Wingnuts get their asses kicked

Good grief. you people are such HACKS. So the PEOPLE voted on a few things in their states. How the FUCK does that help the Obama..

Why is it that whenever the Dems win something it's just a "few things in their state"?

But when the Reps win something it amounts to a national referendum?

welllll because if you bothered to check, the 'wave' elections that have taken place since the dems lost the house for the first in 47 years, back in 1994, have all been GOP.

it might do you some good to check say how long since 1929, the dems have held the house aside from their 47 year run and the senate, you will find that with the exception of a few blocks of 4 and 6 years ( 3 total) the gop has been waaaaaaaaaaay more competitive, have taken both sides of congress for the first time since 1912 , in the 90's and in the 2000's. There is something going on there, and looking at the history, its not good for the dems, they have lost there lock. ( theres a secret message in there, lets see if you find it;)

Richard Daley said back in 72, if we follow McGovern the dem party is going to be finished. took a while and no party in a 2 party system is ever truly finished, but the history speaks for itself.
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In 2010, Republicans won big -- by gaining the votes of slightly more than 20% of the people. (A slim majority of 41% voter turnout.)

Misinterpreting this result as a mandate for radical change is WHY they got their heads handed to them this week in these elections.

Continuing to misinterpret the 2010 election in the same way will result in similar GOP losses next year.

a lesson they both need to learn, but there is clearly a party on the ascendancy here and it isn't the democratic party. 2006 was no mandate either, eh?
a lesson they both need to learn, but there is clearly a party on the ascendancy here and it isn't the democratic party. 2006 was no mandate either, eh?

2006 and 2008 were both mandates and calls for action. The Democrats screwed the pooch because they DIDN'T act in accordance with that call.

I know that right-wingers like to pretend, or perhaps fool themselves, that the Democrats overreached and the public reacted against this in 2010, but that isn't in accord with the facts. Neither part of it is. The Democrats didn't overreach, they under-reached. And the voters didn't switch sides; liberal voters stayed home in disgust.

20+%. That's all ya got. It's not enough, unless the other side doesn't show up.
a lesson they both need to learn, but there is clearly a party on the ascendancy here and it isn't the democratic party. 2006 was no mandate either, eh?

2006 and 2008 were both mandates and calls for action. The Democrats screwed the pooch because they DIDN'T act in accordance with that call.

I know that right-wingers like to pretend, or perhaps fool themselves, that the Democrats overreached and the public reacted against this in 2010, but that isn't in accord with the facts. Neither part of it is. The Democrats didn't overreach, they under-reached. And the voters didn't switch sides; liberal voters stayed home in disgust.

20+%. That's all ya got. It's not enough, unless the other side doesn't show up.

so when people stay home and don't sppt their candidate/party that ,means what exactly?

the democrats didn't 'act'? uhm , ok, I'll let that pass for a moment, then why didn't they act ala tax reform from feb. 09 till say, nov. 2010?
Good grief. you people are such HACKS. So the PEOPLE voted on a few things in their states. How the FUCK does that help the Obama..

Why is it that whenever the Dems win something it's just a "few things in their state"?

But when the Reps win something it amounts to a national referendum?

Please show me a post where a Republican here called a state senate election a 'national referendum'. #41. I knew if I just waited someone would validate my post. :lol:
Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.
Coal industry, Beshear administration sue EPA over coal mining permits | GreenSpot |
Gov. Steve Beshear's administration and coal industry representatives have sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over coal mining permits.

The Kentucky Coal Association, in a complaint filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Pikeville, said the EPA's blocking of state-issued permits over water pollution standards put forth in an April memo amount to the executive branch taking legislative action and an improper deviation from the Clean Water Act of 1977.

Blocking state-issued permits is part of an "illegal agenda to end coal mining in Kentucky," Kentucky Coal Association president Bill Bissett said in an e-mail to the state Legislative Research Commission. "This EPA continues to act without any consideration for the law, so it is our hope that the federal court system will find that the EPA's actions are being made based on political ideology alone, with no connection to actually protecting the environment."

The governor of West Virginia filed a similar suit this month.

Beshear directed the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, part of which enforces the Clean Water Act and other environmental protection laws and part of which permits and regulates coal mining, to join the industry lawsuit.

"Kentucky can and does mine coal while at the same time protecting Kentucky's environment," Beshear said in a news release. "However, the arbitrary and unreasonable decisions being made by the EPA threaten to end the responsible mining of coal and eliminate the jobs of an estimated 18,000 Kentucky miners who depend on mining for their livelihood."​
Good for Democratic Governor Beshear. :clap2:

Kind of a wingnutty thing for him to do, huh?
At some point Barack is going to have to stand on a stage and defend his record in a series of debates. So how does one defend 9% unemployment, a deficit that has doubled since he took office, the first credit downgrade in our nation's history, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, and a health care plan that didn't lower the cost of health care?

Good luck with that...

By blaming others and hoping that all of America is just as stupid as his supporters.
At some point Barack is going to have to stand on a stage and defend his record in a series of debates. So how does one defend 9% unemployment, a deficit that has doubled since he took office, the first credit downgrade in our nation's history, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, and a health care plan that didn't lower the cost of health care?

Good luck with that...

Let's see...Crumbling infrastructure that the GOP doesn't want to pay for, Corrupt banks that won't loan money to small businesses for expansion or startups, Slave labor outsourcing to pad the wallets of the rich elite.... That pretty much covers the 9% unemployment.

