Will you vote for Ron Paul?

Would you vote for Ron Paul?

  • Yes, I will would vote for Ron Paul

    Votes: 35 50.0%
  • No, I will not vote for Ron Paul

    Votes: 29 41.4%
  • No, I will vote for the Marxist - Obama

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I get it, you're one of those people that ignores what he says. The media made up his quotes and they stole his voice in audio where he talks about "militarism by the USA" and "pulling back our forces around the world."

I could save billions to trillions if I called back all military troops worldwide to CONUS bases. Paul dupes his followers with this BS which ignores the costs of responding to wars and threats in various corners of the planet from bases here.

Again please, don't start from the ass end.

RP voted to go after the people behind 911, not the 3 wars now that have followed.
I said over and over, thank god idiots cant smoke here (basically) in public. You are the one bitching dumbo druggie. This is a ron paul thread and if that idiot ever actually became president, I would have to deal with idiot smokers again...well that and maybe he would try to retroactively change the civil rights laws...who knows. He doesnt like them. Fuck you and libertarian idiots. God bless.
You don't have to worry about Paul being president, there is no way in hell he will be elected. He's too damn nutty. He's wasting his damn time and supporters money. So, quit yer bitchin'.

You've got bigger things to worry about, like Obama's inept self being tossed out on his ear, ala Jimmy Carter.

Oh, and was the anti-smoking law voted on by the people, or just shoved down their throats by your city or county government?

man up and say it...will he or wont he win in 2012? Say it! I dare you! :doubt:

Fucking pot head.
I said it in that referenced post, you drunken, bitter, handout taking, government leaching, ghetto dwelling loser.

But i'll say it again, for that rare time you are actually sober, AND MAY ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO COMPREHEND:

Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in hell. He's a nutjob. HE WILL NOT BE ELECTED!
I'd prefer a better alternative, but, given the exceedingly low quality of individuals either major party is likely to put up, I could easily vote for Congressman Paul. Since the Dems will stick with Obama, and the GOPers are too myopic to do better. I guess I'll have to go third party again.
I think people like Gestapo Zona needs government. She is not really smart enough to figure stuff out on her own. She depends on the governemt to regulate every aspect of her life. She has no concept of personal responsibility. She mostly grew up in the ghetto and depended on government cheese and food stamps all of her life. She certainly has the vocabulary skills of a ghetto resident. I feel sorry for folks like her.

This might be Gestapo Zona right here for all we know:

YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!

I dont think I have ever seen a post that is so wrong. Seriously...wow.

You are off on pretty much every single thing you posted. I know you are new here but come on. Do just a little research before you post opinions. It makes you not look like a silly little goose.

Go sit in the corner ass less chaps noob.

Wow you got through an entire paragraph without using the F word.

FYI Those are not chaps, they are chinks. Don't you kmow anything?
Obama wrote this in his book "Dreams from My Father" - "I choose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and the Structural Feminists and punk-rock performance poets". - Obama

I will translate it for you: "I choose my friends carefully. The Black Panthers. The Socialist Students. The Illegal Aliens. The Marxist Professors, and the Lesbians and the Drug Addicts".

Notice "The Marxist Professors" did not need any translation?


nice... yet another [r]idiculous rightwingnut hack

Funny how anyone pointing out Obama's own words makes one a "hack".
Obama wrote this in his book "Dreams from My Father" - "I choose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and the Structural Feminists and punk-rock performance poets". - Obama

I will translate it for you: "I choose my friends carefully. The Black Panthers. The Socialist Students. The Illegal Aliens. The Marxist Professors, and the Lesbians and the Drug Addicts".

Notice "The Marxist Professors" did not need any translation?


nice... yet another [r]idiculous rightwingnut hack

Funny how anyone pointing out Obama's own words makes one a "hack".
Oh, but didn't you know?...........That's not what he meant. You've got it all wrong.
Would you vote for Ron Paul?

That moron doesnt believe if federal funding if your fucking town gets flooded out. Fuck him. Libertarians are fucking weird.

Fed. funding should not go to towns if they get flooded out. The state and those who donate are the ones who helps out. Not to mention, it is the individual's responsibility to be prepared if they live in a disaster prone area. We do not need to use the Fed. as a crutch or as our 'parents'.
Let us suppose for a moment that Ron Paul was elected and did REALLY TRY to do what he says he thinks ought to be done.

How long do we give him before some lone gunman with a magic bullet would cut him down?

