Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall

Ask yourself why gasoline is unleaded, and if and when it used to be 'leaded' and why it was changed. And then consider it was Richard Nixon, a Republican, who created the EPA.

Yes the society has changed, conservatives USED to be mostly rational. They did, I remember. They've always had their views and argued them but they worked with their opposition on many things.

If a Republican president or candidate today proposed something like the EPA they would be lynched by their own party.

When did clean air and water become an issue to argue over? Conservatives turn off the radio and Faux News for a month. Your head will clear and you won't see the society as 'evil'. It's just people, like you.
Poach more Rinos...

Compromise is over rated.
by all means. Keep painting yourselves into a corner. What are you, like 12?
Ask yourself why gasoline is unleaded, and if and when it used to be 'leaded' and why it was changed. And then consider it was Richard Nixon, a Republican, who created the EPA.

Yes the society has changed, conservatives USED to be mostly rational. They did, I remember. They've always had their views and argued them but they worked with their opposition on many things.

If a Republican president or candidate today proposed something like the EPA they would be lynched by their own party.

When did clean air and water become an issue to argue over? Conservatives turn off the radio and Faux News for a month. Your head will clear and you won't see the society as 'evil'. It's just people, like you.
Poach more Rinos...

Compromise is over rated.
by all means. Keep painting yourselves into a corner. What are you, like 12?
Where has compromise gotten us??
More debt than we can ever pay off
Military morale being the lowest in our history
Morals underneath the gutter

Embrace the suck
This is one of the better pieces I've encountered on the cultural changes that are causing America's decline.

Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something strange is happening.

What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?


The ferocious American hostility to individualism is most virulent in the form of political correctness, which requires that all of us think the same things. The universities are worst, and they are the future. Once, unpopular ideas were argued and freedom of speech respected, however grudgingly. Today we have the pack mind.

Beyond the insistence that everyone should be like everyone else is the insistence that everyone already is like everyone else. No differences exist between men and women, sex being a social construct, and thus women should be in the Marines. Differences of race do not exist, race being a social construct, so if members of one non-existent race do not do as well at physics as members of another nonexistent race, we must on racial grounds hire them as physicists anyway under affirmative action, since differences are social constructs.

Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall | Fred On Everything
PC is BS, just speak your peace and move along.

And if someone knocks you on your ass for what you said, that's on you.
Victim blaming is the way Progressives treat all victims.

I've been told I "self sabotage" when people have stabbed me in the back for saying the wrong thing.

you people are disgusting. A new Hitler will come and toss you all in jail. And that's on you.
Consider the more obvious possibility, you're a loud-mouthed asshole who doesn't understand a time and a place...

You described yourself perfectly.
Can you say liberal politics? They are anything, but liberal. They are communistic. Don't step out of line or we will come and get your ass.

I refuse to use Liberal to describe the modern leftwing types. They are Progressives, which is a perfect Orwellian term for them.

You brainless fox news types of hysterical. They train you to hear "progressive" and get angry.
Ask yourself why gasoline is unleaded, and if and when it used to be 'leaded' and why it was changed. And then consider it was Richard Nixon, a Republican, who created the EPA.

Yes the society has changed, conservatives USED to be mostly rational. They did, I remember. They've always had their views and argued them but they worked with their opposition on many things.

If a Republican president or candidate today proposed something like the EPA they would be lynched by their own party.

When did clean air and water become an issue to argue over? Conservatives turn off the radio and Faux News for a month. Your head will clear and you won't see the society as 'evil'. It's just people, like you.
Poach more Rinos...

Compromise is over rated.
by all means. Keep painting yourselves into a corner. What are you, like 12?
Where has compromise gotten us??
More debt than we can ever pay off
Military morale being the lowest in our history
Morals underneath the gutter

Embrace the suck

NEWSFLASH!!! There has been very little compromise in the last 6 yrs due to people who share your "my way or the highway" view.
Debt was at already $10 Trillion when 44 took office.
Why do you bring up military morale? It wasn't all that high back in the over-funded 80's when I was in Kiddo
Why do you care what someone else does? (ever heard the Thos. Jefferson quote?)

I'm done w/ you. :bye1:
And if a Democrat ever advocated for the use of fossil fuels... imagine what would happen. Both parties are guilty of it. This isn't a one sided thing.

This is the Orwellian double-speak that has become the conservative standard. ALL sides have exactly the same value argument and facts don't count. That is how conservatives view the world now. You think opinion is as valuable as fact.

Sorry, it never has been and never will be. The thoughts in your mind are so jumbled it is like a pretzel, wrapped in an enigma, coated with chocolate sauce and sauerkraut.
The moderates(you know the mushy middle) is where the problem is, they always want to just give their position away.

Stand your ground no matter what, no matter side... War of attrition. And crazy joe is wrong and a hipocrite yes the opponent is the enemy, like he said not so long ago "he is going to put y'all back in chains" of his opponent.

So, both sides need more of a backbone and get along less...

This type of 'my way or the highway' thinking of the Teabaggers is about to get played out. It doesn't work and the Republicans know they are about to lose the White House again because of it, and likely man seats in the House. Demographics are changing quick, and this last gasp of the angry right wing has very limited time.

You got it wrong.
Tea party is angry at the Republicans because they do cave in to the left and compromise on certain conservative key principals.
It is the left who are the my way or the highway.

Another who doesn't read apparently.

The tea party isn't going to tell anyone 'here's how its going to be'. Sorry, our government doesn't work like that, that is what angries dream about that will never be.

That is exactly what the social left did in the 70's when they took over the government and the schools and the newspapers and Hollywood.
And this nation has gone downhill ever since they did.
Can you say liberal politics? They are anything, but liberal. They are communistic. Don't step out of line or we will come and get your ass.

I refuse to use Liberal to describe the modern leftwing types. They are Progressives, which is a perfect Orwellian term for them.

You brainless fox news types of hysterical. They train you to hear "progressive" and get angry.

I'm not angry; I'm horrified and worried about the condition of out culture.

Don't project your irrational emotions on me.

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