Will You Vote For Survival, Or Vote For Death.

I would love to see you attempt to explain how an already fragmented country will survive influxes of radical Muslims and Chicano supremacists..

The same way the United States has survived every wave of immigrants.

Despite what racists and bigots like you have said about every wave of immigrants.
The United States has never had to assimilate large numbers of the most backward people in the 21st century.

Bigots and racists have been saying the same crap for 200 years.

Read up on what people like you called the Irish and the Italians.
I would love to see you attempt to explain how an already fragmented country will survive influxes of radical Muslims and Chicano supremacists..

The same way the United States has survived every wave of immigrants.

Despite what racists and bigots like you have said about every wave of immigrants.
The United States has never had to assimilate large numbers of the most backward people in the 21st century.

Bigots and racists have been saying the same crap for 200 years.

Read up on what people like you called the Irish and the Italians.
You mean before the science of genetics existed?
I would love to see you attempt to explain how an already fragmented country will survive influxes of radical Muslims and Chicano supremacists..

The same way the United States has survived every wave of immigrants.

Despite what racists and bigots like you have said about every wave of immigrants.

First of all, the worlds overpopulation puts a whole new perspective on the notion of immigration. Next, the U.S. has never tried to survive a wave of muslim immigrants. Also, the U.S. didn't even survive the wave of negro slaves that were brought here. Between 1965-2004, over 179,808 White men, women and CHILDREN have been murdered by negroes. That is over 60,000 more than the total numbers of U.S. casualties in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! The U.S. has 4% of the worlds population, but 25% of those in jail. In just about any category you can mention, other developed countries do much better.

As for the mexicans, Mexico is a country rich with natural resources and arable land. They also receive about 65 billion more in "free trade" with the U.S. than we get from them. Mexico also receives 10 to 30 billion dollars each year from illegal drug money. The reasons mexicans come here to begin with is because they are messed up. Not their country. Also, how many White people try to jump over or tunnel under the border wall to get into mexico. That isn't racism or bigotry. That is reality. The U.S. exists. To call it "survival" is stretching it.

Tomorrow, if you are White and don't vote for Trump, you need to lower your traitorous head in shame!
"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."
I already voted for Trump. I am figuring out someway to get names and addresses of Clinton voters otherwise known as TRAITORS and ENEMIES. For personal use for now and eventually use for our courts to try them for treason.

How will you know who voted for Clinton?
I already voted for Trump. I am figuring out someway to get names and addresses of Clinton voters otherwise known as TRAITORS and ENEMIES. For personal use for now and eventually use for our courts to try them for treason.
You really, really would have felt at home in NAZI Germany, probably as a member of the Gestapo. How you can think of yourself as a patriot and hate everything that America stands for is beyond me.
America does not stand for Clinton and will not stand for clinton.

10. Play the Nazi card
9. Play the butthurt revolution/ genocide card
"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.

I have one for you. There is stuff on the news about the fight to take the city of Mosul in Iraq. The solution is easy. Just do what the Allies did in Dresden and many other German cities. Just carpet bomb the place flat. After all, if it was ok to do to highly civilized and "Western" Germans, it should be ok to do enemy muslims who hide among women and children. Kill'em all. Let allah sort them out.

It's a horrible idea that will kill many civilians and spread hate of America. Anything else?

"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

So you don't think Muslim children deserve to live? How very Trump of you.

I don't think the children of spiders deserve to live either. Also, ever hear of the parable about the frog that gave a scorpion a ride on its back across a river? Also, I mentioned how the Allies carpet bombed Dresden and other German cities. The Germans never made women completely cover themselves out in public; cut their clits off; openly practice pederasty, pedophilia and polygamy; worship a god that promotes lying or worship a prophet that is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. How is it ok to carpet bomb the Germans and not ok to carpet bomb someplace like Mosul. I will show you a picture of an enemy muslim child that Europe was stupid enough to let in. He "thanks" them by making a beheading gesture to a TV camera. It is people like you who need their heads cut off.

Wow, Man! That's some bad acid that you are on! Better put on some Jefferson airplane and chill out, dude!
[ Between 1965-2004, over 179,808 White men, women and CHILDREN have been murdered by negroes.

I am sorry- I just didn't realize that you were one of the resident USMB racists.

Have you already made your vote for Trump?
Tomorrow, if you are White and don't vote for Trump, you need to lower your traitorous head in shame!

Thank God that most Americans are not racist idiots like you.

Unfortunately you racist idiots are all voting for Trump.
"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.
I already voted for Trump. I am figuring out someway to get names and addresses of Clinton voters otherwise known as TRAITORS and ENEMIES. For personal use for now and eventually use for our courts to try them for treason.
You really, really would have felt at home in NAZI Germany, probably as a member of the Gestapo. How you can think of yourself as a patriot and hate everything that America stands for is beyond me.

First, just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about Hitler and WW II in general is an outright lie! Why? Demonizing an enemy is a tactic as old as the hills. History is written by the victors. In war, truth is the first casualty. Also, Napoleon once basically said that history is just a bunch of lies that have been agreed upon.

Next, as a White American male, "I"! decide what American "stands for." Not a long lineage of asskissing politicians who go around shaking babies and kissing hands.

Hitler truther. Go figure.
That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

That is not a sane statement. Thanks for sharing though.
You really, really would have felt at home in NAZI Germany, probably as a member of the Gestapo. How you can think of yourself as a patriot and hate everything that America stands for is beyond me.
America does not stand for Clinton and will not stand for clinton.

10. Play the Nazi card

Does it stand for calling your political opposition enemies who's homes need to be paid a visit to?
You're the liberal, you know what you do.

I have no idea WTF you are talking about.

No you fucking asshole, America stands for peaceful political process.

"Peace" isn't working. So now what.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

That is not a sane statement. Thanks for sharing though.
It is an intelligent statement based on actually knowing anything about Islam.
"Peace" isn't working. So now what.


I have one for you. There is stuff on the news about the fight to take the city of Mosul in Iraq. The solution is easy. Just do what the Allies did in Dresden and many other German cities. Just carpet bomb the place flat. After all, if it was ok to do to highly civilized and "Western" Germans, it should be ok to do enemy muslims who hide among women and children. Kill'em all. Let allah sort them out.

It's a horrible idea that will kill many civilians and spread hate of America. Anything else?

"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

^American Taliban.
Tomorrow, if you are White and don't vote for Trump, you need to lower your traitorous head in shame!

Thank God that most Americans are not racist idiots like you.

Unfortunately you racist idiots are all voting for Trump.
Plenty more racists are voting Democrat, like they always do.

Racists like you are voting Trump.

Now not all Trump voters are racists, but Trump sure did make sure he appealed to all of you.
That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

LOL.......racist and ignorant.

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