Will you vote for Ron Paul?

Would you vote for Ron Paul?

  • Yes, I will would vote for Ron Paul

    Votes: 35 50.0%
  • No, I will not vote for Ron Paul

    Votes: 29 41.4%
  • No, I will vote for the Marxist - Obama

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
a couple things...I am a man who lives in AriZONA...hence my name here. Get it?

Now on to infidelities. The guy sitting next to me having an affair on his wife doesnt affect me in any way. That same guy smoking a cigarette at the table next to me DOES affect me.

How simple can I make it? Seriously.
Sooooooooo, if it's already law in your city/county, what the fuck are you bitching about?

Sounds to me like your just dictating what everybody should do......I say, FUCK YOU!

I said over and over, thank god idiots cant smoke here (basically) in public. You are the one bitching dumbo druggie. This is a ron paul thread and if that idiot ever actually became president, I would have to deal with idiot smokers again...well that and maybe he would try to retroactively change the civil rights laws...who knows. He doesnt like them. Fuck you and libertarian idiots. God bless.
You don't have to worry about Paul being president, there is no way in hell he will be elected. He's too damn nutty. He's wasting his damn time and supporters money. So, quit yer bitchin'.

You've got bigger things to worry about, like Obama's inept self being tossed out on his ear, ala Jimmy Carter.

Oh, and was the anti-smoking law voted on by the people, or just shoved down their throats by your city or county government?
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Is that fool Barack Obama a medical doctor???

If Paul plays his cards right he will win the nomination.

He will absolutely thump Obama to boot.

He is a constitutional law professor...he will be fine.:eusa_whistle:
He is?...........Now that's just damn hilarious.

Just goes to show that liberal dumbasses are being pumped out of Ivy league schools at an alarming rate.
Is that fool Barack Obama a medical doctor???

If Paul plays his cards right he will win the nomination.

He will absolutely thump Obama to boot.

He is a constitutional law professor...he will be fine.:eusa_whistle:

Thats ironic.....

Yeah, so am I and so is Ron Paul......

Libertarianism is practiced on the basis of the constitution and Bill of Rights.

Ron Paul knows more about the constitution than Obama does, without question.
Is that fool Barack Obama a medical doctor???

If Paul plays his cards right he will win the nomination.

He will absolutely thump Obama to boot.

He is a constitutional law professor...he will be fine.:eusa_whistle:

(March 27): Sen. Obama has often referred to himself as “a constitutional law professor” out on the campaign trail. He never held any such title. ."

Hillary Rodham Clinton

So if my favorite place in world to eat adopts that rule and you and your nasty cigar are next to me, I have to smell that shit while I am trying to eat?

I thank God they passed the no smoking laws. Fucking disgusting pigs. You want to smoke, do it in your home...not where I eat. God bless America and fuck libertarians.

It is the owners resturant, not yours. If he posts a sign that says "we allow smoking", then it is your freedom of choice not to eat there or to eat there. You have to respect his right. Rights are what the liberals do not like. Personal freedom is not important to them. If the sign says "no smoking" put up by an owner, then I have to respect that.

It is called private property and freedom of choice. This is not your world. You don't get to decide where I can smoke unless it is your property. Otherwise, that would make you a dictator.

Thanks for the post Gestapo Zona.

Freedom or Big Government ? You can't have both.

And its the law that prevents idiots like you to infringe on my right to not deal with your death smoke. Why are you trying to take away my rights?

Oh and by the way, why are you trying to break the law...THE LAW that says you cant smoke in restaurants.

God bless America and fuck smokers trying to destroy my rights to not smell/ingest that shit. Why are you trying to break the law? You have no respect for the law or your fellow human beings. Fuck you and smoke in your own home and kill yourself quietly...like a good little law abiding citizen. :doubt: I dont want to smell it on Airplanes, trains, subways, my job, where I eat etc etc. I hope the only place you are allowed to smoke is in your own home. I hope where you live, everywhere else is illegal to smoke. Choke on that one. LIterally.

Should the voters be allowed to vote on the menu at the restaurant? Should the voters be allowed to vote on the hours of operation? When a law it intrusive it must be challenged? You should not be able to vote on a restaurants policy.

Now the cigars are a mood point. Fact is, I am sure we do not eat at the same restaurants anyway. I have not eaten at Micky D's since I was a child. I am talking about a prime steak and nice bottle of Phelps Insignia '06 and a $40 1926 Padron 80th anniversary cigar. Something for the refined palate to be shared with good friends.

The fact is these kinds of intrusive laws should be unconstitutional. Look at the helmet laws for bikers. What biker voted for that? None! It is grumpy old fat bitches like Gestapo Zono that want to intrude on people’s person freedom.

Smoking laws are just an example. It is not up to the smoker or non smoker to decide what is on the menu, hours of operation or the smoking policy of a restaurant private ownership. If it is city property then a vote by the public might be appropriate.
Ron Paul says good stuff about the taxing and spending policies of liberals, but he is stupid when it comes to foreign policy.

