Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall

Liberalism has good qualities. It's all about excess. The problem is, it's dangerous to your emotional well being because everyone else is doing whatever they want too, and that or what you do to yourself can negatively impact you.

Progressives, unlike Liberals, have a police temperament. They seem to prey on liberals. They see the chaos and seek to make rigid order out of it.

But for whatever reason, liberal people seem to be soil for he progressive seed. It's parasitic how they do it. They all have destructive personalities and they never iniate and organisation or business or social circle, but always hijack an existing one. And if it's an artistic or creative culture or industry they take great pleasure in literally destroying it and any one of talent who they can tear down. (Think modern art)

You can't seem to have any vices without these people preying on you. Have an interracial sex fetish?

Liberals: great!

Progressives: great but let me see how I can use you in my social agenda

want to change sex?

Liberals: Right you are.

Progressives: let's break down gender boundaries.

Want to be gay?

Liberals: go for it.

Progressives: me too! Let's force the world to be gay...or else...
Conservatives rant ad nauseum about individualism, as if they revere it above all,

and yet what is the institution that conservatives really most revere?

The military.

Where individualism is virtually forbidden, where obedience rules, and where the collective is of paramount importance.

Ironic, eh?
We have also become a nation that hates education, hates investing in our own country and hates science. This is a big reason why we're in decline.

The 40's, 50's and 60's was the exact opposite. too many filthy loserterian assholes that don't want to work together as a country.
The OP is not funny. Thinking America wants not to go back to the fifties.

Well, at least we did great things in the 50's...the biggest industry on earth, the best educational system, passed laws to clean up our environment, created nasa, and paved the highways. People seen that government was important and had its place....That is important for any successful first world country.

Socially,,,well, not everything about the 50's are bad. ;) the family should be respected and parents should care for their kids once again.
This is one of the better pieces I've encountered on the cultural changes that are causing America's decline.

Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something strange is happening.

What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?


The ferocious American hostility to individualism is most virulent in the form of political correctness, which requires that all of us think the same things. The universities are worst, and they are the future. Once, unpopular ideas were argued and freedom of speech respected, however grudgingly. Today we have the pack mind.

Beyond the insistence that everyone should be like everyone else is the insistence that everyone already is like everyone else. No differences exist between men and women, sex being a social construct, and thus women should be in the Marines. Differences of race do not exist, race being a social construct, so if members of one non-existent race do not do as well at physics as members of another nonexistent race, we must on racial grounds hire them as physicists anyway under affirmative action, since differences are social constructs.

Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall | Fred On Everything

The problem with this is that it ignores the reality that a society, a cohesive society, does have certain amounts of people doing things for society. This involves taking away some of the individuality of people.

In WW2 had everyone said "fuck this society, I'm doing my own thing and not fighting for the others" then what?
We have also become a nation that hates education, hates investing in our own country and hates science. This is a big reason why we're in decline.

The 40's, 50's and 60's was the exact opposite. too many filthy loserterian assholes that don't want to work together as a country.
Why should anyone get along... No future in it.
This is one of the better pieces I've encountered on the cultural changes that are causing America's decline.

Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something strange is happening.

What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?


The ferocious American hostility to individualism is most virulent in the form of political correctness, which requires that all of us think the same things. The universities are worst, and they are the future. Once, unpopular ideas were argued and freedom of speech respected, however grudgingly. Today we have the pack mind.

Beyond the insistence that everyone should be like everyone else is the insistence that everyone already is like everyone else. No differences exist between men and women, sex being a social construct, and thus women should be in the Marines. Differences of race do not exist, race being a social construct, so if members of one non-existent race do not do as well at physics as members of another nonexistent race, we must on racial grounds hire them as physicists anyway under affirmative action, since differences are social constructs.

Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall | Fred On Everything

The problem with this is that it ignores the reality that a society, a cohesive society, does have certain amounts of people doing things for society. This involves taking away some of the individuality of people.

In WW2 had everyone said "fuck this society, I'm doing my own thing and not fighting for the others" then what?

You do not understand America.
“The United States has become a nation of weak, pampered, easily frightened, helpless milquetoasts who have never caught a fish, fired a gun, chopped a log, hitchhiked across the country, or been in a schoolyard fight. If their cat dies, they call a grief therapist.Everythingfrightens Americans.”

This is consistent with the ridiculous, wrongheaded demagoguery common to most on the right – it also fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy, representative of the lack of sound reasoning skills that plagues a majority of conservatives.

The 'premise' of the 'article' is simplistic, sophomoric, naïve, inane, and completely devoid of merit.

Indeed, whether one is 'tough' or not has little to do with the vacuous criteria the author outlines; true strength and fortitude are determined in ways having little to do with firing guns, chopping wood, or getting in fights.

A single mother working two jobs, staying off of public assistance, keeping her children well fed, housed, clothed, and educated is a much more significant manifestation of courage and strength than catching a fish or hitchhiking across the country.

So, no – the article's author is in fact wrong, as is the OP: the United States is in no way a 'wimp' Nation, and the notion that America is 'poised to fail' is in fact a lie.
^ that

OP, a supposed con, always seems to be whining about stuff.
You manly right wingers sure act like drama queens.

