Winchester College bosses apologise over abuse of boys at Christian club 'cult'

I just find it funny that child abuse has to be a certain sort for them to show concern. There is a name for that.

There are thousands of known pedophiles in Wales today - you seem so concerned about the subject you should do volunteer work to fight this horrible crime but you don't.

Your only real interest is to find something you can use to tarnish Christianity.

At least we don't have Muslim "no-go" zones like they do in the UK. Unless you consider Detroit.
Funny. Detroit really got Muslim "no-go" zones or was that just a funny Galtism?
Tommy, you've triggered the Cult again. :stir:
The word you are looking for isn't "cult", retarded boy. It is "normal people".

He has posted countless threads involving child rape, and in many of them, he has been taking smug satisfaction over people being incarcerated for OPPOSING the rapes. It is all situational with him, because he defends the violent gang rape of children at every turn when it is Muslims doing so. Normal people read all that taunting and are disgusted by it.

Damn, some of you uneducated posters are stupid beyond belief.

The goverment should really close down these liist private schools. They seem to be hideouts for religious loons who want to fuck young tories.

You're a Jimmy Saville fan aren't you?
My bad. It's not the muzzies, it's the darkies...

No-Go Zones: Seven Mile Road, Detroit, USA

But the UK does have more than several of the muzzie no go zones.

Texas Synagogue Terrorist Came Out of UK Islamist No-Go Zone.
The seven mile road thing sounds dramatic, possibly overdramatic. Of course, I don't live there and neither do you. You really ought to get over your pointed use of the descriptor "darkies" thing. Makes you sound like a racist. But, then again, maybe you are.
The seven mile road thing sounds dramatic, possibly overdramatic. Of course, I don't live there and neither do you. You really ought to get over your pointed use of the descriptor "darkies" thing. Makes you sound like a racist. But, then again, maybe you are.

You're a Jimmy Saville fan aren't you?

This saville ? No his only fans are conservatives.
Yea, it shows how fucked up a good many Americans are. Or, better described as 'Muricans.
The protection of children is only relevant when the threat has a brown face. Thats conservative politics for you.

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