Will You Vote For Survival, Or Vote For Death.

After your first paragraph, your train of thought derails. Though I will respond to a couple of your statements. First, Trump at least said that he wanted to keep more enemy muslims out. Obama already let 10,000 in. Hillary will likely do the same. Next, just about everything you have heard and continue to hear about Hitler or WW II in general is a LIE! As for the jewish religion, I will include four pages of jewish religious teachings and another picture with a quote. If you aren't jewish, tell me how what they say benefits you.
I would love to see you attempt to explain how an already fragmented country will survive influxes of radical Muslims and Chicano supremacists..

The same way the United States has survived every wave of immigrants.

Despite what racists and bigots like you have said about every wave of immigrants.
The United States has never had to assimilate large numbers of the most backward people in the 21st century.

Like literal boatloads of illiterate Irish Catholics, Italians, Slavs.....etc?
That is EXACTLY the sort of ideas Americans (along with the rest of civilized world) reject. That's not corruption, that is just really bad, repugnant ideas.

You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion." Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”
Admiral Lyons on Obama’s Strategy: ‘It’s Anti-American ... Pro-Islamic, It’s Pro-Iranian, and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood!’

3. Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam. Bill Donohue

4. Which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
A toughie, huh?
Will You Vote For Survival, Or Vote For Death.

Survival. That's why I've struck a compromise. Hillary for POTUS, & all down ballot choices republican. The Clintons used to work with a GOP dominated Congress and there's no reason to think they won't again. Congress won't be able to control Trump. Nobody will. Right now his staffers he needs in order to win...but once he had unlimited power, if they try to take his Twitter account away then, he'll fire them fast enough to make their head spin.

I'm Voting Hillary For POTUS & Republicans Down-Ballot: Here's Why...(NC)
1 Good Thing About Trump: He Takes Me Back To Elementary School Days
The Russians, Wikileaks, Clinton &....Where Are Trump's Emails?

If you vote for Hillary, you will have made the wrong decision. Also, Trump would be president. Not dictator. So to that degree, he would be controlled.
You are a brainwashed, lying fool. YOU should convert to islam. Being such a liar, you would fit right in. Take for example the koran, 3:54. It says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." And the koran, 7:99. It says, "No one feels safe from Allah's deception except those that shall perish."

There are many disgusting, filthy aspects to islam. Castrating women, treating them like property, pederasty, pedophilia, worshiping mohammed even though he is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife, etc. etc. etc. Face it. YOU are repugnant.

Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

LOL.......racist and ignorant.
Islam is not a race, dipshit.
Tomorrow, if you are White and don't vote for Trump, you need to lower your traitorous head in shame!

Thank God that most Americans are not racist idiots like you.

Unfortunately you racist idiots are all voting for Trump.
Plenty more racists are voting Democrat, like they always do.

Racists like you are voting Trump.

Now not all Trump voters are racists, but Trump sure did make sure he appealed to all of you.
You are the racist.

Racists are dumb fucks who think all(or even most)racists are white.
I have one for you. There is stuff on the news about the fight to take the city of Mosul in Iraq. The solution is easy. Just do what the Allies did in Dresden and many other German cities. Just carpet bomb the place flat. After all, if it was ok to do to highly civilized and "Western" Germans, it should be ok to do enemy muslims who hide among women and children. Kill'em all. Let allah sort them out.

It's a horrible idea that will kill many civilians and spread hate of America. Anything else?

"People?" I'm talking about muslims here. There aren't any that deserve to live. That there are many who would hide behind women and children PROVES that.

So you don't think Muslim children deserve to live? How very Trump of you.

I don't think the children of spiders deserve to live either.

Will you be planning on going out and killing those children?

Or will you be hoping others will do it for you?

Blow me. Tens of thousands of White children here in the U.S. have been brutally murdered by negroes. How about some tears for them. Though if you are White, in supporting a miltiethnic society, YOU are also culpable in their murders. So I don't suppose you will be needing any kleenex.
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

Excuse me, but if you think voting for either Trump or Hillary is survival you don't understand the problem.
Geezus you are out of your fkn mind.

Enjoy the rejection.

Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

LOL.......racist and ignorant.
Islam is not a race, dipshit.

Whatever you want to call it, they aren't White.
Tomorrow, if you are White and don't vote for Trump, you need to lower your traitorous head in shame!

Thank God that most Americans are not racist idiots like you.

Unfortunately you racist idiots are all voting for Trump.
Plenty more racists are voting Democrat, like they always do.

Racists like you are voting Trump.

Now not all Trump voters are racists, but Trump sure did make sure he appealed to all of you.
You are the racist.