Every other thread is gloom n doom end of days .
true. They are just as the President described them ystrdy- Grumpy Cat. They can't pass eXtreme rw zany legislation after their *cough* "historic" (lowest voter turnout since WWII) electoral victory so they whine.
“The United States has become a nation of weak, pampered, easily frightened, helpless milquetoasts who have never caught a fish, fired a gun, chopped a log, hitchhiked across the country, or been in a schoolyard fight. If their cat dies, they call a grief therapist.Everythingfrightens Americans.”

This is consistent with the ridiculous, wrongheaded demagoguery common to most on the right – it also fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy, representative of the lack of sound reasoning skills that plagues a majority of conservatives.

The 'premise' of the 'article' is simplistic, sophomoric, naïve, inane, and completely devoid of merit.

Indeed, whether one is 'tough' or not has little to do with the vacuous criteria the author outlines; true strength and fortitude are determined in ways having little to do with firing guns, chopping wood, or getting in fights.

A single mother working two jobs, staying off of public assistance, keeping her children well fed, housed, clothed, and educated is a much more significant manifestation of courage and strength than catching a fish or hitchhiking across the country.

So, no – the article's author is in fact wrong, as is the OP: the United States is in no way a 'wimp' Nation, and the notion that America is 'poised to fail' is in fact a lie.
^ that

OP, a supposed con, always seems to be whining about stuff.

Probably just having a sad because it's now apparent big, bad Obamacare isn't going anywhere.
Can you say liberal politics? They are anything, but liberal. They are communistic. Don't step out of line or we will come and get your ass.
And here comes the board ass clown progs to insult and sling shit and do just as you said, because you DARE to NOT think like they do, and how DARE you EXPOSE them? You will be DEALT WITH.

I know that seems to be Obama's creed...ass hat.
“The United States has become a nation of weak, pampered, easily frightened, helpless milquetoasts who have never caught a fish, fired a gun, chopped a log, hitchhiked across the country, or been in a schoolyard fight. If their cat dies, they call a grief therapist.Everythingfrightens Americans.”

This is consistent with the ridiculous, wrongheaded demagoguery common to most on the right – it also fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy, representative of the lack of sound reasoning skills that plagues a majority of conservatives.

The 'premise' of the 'article' is simplistic, sophomoric, naïve, inane, and completely devoid of merit.

Indeed, whether one is 'tough' or not has little to do with the vacuous criteria the author outlines; true strength and fortitude are determined in ways having little to do with firing guns, chopping wood, or getting in fights.

A single mother working two jobs, staying off of public assistance, keeping her children well fed, housed, clothed, and educated is a much more significant manifestation of courage and strength than catching a fish or hitchhiking across the country.

So, no – the article's author is in fact wrong, as is the OP: the United States is in no way a 'wimp' Nation, and the notion that America is 'poised to fail' is in fact a lie.
^ that

OP, a supposed con, always seems to be whining about stuff.
You two continue to drink the koolaid, because when the sh!t hits the fan(no one knows when). Being able to multitask won't mean jack sh!t... Survival will be the ONLY necessity.

Embrace the suck
Liberalism has good qualities. It's all about excess. The problem is, it's dangerous to your emotional well being because everyone else is doing whatever they want too, and that or what you do to yourself can negatively impact you.

Progressives, unlike Liberals, have a police temperament. They seem to prey on liberals. They see the chaos and seek to make rigid order out of it.

But for whatever reason, liberal people seem to be soil for he progressive seed. It's parasitic how they do it. They all have destructive personalities and they never iniate and organisation or business or social circle, but always hijack an existing one. And if it's an artistic or creative culture or industry they take great pleasure in literally destroying it and any one of talent who they can tear down. (Think modern art)

You can't seem to have any vices without these people preying on you. Have an interracial sex fetish?

Liberals: great!

Progressives: great but let me see how I can use you in my social agenda

want to change sex?

Liberals: Right you are.

Progressives: let's break down gender boundaries.

Want to be gay?

Liberals: go for it.

Progressives: me too! Let's force the world to be gay...or else...

The refrigerator's broken.

The Conservatives don't look for excuses, they know it's broken, so they hit it to make it work. If that doesn't work they kick it. If that doesn't work they shot it.

The Liberals look for excuses. Hmm, maybe the machine has broken. So they go call someone out to fix the machine. And then it works again.
This is one of the better pieces I've encountered on the cultural changes that are causing America's decline.

Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something strange is happening.

What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?


The ferocious American hostility to individualism is most virulent in the form of political correctness, which requires that all of us think the same things. The universities are worst, and they are the future. Once, unpopular ideas were argued and freedom of speech respected, however grudgingly. Today we have the pack mind.

Beyond the insistence that everyone should be like everyone else is the insistence that everyone already is like everyone else. No differences exist between men and women, sex being a social construct, and thus women should be in the Marines. Differences of race do not exist, race being a social construct, so if members of one non-existent race do not do as well at physics as members of another nonexistent race, we must on racial grounds hire them as physicists anyway under affirmative action, since differences are social constructs.

Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall | Fred On Everything
Why even country and western music has been feminized....

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