chin checked your ass, and you suddenly ran away after exposing the fact that your partisan hackery and blatant lies failed yet again?

One more time, drunk......They were found in my room, on the floor. It was my responsibility. I tested negative. Was slapped on the wrist accordingly.

Now, I guarantee my left chest hangs far heavier than yours......You want to keep going, that's your choice. I served with valor. I did my duty beyond. I'm proud, and could care less what a drunken bitter fool like you thinks.
Civil rights
federal money for disasters
businesses not serving minorities if they dont want to

Do you understand that the federal government is not your mommy?????

So the civil rights thing shouldn't have happened? We (blacks) needed help. You see we are minorities in this country and back then, things were HORRIBLE....how do you think things should have played out? Used the kindness of people like yours hearts? Damn, we would still be in 1960 then. Fuck that and fuck anyone who says the civil rights act should not have happened. Ron Paul is a fucking moron.

I never heard Ron Paul say the civil rights should have never happened and would like to hear the context of the comment. that could have an impact on my opinion of him.
So this is what we learned....Your a noob in a shitty band. ok then. :eusa_whistle:

Nice.... this is what I would expect from a "Constitutional Conservative". The only "bands" worthwhile are the ones you glue your ignorant eyes upon during American Idol. "brought to you by "insert your favorite product here".

A couple things...mr. 200 bucks a night shitty band member. I could care less about American Idol. Never watched it ....ever.

I could care less about that show or your shitty band. 200 bucks a night? Damn. How bad can you be?:lol: I believe the good ol boys made more than that in the blues brothers...

(rollin rollin rollin...lol)
a couple things...I am a man who lives in AriZONA...hence my name here. Get it?

Now on to infidelities. The guy sitting next to me having an affair on his wife doesnt affect me in any way. That same guy smoking a cigarette at the table next to me DOES affect me.

How simple can I make it? Seriously.

Sorry... In your previous post... you said "she"... so I thought that meant you were declaring your gender.

Once again.... why do you think you have the right to set the rules? If an establishment decides to allow smoking and posts it clearly on the door before you enter, why should you be not OK with that?
Civil rights
federal money for disasters
businesses not serving minorities if they dont want to

Do you understand that the federal government is not your mommy?????

So the civil rights thing shouldn't have happened? We (blacks) needed help. You see we are minorities in this country and back then, things were HORRIBLE....how do you think things should have played out? Used the kindness of people like yours hearts? Damn, we would still be in 1960 then. Fuck that and fuck anyone who says the civil rights act should not have happened. Ron Paul is a fucking moron.

That was then this is now - get over it.

I'm tired of blacks crying about shit that never happened to them.

I'm Sicilian and they were oppressed too. But at the same fucking time I'm not one of them.

Grow the fuck up dude....... Seriously.
NO one can smoke in the building I work in..no one smokes where I eat when I go out, no one smokes anywhere near me. I thank everyone who made this possible. Smokers here will have to stfu and stay in their homes and smoke/kill themselves and I love it.

They do not have the right to impose their disgusting habit on me or my family. GOOD. Its the law and I love it.
I remember when I was in the service and they made it so smokers had to go to a little tiny shack way way far away from the squadron to smoke. It was humiliating but they went non the less. Was the Military wrong as well? LOLOLOLOL

At my current job, they wont even hire smokers. GOOD. You wouldn't have a chance at my job, they check for drugs as well. :doubt:

Can I ask you something? Why are you so embittered towards people with human flaws?

How are you with infidelity? You ever screw around on your husband? My first wife... she forbade me to drink, smoke pot or hang around with people that did. I still did smoke cigarettes, but I did so outside the house. I bent over backwards for this woman... and guess what?

She was all holier than thou about other people's personal vices.. but hers were OK.

You ever have an abortion? Ever have sex with someone you weren't married to? Masturbate... c'mon... let's set some LAWS here.

The truth is... I am very much a "live and let live" person. You, however are not.

You are Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck... on the other side of the spectrum.

a couple things...I am a man who lives in AriZONA...hence my name here. Get it?