He said it was a mistake to kill UBL....enough said about him.
According to Factcheck.org and Snopes, Barack Obama was a professor teaching constitutional law. The title 'senior lecturer' is commensurate with a professorship as opposed to 'lecturer' which can apply to any person invited to teach a class or a course. I have been 'lecturer' at the college level based purely upon a couple of areas in which I have particular expertise. I was not qualified however to be a 'senior lecturer'/professor. Barack Obama was.

Having said that, it does not necessarily follow that Barack Obama taught constitutional law in a manner constitutional purists would expect. Given his rather liberal views re the U.S. Constitution, I would expect that he probably did not. And in this era of almost exclusively left leaning college curricula, that wouldn't have been a problem for him at all.
Ron Paul says good stuff about the taxing and spending policies of liberals, but he is stupid when it comes to foreign policy.

He said it was a mistake to kill UBL....enough said about him.

Because he thinks we should have captured and try him.
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Ron Paul was opposed into going after UBL, he thinks the military should stay within our borders waiting for a Cold War attack from Russia or China.

Of course "his plan" saves us money in the short term by bringing back all troops from Germany, Japan, England, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc....

Long term it is the dumbest crap I've seen for foreign policy and national defense. I guess repeating 60 million or so do dead from a WWIII, is his plan if the US pulls out from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, etc.
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I think people like Gestapo Zona needs government. She is not really smart enough to figure stuff out on her own. She depends on the governemt to regulate every aspect of her life. She has no concept of personal responsibility. She mostly grew up in the ghetto and depended on government cheese and food stamps all of her life. She certainly has the vocabulary skills of a ghetto resident. I feel sorry for folks like her.

This might be Gestapo Zona right here for all we know:

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Ron Paul was opposed into going after UBL, he thinks the military should stay within our borders waiting for a Cold War attack from Russia or China.

Of course "his plan" saves us money in the short term by bringing back all troops from Germany, Japan, England, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc....

Long term it is the dumbest crap I've seen for foreign policy and national defense. I guess repeating 60 million or so do dead from a WWIII, is his plan if the US pulls out from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, etc.

You should do some homework before you make claims that make you look foolish.
You were saying?

Does Ron Paul's unpopular bin Laden stance make him 'unelectable'? - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul was opposed into going after UBL, he thinks the military should stay within our borders waiting for a Cold War attack from Russia or China.

Of course "his plan" saves us money in the short term by bringing back all troops from Germany, Japan, England, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc....

Long term it is the dumbest crap I've seen for foreign policy and national defense. I guess repeating 60 million or so do dead from a WWIII, is his plan if the US pulls out from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, etc.

You should do some homework before you make claims that make you look foolish.
You were saying?

Does Ron Paul's unpopular bin Laden stance make him 'unelectable'? - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul was opposed into going after UBL, he thinks the military should stay within our borders waiting for a Cold War attack from Russia or China.

Of course "his plan" saves us money in the short term by bringing back all troops from Germany, Japan, England, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc....

Long term it is the dumbest crap I've seen for foreign policy and national defense. I guess repeating 60 million or so do dead from a WWIII, is his plan if the US pulls out from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, etc.

You should do some homework before you make claims that make you look foolish.

Again do your homework, don't start at the ass end.
I get it, you're one of those people that ignores what he says. The media made up his quotes and they stole his voice in audio where he talks about "militarism by the USA" and "pulling back our forces around the world."

I could save billions to trillions if I called back all military troops worldwide to CONUS bases. Paul dupes his followers with this BS which ignores the costs of responding to wars and threats in various corners of the planet from bases here.

You were saying?

Does Ron Paul's unpopular bin Laden stance make him 'unelectable'? - Yahoo! News

You should do some homework before you make claims that make you look foolish.

Again do your homework, don't start at the ass end.
Sooooooooo, if it's already law in your city/county, what the fuck are you bitching about?

Sounds to me like your just dictating what everybody should do......I say, FUCK YOU!

I said over and over, thank god idiots cant smoke here (basically) in public. You are the one bitching dumbo druggie. This is a ron paul thread and if that idiot ever actually became president, I would have to deal with idiot smokers again...well that and maybe he would try to retroactively change the civil rights laws...who knows. He doesnt like them. Fuck you and libertarian idiots. God bless.
You don't have to worry about Paul being president, there is no way in hell he will be elected. He's too damn nutty. He's wasting his damn time and supporters money. So, quit yer bitchin'.

You've got bigger things to worry about, like Obama's inept self being tossed out on his ear, ala Jimmy Carter.

Oh, and was the anti-smoking law voted on by the people, or just shoved down their throats by your city or county government?

man up and say it...will he or wont he win in 2012? Say it! I dare you! :doubt:

Fucking pot head.
I think people like Gestapo Zona needs government. She is not really smart enough to figure stuff out on her own. She depends on the governemt to regulate every aspect of her life. She has no concept of personal responsibility. She mostly grew up in the ghetto and depended on government cheese and food stamps all of her life. She certainly has the vocabulary skills of a ghetto resident. I feel sorry for folks like her.

This might be Gestapo Zona right here for all we know:

YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!

I dont think I have ever seen a post that is so wrong. Seriously...wow.

You are off on pretty much every single thing you posted. I know you are new here but come on. Do just a little research before you post opinions. It makes you not look like a silly little goose.

Go sit in the corner ass less chaps noob.

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