Will You Vote For Survival, Or Vote For Death.

"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.

Suck it, muslim.
Plenty more racists are voting Democrat, like they always do.

Racists like you are voting Trump.

Now not all Trump voters are racists, but Trump sure did make sure he appealed to all of you.
You are the racist.

Racists are dumb fucks who think all(or even most)racists are white.

"I" am the "racist." And proud of it.
You hate what non-whites have become, not what they are.

Where did you ever get the idea that I hate what Whites are.
Non-whites, not whites.
"Peace" isn't working. So now what.


I have one for you. There is stuff on the news about the fight to take the city of Mosul in Iraq. The solution is easy. Just do what the Allies did in Dresden and many other German cities. Just carpet bomb the place flat. After all, if it was ok to do to highly civilized and "Western" Germans, it should be ok to do enemy muslims who hide among women and children. Kill'em all. Let allah sort them out.

It's a horrible idea that will kill many civilians and spread hate of America. Anything else?

"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

^American Taliban.
No such thing.
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

There is more food and it is more available to more people than any time in human history. Overpopulation is a myth that was debunked 40 years ago.

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

There is more food and it is more available to more people than any time in human history. Overpopulation is a myth that was debunked 40 years ago.

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)

He is absolutely correct.

"The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)

That you are ignorant is not indicative of dishonesty on my part.


It isn't just America that has seen an exponential growth in food production, Chile, Australia, the Ukraine, and Africa are applying scientific methods to agriculture resulting in the production of about twice as much grain each year than is needed to feed every human on the planet.

Distribution remains a problem, due to corruption. This is a twin blade of Warlords in Mogadishu AND criminals in Goldman-Sachs keeping food for reaching those who need it in the third world, But in all, we have more food on the planet than we know what to do with, and this is only increasing as GMO's vastly increase yields while increasing shelf life of foods.

Your Grandparents Spent More Of Their Money On Food Than You Do
With More Food Than Ever, Why Is Hunger On The Rise?

I have one for you. There is stuff on the news about the fight to take the city of Mosul in Iraq. The solution is easy. Just do what the Allies did in Dresden and many other German cities. Just carpet bomb the place flat. After all, if it was ok to do to highly civilized and "Western" Germans, it should be ok to do enemy muslims who hide among women and children. Kill'em all. Let allah sort them out.

It's a horrible idea that will kill many civilians and spread hate of America. Anything else?

"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

^American Taliban.
No such thing.

Sure there is. When the shared traits make up more of the Venn diagram than not, the characterization is apt.
You are your own worst enemy.
Excuse me, but if you think voting for either Trump or Hillary is survival you don't understand the problem.

That either one of them is on the ballot demonstrates a deep problem that will not be fixed tomorrow.

That both of them are on the ballot indicates that the problem might be terminal.

You had better get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day!
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

There is more food and it is more available to more people than any time in human history. Overpopulation is a myth that was debunked 40 years ago.

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)

He is absolutely correct.

"The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source

Even "if" what you say about the texas thing is true, who in the hell would want to live in a place like that. Also, you have probably heard of the "heat island" effect that cities have. There is no telling what a texas sized city would do.

There is another point that blows the hell out of your idea. Which is that even with people being spread out as they are, the ecological system is collapsing! And as things now stand, every day about 21,000 people starve to death or died from problems caused by lack of food. I have said heard some idiots say that the problem isn't a lack of food. It's that many people can't afford it. But if food was plentiful, it wouldn't be expensive.

Another thing is that I have seen the overcrowded conditions in places like China and India. Like it or not, that many people is an obscenity! I guess what Milton said was true. People have the ability to make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven.
I already voted for Trump. I am figuring out someway to get names and addresses of Clinton voters otherwise known as TRAITORS and ENEMIES. For personal use for now and eventually use for our courts to try them for treason.
Holy crap, that'll be somewhere around 65,000,000 people.

Do you have the hard drive space?

He's put me on Ignore, I think.

That's how strong he is.

So you don't have to worry a whole lot.
All over America you libs were warned. You were asked to look at the evidence. You responded with a resounding FUCK OFF. Because you don't care about truth nor justice.

You chose destruction. Lady Liberty will not accept your rape... How could she? Yet you think it's a game, all you care about is winning. That did not come from Republicans, that was all you. Your legacy will be the destruction of America - I hope you are proud.

That said, patriots, do not forget the long game...


nobody cares
That's the point isn't it. You reserve the right for yourself to do what you want, and in the same breath think people who don't agree with what you want are traitors. Hence my assertion, you would feel at home in NAZI Germany who locked up and executed people they didn't agree with.

Odious is a Nazi.

Everyone knows that.

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)

That you are ignorant is not indicative of dishonesty on my part.


It isn't just America that has seen an exponential growth in food production, Chile, Australia, the Ukraine, and Africa are applying scientific methods to agriculture resulting in the production of about twice as much grain each year than is needed to feed every human on the planet.