Now on to infidelities. The guy sitting next to me having an affair on his wife doesnt affect me in any way. That same guy smoking a cigarette at the table next to me DOES affect me.

How simple can I make it? Seriously.
Sooooooooo, if it's already law in your city/county, what the fuck are you bitching about?

Sounds to me like your just dictating what everybody should do......I say, FUCK YOU!
Can I ask you something? Why are you so embittered towards people with human flaws?

How are you with infidelity? You ever screw around on your husband? My first wife... she forbade me to drink, smoke pot or hang around with people that did. I still did smoke cigarettes, but I did so outside the house. I bent over backwards for this woman... and guess what?

She was all holier than thou about other people's personal vices.. but hers were OK.

You ever have an abortion? Ever have sex with someone you weren't married to? Masturbate... c'mon... let's set some LAWS here.

The truth is... I am very much a "live and let live" person. You, however are not.

You are Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck... on the other side of the spectrum.

a couple things...I am a man who lives in AriZONA...hence my name here. Get it?

Now on to infidelities. The guy sitting next to me having an affair on his wife doesnt affect me in any way. That same guy smoking a cigarette at the table next to me DOES affect me.

How simple can I make it? Seriously.
Sooooooooo, if it's already law in your city/county, what the fuck are you bitching about?

Sounds to me like your just dictating what everybody should do......I say, FUCK YOU!

As Do I. Zoned is part of the problem...totally ignorant...ill informed and too comfy under it's skin to belive that someone COULD be so stupid to fritter away Liberty.
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Do you understand that the federal government is not your mommy?????

So the civil rights thing shouldn't have happened? We (blacks) needed help. You see we are minorities in this country and back then, things were HORRIBLE....how do you think things should have played out? Used the kindness of people like yours hearts? Damn, we would still be in 1960 then. Fuck that and fuck anyone who says the civil rights act should not have happened. Ron Paul is a fucking moron.

I never heard Ron Paul say the civil rights should have never happened and would like to hear the context of the comment. that could have an impact on my opinion of him.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told Chris Matthews Friday he wouldn't have voted for the law in the first place had he been in Congress at the time.

Ron Paul on Civil Rights

At least he is consistant..

Paul says he would have opposed 1964 Civil Rights Act - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

The Trouble With the '64 Civil Rights Act by Rep. Ron Paul

This guy is just a saint really..

Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the ‘criminal justice system,’ I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal. — Printed In Ron Paul’s Newsletter (but not written by him)
Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action. — Printed In Ron Paul’s Newsletter (but not written by him)

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. — Ron Paul

Can I ask you something? Why are you so embittered towards people with human flaws?

How are you with infidelity? You ever screw around on your husband? My first wife... she forbade me to drink, smoke pot or hang around with people that did. I still did smoke cigarettes, but I did so outside the house. I bent over backwards for this woman... and guess what?

She was all holier than thou about other people's personal vices.. but hers were OK.

You ever have an abortion? Ever have sex with someone you weren't married to? Masturbate... c'mon... let's set some LAWS here.

The truth is... I am very much a "live and let live" person. You, however are not.

You are Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck... on the other side of the spectrum.

a couple things...I am a man who lives in AriZONA...hence my name here. Get it?

Now on to infidelities. The guy sitting next to me having an affair on his wife doesnt affect me in any way. That same guy smoking a cigarette at the table next to me DOES affect me.

How simple can I make it? Seriously.
Sooooooooo, if it's already law in your city/county, what the fuck are you bitching about?

Sounds to me like your just dictating what everybody should do......I say, FUCK YOU!

I said over and over, thank god idiots cant smoke here (basically) in public. You are the one bitching dumbo druggie. This is a ron paul thread and if that idiot ever actually became president, I would have to deal with idiot smokers again...well that and maybe he would try to retroactively change the civil rights laws...who knows. He doesnt like them. Fuck you and libertarian idiots. God bless.
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Is that fool Barack Obama a medical doctor???

If Paul plays his cards right he will win the nomination.

He will absolutely thump Obama to boot.

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