Oh, one more thing...I do not think it would be "the left" who ordered his dispatch, folks.

OR the so called "right" either.

Who then, you ask?

Well, whose toes do you think he'd REALLY be stepping on if he did what he now tells us we ought to be doing as a nation?
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Let's make it simple. Anyone who will not:

End the Fed
Close all foreign military bases and bring all troops home
End all foreign aid
Cancel NAFTA

Will not get my vote or support.
Ron Paul understands earmarks better than the average bear. He knows that they don't increase spending, but when included in appropriations bills that are already authorized by Congress, they direct the already budgeted funds to specific projects. As a Congressman, if he does not do his part to be certain his constituents get their fair share of money they are going to pay in taxes anyway, he wouldn't be doing his job.

However, given opportunity to do so, I'm pretty sure he would sign legislation that would prevent anybody from being able to use the people's money to buy their votes along with not collecting that money as taxes in the first place.

I've tried to explain this to jillian many times.

She doesn't listen.
The thread title should be: Will Republicans Vote for Ron Paul?

Well there are a lot of Repubs that won't vote Ron Paul, but there are many Libs that will:

Pot Heads - Legalization
Homos - Gay Marriage
Perverts - Legalize Prostitution
Anti-War - Immediate withdraw
Fiscally Responsible Libs - Major cuts and Military Savings
No, I won't vote for Ron Paul. I actually like the Dept of Education, the FDA, the EPA. Republicans always say the government doesn't work and then they take office and proceed to break it.

Democrats on the other hand keep trying to fix what the Republicans break.
Ron Paul understands earmarks better than the average bear. He knows that they don't increase spending, but when included in appropriations bills that are already authorized by Congress, they direct the already budgeted funds to specific projects. As a Congressman, if he does not do his part to be certain his constituents get their fair share of money they are going to pay in taxes anyway, he wouldn't be doing his job.

However, given opportunity to do so, I'm pretty sure he would sign legislation that would prevent anybody from being able to use the people's money to buy their votes along with not collecting that money as taxes in the first place.

I've tried to explain this to jillian many times.

She doesn't listen.

LOL!!! Way to twist and turn to make hypocrisy palatable for you. If appropriations bills filled with pork don't add to the deficit, please tell me how you think the deficit happens. Congress controls the purse strings. Congress decides where the money goes and how much money goes there. It's not that Jillian doesn't listen, I'm sure. It's that Jillian is just smarter than you teabaggers and doesn't believe the hypocritical hype you're spewing.
No, I won't vote for Ron Paul. I actually like the Dept of Education, the FDA, the EPA. Republicans always say the government doesn't work and then they take office and proceed to break it.

Democrats on the other hand keep trying to fix what the Republicans break.

By continuing to spend more than the government takes in?

What do you think the Repubs are trying to fix?

Who does the Dept of Education Educate? The FDA over regulates, the EPA can suck it.
Ron Paul understands earmarks better than the average bear. He knows that they don't increase spending, but when included in appropriations bills that are already authorized by Congress, they direct the already budgeted funds to specific projects. As a Congressman, if he does not do his part to be certain his constituents get their fair share of money they are going to pay in taxes anyway, he wouldn't be doing his job.

However, given opportunity to do so, I'm pretty sure he would sign legislation that would prevent anybody from being able to use the people's money to buy their votes along with not collecting that money as taxes in the first place.

I've tried to explain this to jillian many times.

She doesn't listen.

LOL!!! Way to twist and turn to make hypocrisy palatable for you. If appropriations bills filled with pork don't add to the deficit, please tell me how you think the deficit happens. Congress controls the purse strings. Congress decides where the money goes and how much money goes there. It's not that Jillian doesn't listen, I'm sure. It's that Jillian is just smarter than you teabaggers and doesn't believe the hypocritical hype you're spewing.

A member of the House of Reps is supposed to represent their district. They are SUPPOSED to get funding.

Appropriated funds are already spent, whether they're directed to agencies or directed to congressional districts.

Paul typically votes no on the appropriation bill because he'd rather not see the money spent at all. When it passes, he knows that the money is already spent and instead of seeing it wasted by some agency, he directs some of it to a project that he believes makes more sense.

I would do the same thing. I'm sick of the spending, but if it's going to be spent regardless, you might as well get the most out of it.

Paul doesn't even agree with the existence of a large portion of the agencies anyway, so why would he want to see funds directed to them?

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