Willard is driving a new Audi .. so much for American made

What do you suppose your college friends that didn't like you back then say about you today? :cool:

Just an FYI...

You are responding to someone who referred to a supreme court justice as "pollution" becuase she does not agree with his ideology.

The one who just yesterday claimed that she is fair and open minded..and only calls people names that insult her on this board.

Just thought you needed to know what you are dealing with.

I know. I wrote the book on her predictable behavior. She pretends to be interested in civil discourse then "pops" into threads and merely insults. When cornered...she mocks even more.

One thing I notice with her is that everyone is wrong about everything on every issue yet when pressed she never seems to have a strong counterpoint as to why she's right.
Too bad she can't just delete the threads she gets punked in anymore. :lmao:

Only Unionized Americans should. The Non-unionized Americans and the Foreigners can all go to hades.

Figuratively, sure, since folks making shit wages live in a comparative hell to those with decent union wages and benefits.

Meanwhile, I can understanding why Romney might be a bit peeved at "Detroit," his dad's auto industry salary notwithstanding. They handed him his ass in the election, albeit, so too did Cubans in FL (No cigars, Mitt!!) and Latinos in CO (Tacos, no, senior MItt!!)
Just an FYI...

You are responding to someone who referred to a supreme court justice as "pollution" becuase she does not agree with his ideology.

The one who just yesterday claimed that she is fair and open minded..and only calls people names that insult her on this board.

Just thought you needed to know what you are dealing with.

I know. I wrote the book on her predictable behavior. She pretends to be interested in civil discourse then "pops" into threads and merely insults. When cornered...she mocks even more.

One thing I notice with her is that everyone is wrong about everything on every issue yet when pressed she never seems to have a strong counterpoint as to why she's right.

lol...I know....you and I had fun at her expense yesterday...

And to be hoinest....she asks for it.

Now...where the heck is Valerie?

Oh she was here yesterday but I'm sure jilly warned her off that thread otherwise it would have played right into what I said about them.

She keeps saying that she's willing to "talk" about issues but have you ever seen her try? Every reply is just a slam against the other poster.
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I know. I wrote the book on her predictable behavior. She pretends to be interested in civil discourse then "pops" into threads and merely insults. When cornered...she mocks even more.

One thing I notice with her is that everyone is wrong about everything on every issue yet when pressed she never seems to have a strong counterpoint as to why she's right.

lol...I know....you and I had fun at her expense yesterday...

And to be hoinest....she asks for it.

Now...where the heck is Valerie?

Oh she was here yesterday but I'm sure jilly warned her off that thread otherwise it would have played rright into what I said about them.

She keeps saying that she's willing to "talk" about issues but have you ever seen her try? Every reply is just a slam against the other poster.

Her post where she presewnted a bucnh of mis truths about Romney as "fact was the closest I have ever seen her be a part of adding to a debate. Too bad they were lies...and, of course, in a joke of a thread.
Actually idiot, Romney lost because he earned millions so that he can buy an Audi, while many Obamabots are jealous of his life and money......thus why these threads exist after the election and idiots like you believe your own lies.

The Audi is probably a better driving SUV. Not many people believed Mitt claiming he supported GM. One of the reasons he lost the election. Since he no longer feels a need to blow smoke up our ass, I wish him Happy Trails.
real issues are important.

but the thing is YOU don't define what is important.

what was important? his support for personhood laws and lack of support for equal pay laws.

You misunderstood...he supported free capitalism

what was important? his intent to benefit only people like himself financially.

you misunderstood....he did does not believe in having laws that are speciofically designed to cater to one group. ..it is not what mnade America what it is.

what was important? the fact that he'd have pollluted our courts with more justices like scalia.

In other words...you consider my conservative ideology "pollution"....that happens to be selfish of you. Not all think as you do..and to the contrary, whereas I do not agree with liberalism...I respect it..as I say on here all the time.

what? you think scalia is ok? well, then you vote for romney.

but you don't define what's important to others.

the car thing? well, after he said "let detroit die", then said "i love american cars" to try to eek out a few more votes in michigan... it's more an amusement to see him buy foreign. i don't drive american either... i drive a BMW.