Racists are dumb fucks who think all(or even most)racists are white.

"I" am the "racist." And proud of it.
Tell me anything I said that is wrong. To a degree greater than you can imagine, I prefer my "rejection" to your kind of "acceptance."

You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

LOL.......racist and ignorant.
Islam is not a race, dipshit.

Whatever you want to call it, they aren't White.
Unfortunately there are growing numbers of white Muslims, now that Arabs are colonizing Europe.
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

Excuse me, but if you think voting for either Trump or Hillary is survival you don't understand the problem.

I know more than you can comprehend. I know more than you even want to know! All that aside, Trump is just the superior choice compared to Hillary. That is all.
Tomorrow, if you are White and don't vote for Trump, you need to lower your traitorous head in shame!

Thank God that most Americans are not racist idiots like you.

Unfortunately you racist idiots are all voting for Trump.
Plenty more racists are voting Democrat, like they always do.

Racists like you are voting Trump.

Now not all Trump voters are racists, but Trump sure did make sure he appealed to all of you.
You are the racist.

Racists are dumb fucks who think all(or even most)racists are white.

"I" am the "racist." And proud of it.
You hate what non-whites have become, not what they are.
You are wrong, just because someone happens to be muslim doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated like other human beings.

America does not discriminate on the basis of religion and rejects your anti-muslim bigotry.
Islam is not a religion.

LOL.......racist and ignorant.
Islam is not a race, dipshit.

Whatever you want to call it, they aren't White.
Unfortunately there are growing numbers of white Muslims, now that Arabs are colonizing Europe.

I doubt that. It would be like White Europeans admitting that muslim civilization is better. If that was the case, they wouldn't be flooding into Europe.
Thank God that most Americans are not racist idiots like you.

Unfortunately you racist idiots are all voting for Trump.
Plenty more racists are voting Democrat, like they always do.

Racists like you are voting Trump.

Now not all Trump voters are racists, but Trump sure did make sure he appealed to all of you.
You are the racist.

Racists are dumb fucks who think all(or even most)racists are white.

"I" am the "racist." And proud of it.
You hate what non-whites have become, not what they are.

Where did you ever get the idea that I hate what Whites are.
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

There is more food and it is more available to more people than any time in human history. Overpopulation is a myth that was debunked 40 years ago.
If you vote for Trump, you will be voting for survival. If you vote for Hillary, you will be voting for death. Probably the biggest problem facing our planet is overpopulation. Every bad thing that was predicted to come from it is happening RIGHT NOW! Such as food shortages and the mass migration of humans. A perfect example of that is the enemy muslim refugees (invaders) that Europe let into their countries. And that obama had let over 10,000 of into our country. Hillary would no doubt continue the practice. Another thing Hillary will do is give many illegals here amnesty.

Like it or not, there comes a time when you have to start looking out for your own ass. The "pleasurable" brain drugs of political correctness can only get you so far. Today, about 21,000 people die from starvation or problems due to the lack of food. Like it or not, the population of the White species isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 230,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Hillary's solution is to bring in more overpopulating enemy muslim refugees. (invaders) Her solution to the overpopulating latinos - mestizos - indains from south of the border is to give many amnesty and continue to do nothing to keep more out. The solution for the worlds problems isn't to make America a dumping ground for the overflowing non-white human population. Trump at least wants to keep more enemy muslims out and to deport the illegal that are here in the U.S. In a world with no solution to overpopulation, (though I have the solution) this is the path to survival! If you are sane at all, you should choose this path and vote for Trump!

Excuse me, but if you think voting for either Trump or Hillary is survival you don't understand the problem.

There are no other choices.

Put on your big-boy pants and make a decision....an American one.

This may help:
....a note from Victor Davis Hanson.

What are the issues on which to make your vote?

"... the Supreme Court,


the debt,

rebuilding the military,

the Second Amendment,

school choice,


reforming the tax code,

reexamining regulation,

energy exploration and production,

illegal immigration,

sanctuary cities,

and a host of other issues, the Republican ticket is the antithesis of Clinton/Kaine — and is recognized as such by nearly all progressives."
Never Trump Republicans: Spoilers or Saviors?

Your vote should not be about the man, Trump....

....but on all of these issues.
Islam is not a religion.

LOL.......racist and ignorant.
Islam is not a race, dipshit.

Whatever you want to call it, they aren't White.
Unfortunately there are growing numbers of white Muslims, now that Arabs are colonizing Europe.

I doubt that. It would be like White Europeans admitting that muslim civilization is better. If that was the case, they wouldn't be flooding into Europe.
It is pure Stockholm Syndrome.

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