Wind Turbines Contributing to Man Made Global Warming

Mrs. Elektra chooses to lie again. The Pueblo mill melts scrap using electricity. So the primary melting is done with electricity. Reheating is done with natural gas, but that is only about 10% of the required energy in the process of making the products at Pueblo.
The pueblo steel plant is huge. They are building a rolling mill on it to stretch steel into railroad rails. That is not done were they make the steel. It is next door.

Old Crock proves his stupidity over and over. Your article specifically stated, "rolling mill". It never states the electric arc furnace will be powered by that square mile of solar panels.

Rolling Mill, not Electric Arc Furnace
The pueblo steel plant is huge. They are building a rolling mill on it to stretch steel into railroad rails. That is not done were they make the steel. It is next door.

Old Crock proves his stupidity over and over. Your article specifically stated, "rolling mill". It never states the electric arc furnace will be powered by that square mile of solar panels.

Rolling Mill, not Electric Arc Furnace
LOL Really Mrs. Elektra, why the lies? So easy to disprove;

6 days ago — It melts the equivalent of more than 1-million cars each year using an electric arc furnace. The project complements the Colorado government's .
LOL Really Mrs. Elektra, why the lies? So easy to disprove;

6 days ago — It melts the equivalent of more than 1-million cars each year using an electric arc furnace. The project complements the Colorado government's .
Except, the solar according to your article will supply the rail mill expansion. You article proves you wrong old crock.

Solar does not melt steel

"In July, EVRAZ broke ground on a $500-million long rail mill expansion of the Pueblo facility that it says will use the site’s solar power."
Except, the solar according to your article will supply the rail mill expansion. You article proves you wrong old crock.

Solar does not melt steel

"In July, EVRAZ broke ground on a $500-million long rail mill expansion of the Pueblo facility that it says will use the site’s solar power."
Good lord, but you are one stupid ass. Paragraph fifteen of this article clearly states that the solar farm will be powering the electric arc furnaces that melt the steel.
Good lord, but you are one stupid ass. Paragraph fifteen of this article clearly states that the solar farm will be powering the electric arc furnaces that melt the steel.
So fucking what, dumb ass. You posted that the solar plant will power only the expansion.
You're still exactly as stupid as Old Rocks noted. That you should even have started this thread is de facto proof of your astounding ignorance.
I started a thread quoting a Harvard University study.

That would be Harvard's "astounding ignorance". That crick refers to.

The same scientists and professors that give us AGW, global warming by man and give us the solution. To build a shit ton more. Those left wing Democrat liberal socialist scientists Crick now declares to be, "astoundingly ignorant".

Crick, you are dumber than Old crock, if you are not old crocks 2nd profile. This study was wrote by the AGW Harvard University scientist.
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Wind power is a supplemental power source and that is all it ever will be.

Anyone who thinks we can have a 100% electric economy without nuclear power has been sniffing unicorn farts.
Nuclear power is fine by me. And in another decade or two we can start using fusion power and eliminating the radioactive waste problem.
Who ever said we need 100 percent of our energy from wind?
You haven't read too many threads on the subject here have you?

And our government sure seems to think we can power the entire country on wind solar and batteries since it's basically banned any new next gen reactors getting approved
You haven't read too many threads on the subject here have you?

And our government sure seems to think we can power the entire country on wind solar and batteries since it's basically banned any new next gen reactors getting approved
That is correct. We can easily power our whole nation on wind, solar, and grid scale energy storage. At present, nuclear is an extremely expensive way of making electricity compared to solar and wind with grid scale energy storage.
You haven't read too many threads on the subject here have you?

And our government sure seems to think we can power the entire country on wind solar and batteries since it's basically banned any new next gen reactors getting approved
You are making shit up again
The Government wants wind and solar to have a larger percentage of our power burden

Only Conservative fear mongers are claiming they want 100 percent
Concret and asphalt from roads and buildings are also known to jump up the local temperatures.
what kind of road leads to a wind turbine, that has to transport loads that weight 30 tons, you are right, the roads to the wind turbines destroy's trees, plant life, animals, and raises local temperatures.
That is correct. We can easily power our whole nation on wind, solar, and grid scale energy storage. At present, nuclear is an extremely expensive way of making electricity compared to solar and wind with grid scale energy storage.
what a fucking lie, at present the democrats have stated they need to spend $100 trillion just to begin their switch to green energy.

Grid scale energy storage? You are a fucking moron.

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