You are mistaken. He said "Let GM go bankrupt." Most people understand that such does not mean "let it die". It means let the courts hash things out so they can rebuild without the burdens of earlier bad decisions. Only the severly misinformed belkeive "bankruptcy" means " "closing its doors"

then again, i didn't stand in detroit and tell them how i love american cars. but it is humorous.

Jillian...you are one of those people that have absolutely no idea what the trruth is. You go with blogs...you know...the ones that are designed to fool people as simple as you are.

if you at least tried to post without the insults, you might get a response.

as for truth... truth is that trickle down economics is a failure... and you had 10 years to show it wasn't.

and he had nothing to offer b/c he had no ideology.

that's truth.

now run that up your flagpole.

Supply side economics has absolutely nothing to do with our economic condition and the problem didn't just magically start 10 years ago. The problem started 100 years ago. It was started by progressive marxist policies and the final stake is being drove in by marxist policies. Fed, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, income tax, etc. All marxist poicies which destroyed the free market economy that made a whole country rich and are driving us back to the poor house. And now people actually believe the meme that you are spewing. Incredible.
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The last Marine One helicopter contract was awarded to a company in Spain, under Obama's watch - but, Liberals could give a fuck less.

Perhaps Marine One should be built by GM in Detroit, by lazy-assed union workers. They could call it the Marine Volt.

Someone water Obama's 52 Canadian Christmas trees while we all have a deep sob.
I know it's hard to accept PJ. But you will never be that rich. Jealousy is a terrible thing.
these people dont care PJ, they only voted for Romrom out of hatred for Obama.

No. We voted for Romney because he was clearly the more experienced leader of the two.

The fact that Romney has an audi is completely irrelevant to just about anything in reality.

Experienced in what?

Using government loans to fleece otherwise viable companies and ship their jobs to China?

Well yeah..

He was..

You mean like Obama has done and is doing? One must be balanced about their outrage don't you think?

White House Jobs Czar, GE CEO Immelt Moves Jobs to China | West Orlando News Online 2012® Central Florida News, Info, Sports

Reince Priebus: Obama Shipped the Recovery Overseas
these people dont care PJ, they only voted for Romrom out of hatred for Obama.

No. We voted for Romney because he was clearly the more experienced leader of the two.

The fact that Romney has an audi is completely irrelevant to just about anything in reality.

LOL you are so full of fucking shit Avatar. You where wrong about him winning, you are wrong about him being a better leader...You've been wrong on most things.

No him driving an audi flies in the face about him being a Detroit man. He was pandering to those people. Just admit it and move on instead of deflecting it.

There is no harm in the pandering, unless you deny what it was.

You dishonest little pissant.
Do you consider that post to be substantive?
Romney would have made a MUCH better president than The Obama.
The economy would have turned around by the end of February.
Obamacare would have been gone. There would be no fiscal cliff.
The stock market would have gone skyward. The prices of oil and gas would have fallen. Business would have started hiring again.
But alas, half the country was worried about stupid shit like their entitlements and other free shit.
Now your side is bitching about the fiscal cliff. You are whining that companies are using various strategies to avoid the crushing expense of Obama care.
You are crying "NO FAIR!!!!!....DO OVER !!!!"
This is what you schmucks voted for. Now you have to take a bite out of the big shit sandwich.
Tough fucking darts. Deal with it.
FOr once in your perpetually miserable lives take some responsibility for your choices.
Remember, elections have consequences.
So what?

Tell me how everything you buy is American-made.

Ahh, expect the pat liberal response. "Well, that's DIFFERENT".
What these bozos fail to understand is even if one buys a car with an American name plate, it does not mean the car is "American made or even built"
Every single Ford Fusion is built in Mexico with 70% foreign made parts.
Many Ford vehicles come equipped with Transmission built by Mitsubishi.
Conversely, the Mazda 6, Toyota Tundra and Previa Vans are just some of the autos with foreign brands but are built right here in the USA with majority USA made parts.
So what's foreign these days?

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