Distribution remains a problem, due to corruption. This is a twin blade of Warlords in Mogadishu AND criminals in Goldman-Sachs keeping food for reaching those who need it in the third world, But in all, we have more food on the planet than we know what to do with, and this is only increasing as GMO's vastly increase yields while increasing shelf life of foods.

Your Grandparents Spent More Of Their Money On Food Than You Do
With More Food Than Ever, Why Is Hunger On The Rise?

YOU are the ignorant one. First of all, if food was as plentiful as you say, distribution wouldn't be a problem. Because it could be found everywhere. Also, global fish populations are collapsing. About 20 years ago they stopped fishing for Cod off Canada to let the population recover. It never did. I have a documentary to recommend to you. It is called, "End of the line."

Around the world there is desertification going on. Much of our human caused global warming is due to food production. As to your talk about GMO's, you have to be kidding! It is a disaster. I have another documentary to recommend to you. It is called, "Genetic Roulette: The gamble of our lives."
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

There is more food and it is more available to more people than any time in human history. Overpopulation is a myth that was debunked 40 years ago.

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)

He is absolutely correct.

"The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source

Even "if" what you say about the texas thing is true, who in the hell would want to live in a place like that. Also, you have probably heard of the "heat island" effect that cities have. There is no telling what a texas sized city would do.

There is another point that blows the hell out of your idea. Which is that even with people being spread out as they are, the ecological system is collapsing! And as things now stand, every day about 21,000 people starve to death or died from problems caused by lack of food. I have said heard some idiots say that the problem isn't a lack of food. It's that many people can't afford it. But if food was plentiful, it wouldn't be expensive.

Another thing is that I have seen the overcrowded conditions in places like China and India. Like it or not, that many people is an obscenity! I guess what Milton said was true. People have the ability to make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven.

Details here:

Well, the initial calculation was done by Thomas Sowell in 1984, when the world's population was 4.4 billion.http://www.carlopelanda.com/econaut/...n%20Growth.htm


In 1984, it was proven by the economist Thomas Sowell that the entire world population (4.4 billion at the time) could live comfortably in the state of Texas. He wrote “Every human being on the face of the Earth could be housed in the state of Texas in one-story, single-family homes, each with a front and a back yard. A family of four would thus have 6,800 square feet- about the size of the typical middle-class American home with front and backyards.”(Carter 99) According to more recent research on the topic, all of the world’s 1997 population (5.84 billion) could fit on the small Island of Bali in Indonesia.(Stiefel 98)

According to latest calculations, if we assume a world population of 6.7 billion, all the people in the world could fit into Texas and occupy an area of ~1,118 sq. ft. each.

To recap: so far, we can put every living person on the planet within the land territory of Texas, with density about equal to New York City (not just Manhattan; all 5 boroughs). And we can give them all adequate water with just over half the water from the Columbia River.

But what about food? Clearly that is of concern! Well, apparently 300 square meters will feed one person for one year. Since a kilometer is 1000 meters, we could feed (1000<ENTER> 1000 × 300 ÷) 3333 people per square kilometer. We'll call it 3000 people per square kilometer to make things even. And that means (7<EEX>9 <ENTER> 3000 ÷) 2,333,333 square kilometers to feed everyone.

The total farmland in the US is about 922,000,000 acres. There are 247.1 acres per square kilometer, so that is (922<EEX>6<ENTER> 247.1 ÷) 3,731,282 square kilometers. Hey, that's more than 2,333,333! In other words, the farmland in the US could feed everyone!

So what have we ended up with? Well, every person in the world could live inside of Texas without overcrowding. We could all have water with just the Columbia River alone. And we could easily feed ourselves with just the farmland within the US as it exists.

Canada. Mexico. Alaska. Central America. South America. Europe. Asia. Africa. Australia. Greenland. All the islands. All the oceans. The Great Lakes. All empty, devoid of people. No need to farm or live there.

Now that we have the numbers, are we really overpopulated? I would argue a resounding "NO" and I think any who say otherwise are simply not adding it up.

The Overpopulation Myth

Amazing, huh?

Of course, Liberals and the media (is that redundant?) would rather wring their hands and cry 'crisis!!!'
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

There is more food and it is more available to more people than any time in human history. Overpopulation is a myth that was debunked 40 years ago.

Are you a moron, or just a liar. (Maybe you're both!)

He is absolutely correct.

"The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source

Even "if" what you say about the texas thing is true, who in the hell would want to live in a place like that. Also, you have probably heard of the "heat island" effect that cities have. There is no telling what a texas sized city would do.

There is another point that blows the hell out of your idea. Which is that even with people being spread out as they are, the ecological system is collapsing! And as things now stand, every day about 21,000 people starve to death or died from problems caused by lack of food. I have said heard some idiots say that the problem isn't a lack of food. It's that many people can't afford it. But if food was plentiful, it wouldn't be expensive.

