Winding Up the October 2020 Surprise


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
For the first time since the end of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Attorney General William Barr faced questions on Capitol Hill regarding his handling of Mueller's findings, when he plans to release the report and how he will handle the issue of redacted information.

From a justice point of view, it was not pretty.

The Mueller Report was tasked with finding out if the Trump campaign and/or Trump himself were collaborating with the Russian government concerning their interference in the 2016 Presidential election on Trump's behalf. A fair amount of evidence is known to the public that collaboration did take place.

We know five close associates to Trump are now convicted felons, and each had a connection to the Russian government. These close associates included a campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, a national security advisor, and Trump's personal lawyer. We know Trump's son, son-in-law, and campaign manager met with Russian operatives at Trump's home, Trump Tower. We know from Trump's lawyer that during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Trump Tower in Moscow. That is simply a tiny tip of the iceberg as far as the evidence is concerned.

We can gather from that evidence that Trump definitely had a relationship with the Russian government, and his foreign policy indicates that as well.

Thus it is unfortunate, but not a shock, to learn that Barr insists on protecting Trump.

Barr repeatedly refused to answer a direct question as to whether the White House has seen -- or will see -- the full Mueller report prior to its release.

"I don't intend at this stage to send the full unredacted report to the committee," Barr stated. In other words, he wishes to hide portions of the Mueller Report from Congress. Selected members of Congress see the most sensitive intelligence generated by our intell agencies, but, according to Barr, they will not see all of the Mueller Report, only what Barr decides they will see. This in accordance with the four rules Barr himself created.

Barr refused to discuss Trump's alleged obstruction with the committee.

Put a different way, Trump's hit man is doing exactly what he was hired to do.
Barr said four types of information, as defined by Barr, would be redacted from the report he submits to Congress: grand jury material, classified information, material tied to ongoing investigation, and information that could harm "peripheral third parties."

Grand jury material and classified information? Because only Congress can declare war and, according to the War Powers Resolution, Congress can end a war started by the President, Congress receives the most up-to-date intelligence produced by our intell agencies. However, according to Trump's hired gun, parts of the Mueller Report are too sensitive for Congressional ears.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Material tied to ongoing investigation? Barr is telling Congress he will withhold from Congress any evidence of Trump's involvement with hush money payoffs to a porn star and a playboy bunny, money laundering, tax fraud, and campaign fraud because those are matters of "ongoing investigations."

Gotta admit, Barr has balls.

Information that could harm "peripheral third parties?" This creative rule from Barr is of far more concern than the others, and that is saying something. This rule allows Barr to withhold any or all evidence regarding Trump. He does not define "third parties." He does not define second parties, or first parties. Is Trump a "third party" by Barr's own definition of a third party? We do not know. Barr never mentions Trump.

That, in and of itself, is problematic. The DOJ has two rules. The first rule is, the DOJ will not indict a sitting President. The second rule is, they will not make public incriminating evidence of a person if they are not going to indict that person. Barr has never mentioned Trump.

Does that mean Trump could be that "person." Even though nearly the entire focus of the Mueller investigation was on the President, Barr has never made the distinction between some mythical "person" and the President of the United States.

There is one thing we know from Barr's testimony today. Because he regarded the Mueller Report as "fatally misconceived" and his belief of the "unitary executive," Barr is doing his level best to protect Trump.

This could backfire on Trump. By nature, Americans are suspicious. They immediately become suspicious when a politician hides behind a lawyer and legal hocus-pocus.
For the first time since the end of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Attorney General William Barr faced questions on Capitol Hill regarding his handling of Mueller's findings, when he plans to release the report and how he will handle the issue of redacted information.

From a justice point of view, it was not pretty.

The Mueller Report was tasked with finding out if the Trump campaign and/or Trump himself were collaborating with the Russian government concerning their interference in the 2016 Presidential election on Trump's behalf. A fair amount of evidence is known to the public that collaboration did take place.

We know five close associates to Trump are now convicted felons, and each had a connection to the Russian government. These close associates included a campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, a national security advisor, and Trump's personal lawyer. We know Trump's son, son-in-law, and campaign manager met with Russian operatives at Trump's home, Trump Tower. We know from Trump's lawyer that during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Trump Tower in Moscow. That is simply a tiny tip of the iceberg as far as the evidence is concerned.

We can gather from that evidence that Trump definitely had a relationship with the Russian government, and his foreign policy indicates that as well.

Thus it is unfortunate, but not a shock, to learn that Barr insists on protecting Trump.

Barr repeatedly refused to answer a direct question as to whether the White House has seen -- or will see -- the full Mueller report prior to its release.

"I don't intend at this stage to send the full unredacted report to the committee," Barr stated. In other words, he wishes to hide portions of the Mueller Report from Congress. Selected members of Congress see the most sensitive intelligence generated by our intell agencies, but, according to Barr, they will not see all of the Mueller Report, only what Barr decides they will see. This in accordance with the four rules Barr himself created.