A deficit that has doubled when almost a Trillion of it came from Bushie bailing out his Wall Street buddies... let's knock that off the top and see what the deficit is.

The first Credit Downgrade was DIRECTLY caused by Conservative Politicians trying to hold the debt limit hostage to their Draconian demands for cuts on 90% of our citizenry.

Solyndra? 85K documents released to the witch hunters when they asked for them...they found nothing, so they are grasping at straws trying to find something... ANYTHING that makes them feel justified.

Fast and Furious? That was a fuckup... I'll admit it. How much involvement did he have in it though? I mean Reagan wasn't found culpable for Iran/Contra... Ollie North jumped on that Grenade for him and Bush I. Truthfully, I'd like to know what he knew and what his involvement was in Fast and furious... I don't care for shit like that no matter who is in Office.
Thanks for proving my point.
As far as Kentucky goes, though, is it really all that great to have Steve Beshear kept in office?

It's the Ben Nelson thing. Better to have a Blue Dog than a Wingnut.

And that's the advantage that Liberals have over wingnuts. We don't demand ideological purity. This is why 'DINO' never caught on.
Then you support Gov Besehear's position that the EPA's actions are illegal, and that the Obama Administration is overstepping its authority.
At some point Barack is going to have to stand on a stage and defend his record in a series of debates. So how does one defend 9% unemployment, a deficit that has doubled since he took office, the first credit downgrade in our nation's history, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, and a health care plan that didn't lower the cost of health care?

Good luck with that...

And under Reagan aour debt pretty much doubled, and we went from a creditor nation to a debtor one, yet the Republicans still think Reagan is the best thing since cliced bread.

the conversion to a debtor nation is a large part of why we are where we are now.
So, Reagan doubling our debt is bad.

Obama raising the debt at twice the rate Bush did is good.

Maybe you should just post nothing but "Obama can do no wrong". It would save you time.
At some point Barack is going to have to stand on a stage and defend his record in a series of debates. So how does one defend 9% unemployment, a deficit that has doubled since he took office, the first credit downgrade in our nation's history, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, and a health care plan that didn't lower the cost of health care?

Good luck with that...

And under Reagan aour debt pretty much doubled, and we went from a creditor nation to a debtor one, yet the Republicans still think Reagan is the best thing since cliced bread.

the conversion to a debtor nation is a large part of why we are where we are now.
So, Reagan doubling our debt is bad.

Obama raising the debt at twice the rate Bush did is good.

Maybe you should just post nothing but "Obama can do no wrong". It would save you time.

Not to mention doubling Bushs' 8 year record in only two...
In 2010, Republicans won big -- by gaining the votes of slightly more than 20% of the people. (A slim majority of 41% voter turnout.)

Misinterpreting this result as a mandate for radical change is WHY they got their heads handed to them this week in these elections.

Continuing to misinterpret the 2010 election in the same way will result in similar GOP losses next year.
You might want to tell Synthia that.
a lesson they both need to learn, but there is clearly a party on the ascendancy here and it isn't the democratic party. 2006 was no mandate either, eh?

2006 and 2008 were both mandates and calls for action. The Democrats screwed the pooch because they DIDN'T act in accordance with that call.

I know that right-wingers like to pretend, or perhaps fool themselves, that the Democrats overreached and the public reacted against this in 2010, but that isn't in accord with the facts. Neither part of it is. The Democrats didn't overreach, they under-reached. And the voters didn't switch sides; liberal voters stayed home in disgust.

20+%. That's all ya got. It's not enough, unless the other side doesn't show up.
Got proof?
And under Reagan aour debt pretty much doubled, and we went from a creditor nation to a debtor one, yet the Republicans still think Reagan is the best thing since cliced bread.

the conversion to a debtor nation is a large part of why we are where we are now.
So, Reagan doubling our debt is bad.

Obama raising the debt at twice the rate Bush did is good.

Maybe you should just post nothing but "Obama can do no wrong". It would save you time.

Not to mention doubling Bushs' 8 year record in only two...
That's Bush's fault. Besides, it's awesome when Obama does it.
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

A couple local referendums does not negate Obama's $1,5000,000,000,00 debt, deficits, collapsing Obamacare, feckless foreign policy, inflation, rampant unemployment, support for Marxists and other assorted fruitcakes crapping in the public square, Wall Street & union bailouts, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, etc.

But keep telling yourself he's going win in 2012.

Referendums votes are a much more important indicator of voter opinion than candidate votes. Candidates get elected for a lot of reasons that have nothing to with the issues.
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

A couple local referendums does not negate Obama's $1,5000,000,000,00 debt, deficits, collapsing Obamacare, feckless foreign policy, inflation, rampant unemployment, support for Marxists and other assorted fruitcakes crapping in the public square, Wall Street & union bailouts, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, etc.

But keep telling yourself he's going win in 2012.

Referendums votes are a much more important indicator of voter opinion than candidate votes. Candidates get elected for a lot of reasons that have nothing to with the issues.

yes you have a point, I don't totally agree as it depends, in any case, so what do we take from the result of the vote which had a higher plurality ala Obamacare and the mandate?
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Why is it that whenever the Dems win something it's just a "few things in their state"?

But when the Reps win something it amounts to a national referendum?

Please show me a post where a Republican here called a state senate election a 'national referendum'. #41. I knew if I just waited someone would validate my post. :lol:

you forgot the house, Governors and and state legislatures...:lol:

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