Another thing is that I have seen the overcrowded conditions in places like China and India. Like it or not, that many people is an obscenity! I guess what Milton said was true. People have the ability to make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven.

Details here:

Well, the initial calculation was done by Thomas Sowell in 1984, when the world's population was 4.4 billion.http://www.carlopelanda.com/econaut/...n%20Growth.htm


In 1984, it was proven by the economist Thomas Sowell that the entire world population (4.4 billion at the time) could live comfortably in the state of Texas. He wrote “Every human being on the face of the Earth could be housed in the state of Texas in one-story, single-family homes, each with a front and a back yard. A family of four would thus have 6,800 square feet- about the size of the typical middle-class American home with front and backyards.”(Carter 99) According to more recent research on the topic, all of the world’s 1997 population (5.84 billion) could fit on the small Island of Bali in Indonesia.(Stiefel 98)

According to latest calculations, if we assume a world population of 6.7 billion, all the people in the world could fit into Texas and occupy an area of ~1,118 sq. ft. each.

To recap: so far, we can put every living person on the planet within the land territory of Texas, with density about equal to New York City (not just Manhattan; all 5 boroughs). And we can give them all adequate water with just over half the water from the Columbia River.

But what about food? Clearly that is of concern! Well, apparently 300 square meters will feed one person for one year. Since a kilometer is 1000 meters, we could feed (1000<ENTER> 1000 × 300 ÷) 3333 people per square kilometer. We'll call it 3000 people per square kilometer to make things even. And that means (7<EEX>9 <ENTER> 3000 ÷) 2,333,333 square kilometers to feed everyone.

The total farmland in the US is about 922,000,000 acres. There are 247.1 acres per square kilometer, so that is (922<EEX>6<ENTER> 247.1 ÷) 3,731,282 square kilometers. Hey, that's more than 2,333,333! In other words, the farmland in the US could feed everyone!

So what have we ended up with? Well, every person in the world could live inside of Texas without overcrowding. We could all have water with just the Columbia River alone. And we could easily feed ourselves with just the farmland within the US as it exists.

Canada. Mexico. Alaska. Central America. South America. Europe. Asia. Africa. Australia. Greenland. All the islands. All the oceans. The Great Lakes. All empty, devoid of people. No need to farm or live there.

Now that we have the numbers, are we really overpopulated? I would argue a resounding "NO" and I think any who say otherwise are simply not adding it up.

The Overpopulation Myth

Amazing, huh?

Of course, Liberals and the media (is that redundant?) would rather wring their hands and cry 'crisis!!!'

You are fruitloops. No matter what I say, it goes in one ear, meets very little resistance, and goes out the other.
YOU are the ignorant one.

Yes, I keep posting those well cited facts from reputable sources. I can see where that would upset you. They never told you these things in third grade.

First of all, if food was as plentiful as you say, distribution wouldn't be a problem.

Really? Did you bother to read the Popular Science article I linked to? Of course not.

{Fred Kaufman begins his new book Bet the Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food by identifying a troubling paradox of modern food production. In 2008, "farmers produced more grain than ever, enough to feed twice as many people as were on Earth. In the same year, for the first time in history, a billion people went hungry." How could we produce more food and more hunger? The answer, Kaufman writes, is that food became virtualized, or in this case "financialized." Instead of using data systems to find sensible ways to distribute real food, we have increasingly used them to trade virtual food as a speculative object, much like the complicated financial products that helped pump up the housing bubble. The result: Prices skyrocket, real food sits uselessly, people starve.}

With More Food Than Ever, Why Is Hunger On The Rise?

That is the Goldman-Sachs side of it. We still have the third world despots to contend with as well.

Because it could be found everywhere. Also, global fish populations are collapsing. About 20 years ago they stopped fishing for Cod off Canada to let the population recover. It never did. I have a documentary to recommend to you. It is called, "End of the line."

Ah, but food is not evenly produced. America, Chile, Australia, Kenya, the Ukraine, and Thailand produce most of the wheat, oats, barley, and rice in the world. For people in Libya to get it, it has to be shipped. With the Clinton Crime Family at Goldman and Monsanto stealing so much on one end, and the Obama backed Muslim Brotherhood stealing the rest on the other, not much makes it to the people in need.

Around the world there is desertification going on.

Complete bullshit - based on nothing at all.

Much of our human caused global warming is due to food production. As to your talk about GMO's, you have to be kidding! It is a disaster. I have another documentary to recommend to you. It is called, "Genetic Roulette: The gamble of our lives."

It is a "disaster" because some leftist site told you that you don't like GMO's?

Dude, you obviously have very little education and react to sensationalist pronouncements rather than doing any sort of research and study.

What you believe is the opposite of reality.

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