Barr refused to discuss Trump's alleged obstruction with the committee.

Put a different way, Trump's hit man is doing exactly what he was hired to do.
O my another idiot jumping to conclusions and theroys who onows nothing
For the first time since the end of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Attorney General William Barr faced questions on Capitol Hill regarding his handling of Mueller's findings, when he plans to release the report and how he will handle the issue of redacted information.

From a justice point of view, it was not pretty.

The Mueller Report was tasked with finding out if the Trump campaign and/or Trump himself were collaborating with the Russian government concerning their interference in the 2016 Presidential election on Trump's behalf. A fair amount of evidence is known to the public that collaboration did take place.

We know five close associates to Trump are now convicted felons, and each had a connection to the Russian government. These close associates included a campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, a national security advisor, and Trump's personal lawyer. We know Trump's son, son-in-law, and campaign manager met with Russian operatives at Trump's home, Trump Tower. We know from Trump's lawyer that during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Trump Tower in Moscow. That is simply a tiny tip of the iceberg as far as the evidence is concerned.

We can gather from that evidence that Trump definitely had a relationship with the Russian government, and his foreign policy indicates that as well.

Thus it is unfortunate, but not a shock, to learn that Barr insists on protecting Trump.

Barr repeatedly refused to answer a direct question as to whether the White House has seen -- or will see -- the full Mueller report prior to its release.

"I don't intend at this stage to send the full unredacted report to the committee," Barr stated. In other words, he wishes to hide portions of the Mueller Report from Congress. Selected members of Congress see the most sensitive intelligence generated by our intell agencies, but, according to Barr, they will not see all of the Mueller Report, only what Barr decides they will see. This in accordance with the four rules Barr himself created.

Barr refused to discuss Trump's alleged obstruction with the committee.

Put a different way, Trump's hit man is doing exactly what he was hired to do.
Run with that, Sparky.
“Attorney General William Barr has assembled a team to review controversial counterintelligence decisions made by Justice Department and FBI officials, including actions taken during the probe of the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter.”

Discussing the Obama administration ordering spying on the Trump campaign on Hillary’s behalf could make quite an October surprise next year.

Pass the popcorn!
Pjmedia? :lmao:
Not only did the Dems lose the Russian Collusion lie, they have exposed to the world how totally corrupt, dishonest, conniving, malicious, and dirty they are.
Barr said four types of information, as defined by Barr, would be redacted from the report he submits to Congress: grand jury material, classified information, material tied to ongoing investigation, and information that could harm "peripheral third parties."

Grand jury material and classified information? Because only Congress can declare war and, according to the War Powers Resolution, Congress can end a war started by the President, Congress receives the most up-to-date intelligence produced by our intell agencies. However, according to Trump's hired gun, parts of the Mueller Report are too sensitive for Congressional ears.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Material tied to ongoing investigation? Barr is telling Congress he will withhold from Congress any evidence of Trump's involvement with hush money payoffs to a porn star and a playboy bunny, money laundering, tax fraud, and campaign fraud because those are matters of "ongoing investigations."

Gotta admit, Barr has balls.

Information that could harm "peripheral third parties?" This creative rule from Barr is of far more concern than the others, and that is saying something. This rule allows Barr to withhold any or all evidence regarding Trump. He does not define "third parties." He does not define second parties, or first parties. Is Trump a "third party" by Barr's own definition of a third party? We do not know. Barr never mentions Trump.

That, in and of itself, is problematic. The DOJ has two rules. The first rule is, the DOJ will not indict a sitting President. The second rule is, they will not make public incriminating evidence of a person if they are not going to indict that person. Barr has never mentioned Trump.

Does that mean Trump could be that "person." Even though nearly the entire focus of the Mueller investigation was on the President, Barr has never made the distinction between some mythical "person" and the President of the United States.

There is one thing we know from Barr's testimony today. Because he regarded the Mueller Report as "fatally misconceived" and his belief of the "unitary executive," Barr is doing his level best to protect Trump.

This could backfire on Trump. By nature, Americans are suspicious. They immediately become suspicious when a politician hides behind a lawyer and legal hocus-pocus.
I look forward to Obama’s sworn testimony on the Russia lie scandal.
“Attorney General William Barr has assembled a team to review controversial counterintelligence decisions made by Justice Department and FBI officials, including actions taken during the probe of the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter.”

Discussing the Obama administration ordering spying on the Trump campaign on Hillary’s behalf could make quite an October surprise next year.

Pass the popcorn!
Pjmedia? :lmao:
The people who sent Dan Rather into oblivion, Dufus. He called them idiots staying home in pajamas. Thus the company was named by Dan ‘fake but true’ Rather.
LMAO Looks like Barr will have loads to investigate once he gets his investigation going.

Lefty loons sure are whinny little shits.

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